Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 30434
Hints and tips by 2Kiwis
BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ****
Kia ora from Aotearoa.
Life is back to normal for us. Saturday was the last day of voting and involved a 14 hour working day which was somewhat tiring. New Zealand now has a new government and we can all get back to normal living without the constant barrage of political campaigning.
Today’s puzzle is another in the long line of enjoyable Wednesday solves.
Please leave a comment telling us how you got on.
1a Hostile takeover of banks in Peru triggers crash (6)
PUTSCH : The first and last letters (banks) of three words in the clue.
4a What doctors and train drivers are currently doing is eye-catching (8)
STRIKING : We assume this refers to some current industrial action in the UK.
9a Places for putting vegetables like broccoli (6)
GREENS : A double definition. How you pronounce putting is significant here.
10a Character that shouldn’t appear in race on big road (8)
MISPRINT : UK’s principal thoroughfare and then race or run swiftly.
11a Old Egyptian king, twice meeting Mr Heath, showed disapproval (3-6)
TUT-TUTTED : The short name of a famous mummified pharaoh is repeated, and followed by a nickname for PM Mr Heath.
13a Confuse and lead astray inspiring Democrat (5)
ADDLE : An anagram (astray) of LEAD contains D(emocrat).
14a Residence in area in Rochester due for refurbishment (8,5)
TERRACED HOUSE : An anagram (for refurbishment) of ROCHESTER DUE contains A(rea).
17a Two hurricanes destroyed plastic bathroom feature (6,7)
SHOWER CURTAIN : An anagram (destroyed) of TWO HURRICANES.
21a Model answer about fabulous Greek writer (5)
AESOP : The reversal (about) of model or sit and then A(nswer).
23a Deplores business managers ingesting speed (9)
EXECRATES : Business managers or ‘suits’ surround speed or velocity.
24a Mingle in Milanese club, given cocktail (8)
INTERMIX : A famous football club and then what a cocktail is.
25a Perhaps foil expert handler of stolen goods, right? (6)
FENCER : A handler of stolen goods plus R(ight).
26a Some constant rum swigging creates angry outbursts (8)
TANTRUMS : A lurker, hiding in the clue.
27a Songs considered less catchy also lacking energy (1-5)
B-SIDES : Remove the first E(nergy) from a synonym for also.
1d Ruth traps girls heartlessly in filthy place (6)
PIGSTY : An archaic meaning of ‘ruth’ surrounds the first and last letter of girls.
2d This sounds like forty minutes past ten in the evening? (6-3)
TWENTY TWO : The answer is how ten in the evening is expressed on a twenty-four hour clock, but sounds like another way of expressing forty minutes past.
3d Kind of chestnut picked up for master (7)
CONQUER : A homophone of a kind of chestnut used in a children’s game.
5d Serious grilling is perhaps what a doctoral student wants (5,6)
THIRD DEGREE : One assumes that a doctoral student has already achieved Bachelor and Master status.
6d Accuse a head that’s supporting troublemaker (7)
IMPEACH : A troublemaker or mischievous child plus ‘a head’ or ‘per piece’.
7d Epic poem I cover, penning article (5)
ILIAD : ‘I’ from the clue, then cover or cap contains the indefinite article.
8d Understood what debtors are in, after raising a grand (8)
GATHERED : In the order they appear in the answer we have G(rand), ‘A’ from the clue, and a 3,3 phrase for what debtors are in.
12d Belief of right-winger, playing this match without hesitation (11)
THATCHERISM : An anagram (playing) of THIS MATCH containing (without) the usual two letter hesitation.
15d Continued fooling around without being seen (9)
UNNOTICED : An anagram (fooling around) of CONTINUED.
16d Daydreamer in dunce’s cap is thoughtless (8)
ESCAPIST : A lurker, hiding in the clue.
18d More stylised clothing for every ruler (7)
EMPEROR : An anagram (stylised) of MORE contains ‘for every’ or each.
19d Stuffy husband leaves clean-shaven (7)
AIRLESS : How a clean-shaven person will appear without H(usband).
