3D Sloggers and Betters – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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3D Sloggers and Betters

3D Sloggers and Betters in Cheltenham – August 6th

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The next Sloggers and Betters get-together will be held in Cheltenham on Saturday August 6th starting at 1.00 pm at the Midland Hotel, 247 Gloucester Road, Cheltenham, GL51 8NW.  The venue is right next to Cheltenham Spa station.

A range of prize puzzles in both 2D and 3D will be available to fill in the gaps between refreshment and conversation, but the Premier Event will be

“The All-England RNIB 3D Crosswords Cup”

This will include a very brief introduction and a warm-up round to get into 3D gear.

There are three categories of entry – individual, pairs and teams. If you enjoy solving in good company and are slightly worried about the 3D aspect, why not consider being in a pair or a team? This will be great fun. The Cup will be presented for the fastest (correct!) solution of the main puzzle. Winners of the two slower categories will receive an appropriate memento of the occasion.

The competition will be run in such a way as to guarantee a fair result within two hours of serious fun. This will be the first time for such a competition and your participation and feedback will be greatly valued.

It would be of great assistance to the organisers if you could indicate your interest to attend by contacting Eric Westbrook using the contact box below [applications are now closed].

Admission will be a very reasonable £10.00, which includes entry into the competition, a buffet and a glass of wine.  Drinks are available from the main bar in the hotel.

ALL PROFITS FROM THE EVENT WILL BE DONATED TO THE RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People).

It would be brilliant to see you in Cheltenham.

Best wishes from the organising committee:

Eric Westbrook

Big Dave
