Sunday Toughie No 138
by Zandio
Hints and Tips by Sloop John Bee
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Zandio with a not-too-tuff tuffie today, not much harder than his Friday back pager. I hope I haven’t dropped a catch by changing from Go West and a cricket catch to a more obvious place to go in 3a but I am sure the answer is correct even if my parsing fails
We have 14a and 14d clues today and I have hinted half. If you remember the maxim “when in doubt look for a lurker you should get enough checkers to fill the lights
Here we go…
Continue reading “Sunday Toughie 138 (Hints)”
Enigmatic Variations 1660
Border Dispute by Arcadia
Hints and tips by The Numpties
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Arcadia has not set an EV before but we have solved his Inquisitor, Magpie, and Listener crosswords previously. It seems that this will be his sixth thematic cryptic.
Preamble: Three unclued entries comprise two contributors in contention as to which takes precedence over each other and a third in a BORDER DISPUTE.… Continue reading
Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3282 (Hints)
Hints and tips by Senf
A very good Sunday morning from Winnipeg – the last week of Summer has begun, not long before this little lady, and others, fly South for the Winter!
For me, and I stress for me, as he was last Sunday, Dada reasonably friendly – two long ‘uns, two shorter long ‘uns, five anagrams (four partials), two lurkers, and no homophones all in an asymmetric 28 clues; with 15 hints, ‘sprinkled’ throughout the grid, you should be able to get the checkers to enable the solving of the unhinted clues. … Continue reading