20d Apple assistant’s following old, revered Egyptian (6)
OSIRIS : O(ld) plus the name of Apple’s on-line assistant with her ‘S.
22d Day wearing glossy fabric (5)
SATIN : One of the weekend days and a two letter word that can mean wearing.
Quickie pun speck + queue + later = speculator
This had just the right number of straight-ins and head scratchers to make it a very enjoyable challenge. I have ticks all over the paper from the very topical 4a to the speed ingesting business managers at 23a via the wayward character at 10a. My COTD is 20d because I spent far too long trying to think of members of Team Apple.
My thanks to the Wednesday setter for the fun. Thank you, 2Ks for the hints, which I will now read.
There’s a slight breeze in The Marches today but I’m not sure if it heralds Babet.
Another highly entertaining and nicely-balanced puzzle with a terrific clue mix. I liked the Egyptian references and the lurkers, but my favourite was 5d.
Thanks to our setter and the 2Ks.
I find the use of non-indicated German words like 1a, words for computer ‘assistants’ like 20d and abbreviations forexecutives, like 23a qiteannoying in the cryptic crossword. Although this guzzle wasn’t my cup of tea over all, I did like the 12d anagrame, the 21a lego clue and the splendid l16durker, my COTD. Thanks to the Kiwis for the hints and to the compiler
I thought yesterday’s back-pager was good but this caps it.
Lovely puzzle, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the work of the Toughie setter (it’s not unprecedented…also great btw).
Ticks all over the place but I’ll mention 1&11a plus 6,12&18d.
Many thanks to the setter and the Ks for the top-notch entertainment.
A top-notch Midweek puzzle with cracking clues throughout – thanks to our setter and 2Ks.
From a host of ticks I’ll just mention 1a, 9a, 5d and 8d.
A well deserved 4 for enjoyment! My favourite 27a.
Just the right difficulty for me to progress steadily but not suffer!
Many thanks to the compiler and book him Danno.
I found this to be more of a struggle than usual for a Wednesday, but good fun all the same. The NE (the accusation and the character that shouldn’t be present) held me up for a while, as did the SW, with 24a being my LOI (I knew the club but couldn’t land on the cocktail). Fave today was 12d. Thanks to the setter and to the 2Ks.
Poor start to the morning, a round trip walk of 2 miles in the rain only to find that the out of hours access machine for the library door is broken yet again, so returned home with the same books as I went with!
As to the puzzle, tricky but great fun, didn’t know the word at 1a, but couldn’t be much else from the clue. Favourites today were 8d and the brilliant 10a.
We haven’t done today’s crossword yet – that is usually a post-prandial activity.
For now, I would like to thank Miss TFide for her tip to negotiate the Telegraph vouchers subscription price. Ours came up for renewal, and after a very short discussion, the lady offered to set aside the increase. This was a saving of £104 a year – a result! I’m used to negotiating purchases like insurance, but would never have thought of doing so here.
I am glad the tip helped, I was shocked at the increase and equally amazed at how easily they allowed me to have a reduced price.
Me too.
Same here.
That took some thinking about but was such a satisfying solve. Too many favourites to mention. Thank you setter and 2Ks.
Another very enjoyable puzzle with a good mix of clue types. Surely something for everyone today. Forgetting the adage ” if in doubt look for a lurker” 16d was my LOI. I could have kicked myself. I don’t like the clumsy word at 24a, though that’s nothing to do with the football reference in the clueing! There are ticks all over my paper but I’ll go for a podium of 11a, 5d and 8d with 5d taking top spot. I echo what Gazza said yesterday about cryptic clues. Thanks to today’s setter and the 2 Kiwis.
I enjoyed this one. A lot of of tricky clues and diverse general knowledge needed. Ticks everywhere. I thought that 9a was an iffy clue until I read the hints – too clever for me!
Favourites today – 11a, 2d and 27d, my LOI which took a long stare until the penny dropped.
Just battening down the hatches before two days of gales and torrential rain.
Thanks to setter and 2Ks.
Not for me this puzzle – just wasn’t on the right wavelength – took me ages to get going and then it just felt like a bit of a slog.
