October 8, 2023 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

Sunday Toughie 89 (Hints)

Sunday Toughie No 89

by Zandio

Hints and Tips by Sloop John Bee

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Zandio didn’t keep me up too long last night, I hope he isn’t affronted that I may have missed something in 5d and 10a The question mark in 5d would suggest some slight and is 10a an &lit/all-in-one or a split double definition? I hope I have captured the gist

We have 14a and 16d clues today and I have hinted half

As it is a dry day here in deepest Yorkshire I will be trimming the Yew tree, but will keep an ear out for any extra nudges if required

Here we go…

Continue reading “Sunday Toughie 89 (Hints)”

EV 1611 Hints

Enigmatic Variations 1611 (Hints)

Footsteps by Skylark

Hints and tips by Phibs

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Hoping to make my task a little easier, I asked Bard “What is the theme of a crossword puzzle called Footsteps likely to be?” The response was:

To narrow down the possible themes, it would be helpful to see the crossword puzzle itself. However, based on the name of the puzzle, the theme is likely to be something related to movement, travel, or exploration. Here are some examples of theme answers for a crossword puzzle called “Footsteps”:

  • Footprints in the sand
  • One small step for man
  • The road less travelled
  • A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
  • Follow the footsteps of giants

We shall find out later how helpful this proved to be.

Continue reading “EV 1611 Hints”