Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3233
A full review by Rahmat Ali
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This puzzle was published on 8th Oct 2023
BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ***
Greetings from Kolkata. A nice, friendly puzzle from Dada this Sunday that was enjoyable and now I present to you a full review of his puzzle. Hope to have your valuable feedback and comments.
I first came across the word ‘pennon’, the answer to the clue of 6d, when I was in my early twenties. I was a member of the British Council Library in our city which was then called Calcutta. I remember the name of the book as ‘Flags of the World’ which exhibited the flags of different countries of the world as also the various types of flags like ensign, pennon, standard etc. After solving the crossword, I turned to the net to have a detailed information about the pennon. I learnt that the pennon is a long narrow flag that is larger at the hoist than at the fly. It can have several shapes, such as triangular, tapering or square tail or triangular swallow-tail that is also called forked tail etc. A pennon is also known as a pennant or pendant. In maritime use, pennants are to be hung from the main truck. Pennon-style flags were one of the principal three varieties of flags carried during the Middle Ages, the other two were called the ‘banner’ and the ‘standard’. The pennon is a flag resembling the guidon in shape, but only half the size. It does not contain any coat of arms, but only crests, mottos and heraldic and ornamental devices. Etymologically, ‘pennon’ comes from the Latin word penna which means a feather or a wing. Initially, it was a term for a small pennant. Pennants have been used as a general and imprecise term for flags that are not strictly rectangular. Pendant, on the other hand, is an obsolete spelling of ‘pennant’. Pennoncell, streamer and wimple are minor varieties of this style of flag.
Rhinoceros, the answer to the clue of 13d, is a globally endemic species found primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. I also visited many sites to know how great swimmer is the African ‘rhinoceros’. I discovered that the rhinoceros, in general, are not particularly good swimmers and are not known for their swimming prowess. Some rhinoceros are able to swim quite fast, which others are not. All rhinoceros enjoy wallowing in mud to keep cool during hot days. The African rhinoceros is a good swimmer but not at all a great swimmer, though its Asian counterpart is far much better. The Asian rhinoceros use this skill to cross rivers, while their African counterparts avoid deep rivers due to the danger of drowning.
The Indian rhinoceros or greater one-horned rhinoceros can swim and dive underwater, in addition to swimming. Although all rhinoceroses can float, it is not always possible. In particular, the Asian rhinoceros, or rather the Indian rhinoceros, is a species that can float. Etymologically, the word ‘rhinoceros’ has come from the Latin rhinoceros, where rhino means ‘nose’ or ‘of the nose’ and ceros refers to ‘horn’. Thus, the name can altogether denote ‘horn of the nose’ or nose-horned. Again, I was aware of rhinoceroses and rhinoceri as the two possible plural of rhinoceros. I was enlightened by the net that the same singular ‘rhinoceros’ can also be used as a plural. Other plural form of ‘rhinoceros’ are the uncommon ‘rhinocerosses’, the non-standard ‘rhinoceroi’ and the now rare ‘rhinocerotes’.