A delightful exercise without any iffy clues. South lead the field. I am obviously getting slow in the uptake as I failed to note about to parse my 21a bung-in. Many thanks indeed Mysteron for the fun-time and the 2-Kiwis for faithfully being there for us to fall back when necessary.
Forgive me for hi-jacking the blog for a moment to pass on the sad news that our opera-loving, baseball following man of letters, Robert Clark, passed away on 1st October. His obituary has appeared in the Charleston Post & Courier and I have posted a short message from us on their memorial page so that his surviving nieces and nephew will know that he was still making new friends and sharing his knowledge in the latter months of his life.
I had been sending him weekly updates about events on the blog since the deterioration in his health forced him to cease posting and he was still replying as late as 13th September. I am indebted to Merusa for finding confirmation of the event I feared had occurred.
So very sorry to hear that sad news, I really enjoyed his contributions.
This is simply awful news, although we feared it was coming. How I enjoyed exchanging messages with lovely Robert! A delightful man, so very kind and always thinking of others. A great loss to these pages, and to all those who knew him. R.I.P Robert.
(Thank you Jane x)
Very sad news indeed. RIP Robert
Thank you for letting us know Jane. How very sad. As a fellow film buff I always enjoyed chatting to him about old films & appreciated his erudition & insight & looked forward to seeing which clues he give his Clarkies to. I only wish I’d known of him earlier as I’d have been sure to have looked him up having visited Charleston not so long ago on a golfing trip. Thoughts with Jimmy. Do we have access to his obituary?
I hope this works:
Thanks Senf
How very sad. The blog will be a poorer place without his contributions.
What sad news, thanks for sharing jane, I always enjoyed his insightful comments
Very sad news, a great contributor to the blog. Thank you Jane and Merusa.
Sad news indeed – thanks for letting us know, Jane. Robert’s contributions here were valued by us all and will be greatly missed.
What a shame, I guess the only consolation being he seemed to have had a very full life.
A man who brought a degree of style, elan and panache to the blog, not to mention kindness, his contributions are much missed.
Oh dear, I am so sorry although his prolonged silence did not bode well. Many thanks for letting us know and I shall certainly read the obituary. What a character! Condolences to Jimmy. I always looked forward to Robert’s input.
Thanks for letting us know Jane. His erudition and love of language will be sorely missed by all of us.
So sad to have heard of the news of Robert. RIP Robert.
What sad news. Thank you Jane for letting us know My thoughts are with his partner, who must be devastated. Rest in Peace, Robert.
Thank you Jane for letting us know. Many of us have missed Robert and his comments, a very clever and nice man. Sad news indeed.
A real gentleman who always had just the right words! I wish I had known him personally. We will miss him. My condolences to Jimmy.
Jane, thank you so much for posting this albeit terribly sad news, and Senf, thank you for posting the link to the obit. Robert’s posts, so humorous and erudite, lit up the threads to which he contributed; he has been, and will continue to be, much missed. Sincere condolences to Jimmy and to his family.
Thank you Jane for letting us know the sad news of Robert’.s death. He was so learned and genial and his sharp-witted comments have been and will be very much missed. May he find peace in eternal rest. Heartfelt sympathies to Jimmy.
So sad.
RIP Robert.
His erudite postings were a sheer joy.
Thank you, Jane for informing us.
How sad to hear about Robert. He was always so kind and thoughtful. He will be sorely missed.
Oh no, what very sad news. I always enjoyed his posts and I agree with the rest that there will be a huge hole left. May he rest in peace.
I’ll add my condolences although we didn’t always see eye to eye and he did get me, inadvertently, put into moderation for about twenty minutes, I’ll still miss his insightful comments. RIP Robert.
Oh that is very sad news, I loved to hear his contributions on a wide range of subjects from travelling the Via Dolorosa to fine art and literature and Nottingham pubs I will miss him a lot.
I’m so sad to hear this news although I feared it might be coming. Robert’s spirit shone through so brightly on this blog. I loved his memories of theatre, music and travel. His marvellous recollections of the dates he saw people perform on Broadway and the London stage, his wonderful command of language and literary recommendations. Someone I would have liked to know. RIP you lovely man and condolences to Jimmy.
