October 22, 2023 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

Sunday Toughie 91 (Hints)

Sunday Toughie No 91

by proXimal


Hints and Tips by Sloop John Bee

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I am taking a couple of weeks off blogging the Sunday Toughie as next weekend I am attending the Sloggers and Betters in York for the occasion of John (Elgar) Henderson’s 39th 21st birthday. I believe that the other SJB (proXimal) will be in attendance so I will have to ask him what he thinks of my blogging efforts since Sunday Toughie 2. I have just realised that Sunday Toughie 100 should fall on the 24th of December If Chris Lancaster or proXimal are there I will ask if anything special is planned. Come next Sunday morning I expect to be somewhat hungover but will pop in to see what StephenL makes of Sunday Toughie 92.

The following Sunday (Bonfire Night) I am away with Mama Bee and my Niece and her partner (and dogs plural) for a few days in the Dales where we plan on visiting a new Cheese themed restaurant opening at my favourite turophile emporium in Settle. They are opening a restaurant called Rind in partnership with the people behind The Cheese Barge in Paddington, where I had a fine Poutine before the last Big Dave’s Birthday bash, Gazza I believe will be bringing you Sunday Toughie 93 and I expect to be home sometime on Sunday 5th and am looking forward to solving along with everyone else
15a and 16d clues today, and I have hinted half(ish) If any troublesome ones have hit the cutting room floor just ask and a nudge may help. We start with The Reverend Doctor Spooner but he was quite benign today

Here we go, Folks…

Continue reading “Sunday Toughie 91 (Hints)”

EV 1613 Hints

Enigmatic Variations 1613 (Hints)

Residence by Vismut

Hints and tips by Phibs

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This week I gave Bard a bit more to go on, asking “What might be the theme of a crossword entitled ‘Residence’ where shading three blocks of letters shows what a particular person was famous for and completes an approximate illustration of the theme?” The response was:

The theme of a crossword entitled “Residence” where shading three blocks of letters shows what a particular person was famous for and completes an approximate illustration of the theme could be:

Famous homes of artists: Shade three blocks to reveal the person’s name and complete an approximate illustration of their home. For example, shade the blocks “MO” in “MONET’S HOUSE” to reveal the name of the artist Claude Monet and complete an approximate illustration of his home in Giverny, France.

This was followed by similar suggestions for writers (the example being Hemingway), musicians (Beethoven), scientists (Einstein), and historical figures (Lincoln). Based on these examples, Bard doesn’t seem to know any famous Britons, but I wonder how well he (I asked, and Bard told me “I do not have a gender preference. You can refer to me as he, she, they, or any other pronoun that feels comfortable to you.“) has done this time around.

Continue reading “EV 1613 Hints”

ST 3235 (Hints)

Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3235 (Hints)

Hints and tips by Senf

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A very good Sunday morning from Winnipeg where the 4-letter ‘S-word’ is entering weather forecasts and reports and we could have some towards the end of the week!… Continue reading