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7a Insect burrowing into unremarkable fruit (8)
PLANTAIN: ANT (insect) as eusocial insect of the family Formidicae getting inside (burrowing into) PLAIN (unremarkable) as being of no special quality or type takes to the definition of a banana that is harvested green and widely used as a cooked vegetable in the tropical countries
9a Finally kaput, mend a broken bike (6)
TANDEM: The final or last letter (finally) of [KAPU]T followed by an anagram (broken) of MEND A guides to the definition of a bicycle with seats and pedals for two riders who sit one behind the other
10a See caps reversed (4)
SPOT: TOPS (caps) as lids, covers or caps coming from the other side (reversed) as a reversal in the across clue takes to the definition of a verb meaning to see, notice or recognise someone or something that is difficult to detect or that one is searching for
11a Part of timer used (6-4)
SECOND-HAND: Double definition; the second being an adjective meaning not new or acquired after being used by another that takes to the first a noun referring to the hand that marks the seconds on a timepiece
12a Grave punch-up in tavern? (6)
BARROW: The definition of an ancient burial or grave mound is cryptically arrived at from ROW (punch-up) as a quarrel, fight or disturbance marked by very noisy, disorderly and often violent behaviour in BAR (tavern) as an establishment where alcohol and sometimes other refreshments are served, that is ROW IN BAR, or BAR ROW
14a Super activity on court? (8)
SMASHING: Double definition; the second being an activity on a court of tennis or badminton that is represented by a player striking respectively the ball or shuttlecock downwards with a hard overarm volley that leads to the first an informal term for an adjective meaning excellent or wonderful
15a Peak reached by rowing crew after end of stretch (6)
HEIGHT: The definition of the point or period at which something is at its best or strongest is reached from EIGHT (rowing crew) as an eight-oared rowing boat or its crew preceded by or following (after) the end or terminal letter (end) of [STRETC]H
17a Navy led by true revolutionary in retreat (6)
RETURN: RN (navy) as the abbreviation for Royal Navy that is the United Kingdom’s naval warfare force and a component of His Majesty’s Naval Service preceded by or following (led by) an anagram (revolutionary) of TRUE guides to the definition of a verb meaning to go back to a place or person or to a particular situation
20a Meeting outside of college, set off (8)
DETONATE: DATE (meeting) as a social or romantic appointment or engagement being in a position external to (outside of) ETON (college) as the formal Eton College that is a public school for boys in the town of Eton, Berkshire, England that was founded in 1440 by Henry VI takes to the definition of a verb meaning to explode or cause to explode
22a Rip off wool (6)
FLEECE: Double definition; the second being a noun referring to the thick covering of wool on an animal, especially a sheep or this covering used to make a piece of clothing that leads to the first a verb meaning to take someone’s money dishonestly, especially by overcharging or cheating them
23a In prodding damp flower, one enjoying bouquet? (4,6)
WINE TASTER: IN from the clue getting inside (prodding) WET (damp) as covered or saturated with water or another liquid and followed by ASTER (flower) as a garden flower that is usually white to lilac-blue or purple, with many long, thin petals takes to the definition of a person who tastes and evaluates wine, especially professionally that may include their enjoying bouquet or the perfume given off by wine
24a Repeated cheers, and I’m off! (2-2)
TA-TA: TA (cheers) as a colloquial term used to or by young children or affectedly for the exclamation ‘Thank you!’ or ‘Cheers!’ is uttered twice (repeated), leading to the definition of a childish and colloquial interjection for good-bye or farewell, said at the time of just leaving
25a Flat male accommodated in very hot, unfortunately (6)
SMOOTH: M (male) as the abbreviation for male placed inside (accommodated in) SO (very) as very much, used for emphasis followed by an anagram (unfortunately) of HOT guides to the definition of an adjective meaning having an even and regular surface or free from perceptible projections, lumps or indentations
26a Massive weight originally on one foot (8)
WHOPPING: The original or initial letter (originally) of W[EIGHT] followed by HOPPING (on one foot) as moving by jumping on one foot leads to the definition of an adjective meaning massive, enormous or very large
1d Hit fly — messy! (8)
SLAPDASH: A charade of SLAP (hit) as to hit or strike with the palm of the hand or a flat object and DASH (fly) as to rush or travel somewhere in a great hurry guides to the definition of an adjective meaning messy, disorderly, disorganised or chaotic
2d Join some unit in Kenya on the climb (4)
KNIT: Part of or hidden inside (some) [UNI]T IN K[ENYA] seen going upwards (on the climb) as a reversal in the down clue gives rise to the definition of a verb meaning to unite, bind or join
3d Capital where fighting witnessed (6)
WARSAW: The definition of the capital and largest city of Poland is arrived at from a charade of WAR (fighting) as a period of fighting or conflict between countries or states and SAW (witnessed) as experienced or witnessed an event or situation