A sad loss to this blog and all his family and friends, he will be missed.
This is very sad news. As others have said, Robert will be greatly missed by his family and friends and by all on this blog. You have my deepest sympathies and condolences.
I have just seen this and wish to add my condolences to Robert’s partner, family and friends, and to agree with everyone else that he will be sorely missed.
Some excellent clues in this offering: 9a, 27a and 8d all very enjoyable: 27a for COTD. Bit of head scrap for 1a and the slightly unfamiliar 23a which was relatively easily parsed. The 2K’s assessment is bang on and thanks to them and the setter.
A lot of fun. 10a my favorite but lot of others are candidates.
Took a little to get into the puzzle but getting the two longer ones across in the middle helped.
Top notch – really enjoyed this one. Thought all of the clues in the NW excellent which got the guzzle off to a cracking start. Particularly chuckled at thought of Ted entertaining Tut on the Morning Cloud. Fav though was Tina’s (as Norman St John-Stevas called her) creed at 12d with Heath 11a ing above it.
Thanks to the setter (did wonder if it’s a Silvanus production but my radar has been faulty of late where his guzzles are concerned & Stephen’s hunch for Robyn may be a good shout) & to the 2Ks
Ps thanks to all for best wishes re my shoulder. Unfortunately bursitis may be the least of the problem & a chronic rotator cuff tear is suspected. I’ve found a place near Harley St who’ll do an MRI for 320 notes less than the place I attended yesterday if you’re prepared to get it done at 10pm (dynamic pricing apparently) so will know for sure soon. Finally a decent kip last night – it was the pint & a half of Timothy Taylor wot dun it methinks.
Sorry to hear about the shoulder. 20 years ago I had a similar pain in there though too much golf – every day except weekends. I had to stop for a while and restarted some sedentary office work. One day after sitting with a client my back started hurting badly, so went to a rheumatologist who said it was just a little stiffness and massaged me for 9 months while the pain got steadily worse. Woke up one morning unable to get up from all fours and my GO said to go see a proper back man, who eventually operated on the most herniated disk he’d almost ever seen. No pain any more but walking 18 holes too tiring, so only play a couple of 9-hole rounds a week. Turns out that my shoulder pain was tendinitis, made worse by having a small hole in the acromion which caused the tendon to rub. That got fixed easily with a bit of surgery and all is well. Moral of the story is that office work is dangerous and bad for one’s health.
Best wishes to you for a good outcome.
I appear to have something similar with a bursitis , degeneration of muscle and tear. Benenden got me an MRI scan and the surgeon is treating it conservatively for the moment as the radiotherapy I had for breast cancer some 9 years ago has degraded the tissues to some degree. He is going to give me 2 steroid injections using ultra sound for targeting. I am holding off until I feel a real need for this as I am much improved with rest and very gentle exercise. One has to be a member of Benenden for 6 months to qualify for treatment but then all is free of charge and the monthly membership is a ridiculously small amount for what they provide. Hope this is of some help.
So sorry to hear about your shoulder problems – is it the golf wot done it in?
Regarding Ted on Morning Cloud – Anecdote: for years George was the manager of the Cambridge Symphony Orchestra, it fitted in well with his day job and he loves music. The CSO did about four major concerts a year and we had many famous visiting soloists and conductors. One was Ted Heath, and at the reception afterwards we presented him with a large engraved crystal bowl to mark the occasion. He thanked us most profusely and said it would have pride of place in his home and he would remember this happy occasion, etc etc. After he had gone we found he had left it in the dressing room!
Not sure if this helps or not, but three years ago Peter had a lot of shoulder pain and was diagnosed with a complete rotator cuff tear and advised to have reverse shoulder surgery. Did physiotherapy instead, and luckily it fixed him. Looks like I might be going down the private MRI route myself, as insurance just denied, I don’t know. Doctor appealing decision, but I’m not hopeful. I hope you get yours all sorted soon.
2.5*/4.5*. A splendid midweek puzzle with the SE holding out a little longer than the other threequarters.
With many clues coming into contention, my favourite was 5d with 9a in second place.
