Sunday Toughie No 137
by Robyn
Hints and Tips by Sloop John Bee
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Bradford’s book of crossword lists didn’t get an outing today but the BRB certainly did. The Pirate’s rewards 21a gets my COTD today but what was yours?
A generous 16a and 16d clues today and I have hinted half, a couple of the little ones (20a in particular) caused me some grief last night so some of the longer bits of Lego™ remain unhinted. I hope you find the checkers to fill the lights, but I will try and provide a nudge if you are struggling
Plenty to eat and drink today and a 15a selection of music and pics you should have a fine Sunday Solve
Here we go…
Continue reading “Sunday Toughie 137 (Hints)”
Enigmatic Variations 1659 (Hints)
Problem by Eclogue
Hints and tips by Phibs
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Keen to offer ChatGPT a chance for redemption, I asked, “Can you suggest some problems from literature to which the answers have ten letters?”
Continue reading “EV 1659 (Hints)”
Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3281 (Hints)
Hints and tips by Senf
A very good Sunday morning from Winnipeg where we have been alternating between late Summer and, too soon, early Autumn – shorts one day, long trousers the next!
For those of you who been enjoying reading Iona Whishaw’s tales of Lane Winslow the next, 12th, book in the series, The Cost of a Hostage, is scheduled to be published in April next year.… Continue reading