4d Very old goat seen on the rocks (5-3)
STONE-AGE: An anagram (on the rocks) of GOAT SEEN guides to the definition of the oldest period in which human beings are known to have existed that is marked by the use of stone tools
5d Where television aerial may be free (2,3,5)
ON THE HOUSE: Double definition; the second referring to a phrase meaning free of charge or at the expense of the management, especially of a drink or meal in a bar or restaurant that leads to the first denoting the place or position where a television aerial may be mounted or installed
6d Marker certainly not for the French flag (6)
PENNON: A charade of PEN (marker) as an instrument with a writing tip, an example of which is the marker that is having the writing tip made of felt and NON (certainly not for the French) as certainly not in the French language guides to the definition of a long triangular or swallow-tailed flag, especially one of a kind formerly attached to a lance or helmet
8d Home in which I chill, initially, most gorgeous (6)
NICEST: NEST (home) as a place of rest, retreat, resort, residence or lodgement having inside the presence of (in which) a combo of I from the clue and the initial or first letter (initially) of C[HILL] takes to the definition of an adjective in the superlative degree meaning most delightful, marvellous or gorgeous
13d Great African swimmer performing heroics on crossing river (10)
RHINOCEROS: The definition of a large, heavily built plant-eating mammal with one or two horns on the nose and thick folded skin, native to Africa and southern Asia is arrived at from an anagram (performing) of HEROICS ON overtaking (crossing) R (river) as the written abbreviation for River, used especially on maps
16d Pain in the neck — or just above it? (8)
HEADACHE: Double definition; the first referring to a problem or a thing or person that causes worry or difficulty and the second denoting a continuous pain in the head that is just above the neck
18d Toxic substance with carbon monoxide in it, figure will claim (8)
NICOTINE: A whole of CO (carbon monoxide) as the chemical symbol for carbon monoxide put inside (in) IT from the clue to accept or take in (will claim) NINE (figure) as the number between eight and ten leads to the definition of a poisonous narcotic alkaloid obtained from tobacco leaves
19d Gift set newly secured by tied ribbon? (6)
BESTOW: An anagram (newly) of SET protected or taken inside (secured) by BOW (tied ribbon) as a decorative interlacing of ribbon or other fabrics, usually having two loops and two loose ends guides to the definition of a verb meaning to confer or present an honour, right or gift
21d Scratching head, imagine cryptic puzzle (6)
ENIGMA: Cancelling or striking out (scratching) the head or the topmost letter of the down clue (head) of [I]MAGINE that is subject to an anagram (cryptic), arriving at the definition of a noun meaning mystery, puzzle, riddle or conundrum
22d Left hoof around right, stumbling finally (6)
FORGOT: FOOT (hoof) as the lowest part of the leg, below the ankle, on which a person or an animal stands, a type of which can be hoof or the hard foot of an animal such as a horse, deer, cow etc placed about (around) a combo of R (right) as the abbreviation for right and the final or last letter (finally) of [STUMBLIN]G takes to the definition of a verb in the past tense meaning abandoned or left behind
24d Input category (4)
TYPE: Double definition; the first being a verb meaning to write something on a typewriter or computer by pressing the keys and the second a noun referring to a category of people or things having common characteristics
There were several clues that I liked in this puzzle such as 7a, 11a, 12a, 20a, 23a, 26a, 1d, 18d, 19d and 22d; the best among them being 23a. My prayers to the Almighty for the eternal rest and peace of BD and my thanks to Dada for the entertainment and to Gazza for the assistance. Looking forward to being here again. Have a gorgeous day.
Thank you Rahmat for your usual clear and very informative review. I spent a lot of time in your city in the 80/90’s when it was still called Calcutta.
Thank you once again, MsGlad, for liking my review. It gave me great happiness to learn that you were in the City of Joy in the 80s and 90s. Since you have been here for quite some time, you must have somehow become familiar with the Bengali language.
My trips were only about 10 days a couple of times per year so sadly I didn’t get to understand the language but I do know it’s revered for it is poetry.
Very true. The language is revered for its poetry. Rabindranath Tagore got the Nobel Prize in Literature for ‘Song Offerings’, the English translation to the original ‘Gitanjali’ in Bengali that is a collection of poems penned by the poet. Literally, ‘Gitanjali’ means ‘Song Offerings’. The national anthems of both India and Bangladesh were written by Rabindranath Tagore.
Yes indeed. I’ve always intended to study Tagore’s work. I was delighted while researching my family tree to discover that I have a relative who was given Tagore as a middle name.
Wow! That’s very interesting, MsGlad.
3*/3* ….
liked 1D “Hit fly — messy! (8)”
Well done Rahmat for your informative review. Greatly appreciated.
Thank you once again, Francis Chalk, for liking my review.