Many thanks to the setter and to the 2Ks.
17a was a very clever anagram and my COTD
Somewhat of a head scratcher for me and not too much fun – ***/***
Favourite – a toss-up between 10a and 6d – and the winner is 10a.
Thanks to the setter and the 2 Kiwis.
Just completed this cracking puzzle, I did find it more difficult than the usual Wednesdays.
Excellent cluing throughout.
Favourite was 11a ,not seen this definition before in a crossword, thanks to 2K;s, saw the original in the British Museum long ago,in the seventees I think-quite stunning.
Last in was 20d-thanks to 2K;s for the assistant
Going for a ****/****
Yes, I remember queuing to see that exhibition and I seem to think the approach was made to look as though you were entering a tomb. When I saw it again years later in Cairo Museum it did not look nearly so dramatic.
I remember visiting the pyramids years ago. We had to climb some steps to enter the centre of the tomb, I hadn’t realised that the steps were in a tunnel. Having gone up, I couldn’t bring myself to enter the tunnel again and had prepared to live there for the rest of my days! Sobbing uncontrollably and escorted by a guide in front and back of me, I crawled down the steps and out into the sunshine again!
I went inside pyramids, absolutely hated it, couldn’t wait to get outside again.
Horrible experience
I took Katherine, then about 6, on the Big Wheel at the local fair, and we both were terrified. We had our eyes shut, sitting there at the top when it stopped, and kept screaming until they let us off when it got to the bottom. One person’s enjoyment can be another person’s horror.
Me, too with this exhibition DG. You’re right. The Cairo version was not as good.
16d is a contender for the greatest lurker of all time. My LOI, staring me in the face for the whole puzzle. Brilliant end to a terrific puzzle.
Gosh, I really loved this. Starting with Huntsman’s at 9a, then 2 and 3d. Wanted to put ting at the end of 11a, so started Googlig for a tin Heath until the penny dropped. Love the word in 23a. Wrote in the answers to 16d and 26a before realising they were lurkers! But fave of the day must be 18d, which may finally give me a way to spell it right, as I invariably invert the last two syllables.
Loved this crossword although I did not get 12 d . Smiled at 11, 27 a and 5 , 8 and 19 d. John and I have been at our cookery class. I had requested a lesson on the definitive quiche Lorraine. We did a blind testing of QL from M&S, Waitrose, Sainsbury, Higgity and Aldi. The home made quiche came top with Aldi being the best of the shop quiches followed in order by Waitrose, M&S, Higgity and Sainsbury . The last 2 were ranked dreadful and they were not cheap to buy. Such an interesting morning on all fronts and thanks to our setter and tips from 2 Kiwis.
My favourite is Tescos (eastmans) cheese and bacon quich. Not only is it cheap but it has a nice smoky bacon flavour. Home made is too much faff and you probably spend more on electricity cooking it. Taste is all in the eye of the beholder. So it’s impossible to have a “best” in my opinion. Discuss.
I really liked this original puzzle even though the very first and last clues needed 2 kiwi help! Thank you compiler
Loved the puzzle. The trickier solves were helped by the gimmes.
Very sorry to hear about Robert.
Thought this puzzle was a little hard to get going, but as I solved several of the long across clues fairly early, it helped get things going. Last area completed was NE.
One new word for me and several chestnuts in the mix too.
In all a fun puzzle and enjoyable.
Favourites,(as well as all them all giving me a smile today),include 4a, 10a, 11a, 27a, 2d & 19d — with winner 10a as it was a PDM near the end of the solve!
Thanks to setter and the 2K’s
Gorgeous guzzle – I loved it. Cleverness upon cleverness. I have a feeling Sir Terence will be reaching for The List and I think probably we should allow access. I have come across 1a but didn’t really know what it meant, so something else stuffed into the untidy filing cabinet which is my brain. So many red herrings, artfully concealed lurkers, subtle anagrams. All favourites. Congratulations to the setter and thanks to the 2K’s and to Jane for putting just the right words about Robert on behalf of us all.
This is beginning to feel like a difficult week – I’ve had trouble with something almost every day so far.
I think I have ‘met’ 1a before but can’t remember what it meant which isn’t much use really.
Even though it was an anagram I never quite managed 12d – hopeless, as my eldest grandson calls me!!
I did like 9 and 13a (a bit appropriate for me today) and 5 and 6d. I think my favourite was 4a.
Thanks to whoever set the crossword and to the K’s who did the hints and pics.
2/4. Very enjoyable and I seemed to be on the right wavelength from the outset. I had to Google 1a to check my parsing. I really liked the misleading 9a and the two lurkers were excellent. Thanks to the setter and the 2Ks. Feast or famine the heavy rain has now arrived although very welcome as it will get into the ground and not just run off.
Wonderful guzzle today so thanks to everyone. I went to the Cairo Museum when the exhibition was on in London so it was a bit sparse. We did go a few years ago at the start of the Arab Spring (or whatever it was called) – the museum was virtually devoid of tourists so we had a wonderful view of everything. I seem to remember an ornate little box which was apparently for entrails! Sorry to lower the tone.
I took a long time to get into this. There were some tricky synonyms for me eg 1a and there was some significant head scratching but I did get there in the end. That said the range of clue types was good and I particularly liked the lurkers, neither of which did I see till after I had solved them.
Many thanks to the setter and to the 2kiwis for the hints.
Good afternoon
I stared at today’s grid for ages, until eventually one or two pennies began to drop and I managed to worm my way in. COTD is 16d, I think; new synonym to add to the collection in 1d; 20d gets a special mention; and best misdirection is 24a, where I kept trying to fit AC into the solution!
Many thanks to our compiler and to 2Ks
Definitely a difficult week for the cryptics. Wasn’t surprised to struggle with this one, but at least it did gradually come together. Did need the hint for 1a and 20d, with which I was unfamiliar. COTD for me is definitely 5d, a true cryptic clue. Thanks to setter and 2Kiwis. RIP Robert.
What happened to your avatar?
I hadn’t noticed? All I know is that it disappeared for a while, as it did for some others, but now has reappeared. One of these days I am going to have to find out how to create my own.
I was not on wavelength to start, but after getting 14a the South opened up nicely and had me going. I don’t know why I made such heavy weather of it, in retrospect it’s all very doable. I was a DNF at 1a, I had all the checking letters but just couldn’t see it, so thanks to the 2Ks for helping me with that. I guessed that 4a had to be something topical, but it had to be. Lots to like, 11a, 5d and 6d stood out, but I think the master lurker at 16d is fave.
Thank you setter for the fun and the 2Kiwis for unravelling so much.
A very light and swift but enjoyable solve, rather later than usual but just as satisfying an introduction to the cruciverbal day.
Many thanks to the setter and to the 2Ks
Thanks Jane for letting us know the sad news about Robert. His contributions to the blog were always so warm and positive and he is truly missed.
Looks like we might have been a bit light with the difficulty stars. Suspect it was one of those cases where if you are familiar with the words it becomes more straightforward.
Pretty general agreement on the enjoyment though, so many thanks setter.
I failed miserably today. I couldn’t get on wavelength at all. I always start with the down clues and although I had success with 5d the rest proved a challenge. 11a was a favourite. The answer was how I felt about my solving abilities. Hope my brain wakes up by tomorrow. Thankyou Kiwis and setter.
I found this a challenge spoilt by 1a and 10a.
1a is an obscure Swiss German word I appear to be on my own on not having heard before. I have no idea how it would even be pronounced.
I made harder work of this than I should have. 1a was a new word for me but fairly clued. Favourite was 12d. We wouldn’t have all this political and social nonsense going on if she was in charge these days, rant over. Thanks to the setter and 2K’s.
I am well behind with my crosswords and have only just completed this. I didn’t find it all that easy but I did enjoy it very much. Plenty of delightful clues to choose from so I have limited myself to 1a, 10a, 5d, and 20d. I also thought the lurkers were excellent.
Many thanks to the setter and to the 2Kiwis.
3*/5* ….
liked 1A “Hostile takeover of banks in Peru triggers crash (6)!” amongst several others.