Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 30364
Hints and tips by Mr K
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BD Rating - Difficulty *** - Enjoyment ****
Hello, everyone, and welcome to Friday. I rated today’s puzzle highly because it was a smoother solve than some Fridays and it induced an above average number of smiles. Since the “Detailed Explanation” button got some positive feedback, I’ll keep using it to provide fuller explanations of clues where I had to stop and scratch my head for a bit.
In the hints below most indicators are italicized, and underlining identifies precise definitions and cryptic definitions. Clicking on the answer buttons will reveal the answers. In some hints hyperlinks provide additional explanation or background. Clicking on a picture will enlarge it. Please leave a comment telling us how you got on.
1a Film with established actor ultimately going into space (7)
WESTERN: Follow the single letter for “with” and the abbreviation for established with the final letter (… ultimately) of ACTOR inserted in (going into) a usual printer’s space
5a Made use of repeatedly peeled guavas TV cook rejected (7)
AVAILED: GUAVAS minus the two outer letters on each side (repeatedly peeled) is followed by the reversal (rejected) of a TV cook often identified by only her first name
9a Disney production, possibly one from the top drawer? (8,7)
ANIMATED CARTOON: The definition is by example (possibly). Of all the things that Disney makes, what could be created by a top drawer?
10a Type of light story, enthralling one (5)
PILOT: A synonym of story containing (enthralling) the Roman one
11a Late aunt's worked in Oman, perhaps (9)
SULTANATE: An anagram (worked) of LATE AUNT’S. The definition is by example (perhaps)
12a Admired revolutionary put off eating mushrooms (9)
RESPECTED: The reversal (revolutionary) of the letter combination formed by put off or discourage containing (eating) some mushrooms with a brown shiny cap and a white underside
14a Milk producer from Huddersfield (5)
UDDER: The answer can be found hidden inside (from) HUDDERSFIELD
15a Swindle Pole (5)
SHAFT: A double definition. The capitalisation of pole is misdirection and should be ignored
16a One splashing out, acquiring American garter in Boston? (9)
SUSPENDER: Somebody splashing cash containing (acquiring) an abbreviation for American. The “in Boston” indicates that the answer is an Americanism
18a Some final changes for offshore tax haven (4,2,3)
ISLE OF MAN: An anagram (changes) of SOME FINAL
21a Spots places that stock honey (5)
HIVES: A double definition that becomes fairly straightforward once you realize where the break between definitions lies
22a A claimant nearly ruined food processor? (10,5)
ALIMENTARY CANAL: A from the clue with an anagram (ruined) of CLAIMANT NEARLY
23a Hospitals covering up own goal was nonsense (7)
HOGWASH: Copies of the single letter for hospital sandwiching (covering up) both the football abbreviation for “own goal” and WAS from the clue
24a Join nursing association, at heart it's private? (7)
SOLDIER: A verb meaning join two metals with a lowish melting point alloy is containing (nursing) the central letter of (…, at heart) ASSOCIATION. The ? indicates that the definition is by example
1d Cover of Eminem maybe on the radio (7)
WRAPPER: A homophone (on the radio) of what musician Eminem defines by example (maybe)
2d Foolish mum almost entirely untruthful about husband's hesitancy (6-9)
SHILLY-SHALLYING: The fusion of a synonym of foolish, an interjection for mum or hush, all but the last letter (almost) of another word for entirely, and untruthful or telling fibs, all containing (about) the genealogical abbreviation for husband H[usband] inserted in SILLY + SH + AL[L] + LYING
3d Law fellows probing case of theft stick around (9)
ENACTMENT: Some fellows or chaps inserted in (probing) the reversal of (around) the fusion of the outer letters of (case of) THEFT and a type of stick MEN inserted in the reversal of T[HEF]T + CANE
4d Demands European detective follows new eyewitness's lead (5)
NEEDS: The single letter for European and a usual abbreviated detective both follow the single letter for new and the first letter of ( …’s lead) EYEWITNESS
5d Current drink daughter gets regularly obtains awards (9)
ACCOLADES: Concatenate the abbreviation for the type of current that comes out of a wall socket, a fizzy soft drink, the genealogical abbreviation for daughter, and alternate letters (regularly) of GETS
6d Cavities in adult supported by detailed examination (5)
ATRIA: The single letter for adult is followed by (supported by, in a down clue) all but the last letter (de-tailed) of an examination or test. These cavities might be found in a heart
7d Video N Carolina student essentially shot for artist (8,2,5)
LEONARDO DA VINCI: An anagram (shot) of VIDEO N CAROLINA and the centre letter of (… essentially) STUDENT
8d Male ballet star regrets day taken up penning article (7)
DANSEUR: A verb synonym of regrets and the single letter for day joined and reversed (taken up, in a down clue), all containing (penning) a grammatical article
13d Extremely tiresome TMS chat spoilt this? (4,5)
TEST MATCH: The wordplay instructs us to form an anagram (spoilt) of the outer letters (extremely) of TIRESOME plus TMS CHAT. The entire clue can serve as the definition
14d University clear about student undermining greeting, it's wrong (9)
UNETHICAL: Putting all the bits in order, join together the single letter for university, clear or after deducting costs, a short informal greeting, a Latin abbreviation for about or approximately, and the single letter indicating a student or learner driver
15d Leaves Switzerland after ride towards Aargau's capital (7)
SPINACH: Once again putting the wordplay ingredients in order, cement together an informal word for a ride in a car, the first letter of ( …’s capital) AARGAU, and the IVR code for Switzerland
17d One taking stock of extraordinary result, right? (7)
RUSTLER: An anagram (extraordinary) of RESULT is followed by the single letter for right
19d Greek character held by loathsome gang (5)
OMEGA: The answer is hidden in (held by) LOATHSOME GANG
20d Grass is attracting small bugs (5)
NARKS: A grass or informer with the clothing abbreviation for small
Thanks to today’s setter. My favourite clue today was 9a. Which clues did you like best?
The Quick Crossword pun: PENNY + TENCH + HAIRY = PENITENTIARY
I thought this was thoroughly excellent today. Compared with yesterday, I found this to be infinitely more accessible and enjoyable.
Too many good clues to even think of selecting one favourite.
Many thanks to the setter, and to Mr K. 2*/5* for me.
Lovely puzzle, clever and elegant wordplay construction throughout with absolutely nothing to complain about. 2d worth the admission fee alone.
Many thanks to the setter and to Mr K.
Love the ‘admission fee’ expression, SL.
It is a top clue and a fab term which I can hear Bill McLaren saying. Anyone who describes a very tall second row as a ‘perambulating lamppost’ is welcome to feast at my table, anytime.
This was a lego fest and then some with the aforementioned and 14d being perfect examples.
Just the right level for a Friday which I think most people will be able to have a stab at.
My podium is 13d, 5a (‘repeatedly peeling’ is hilarious) and 2d which has to be the winner. An honourable mention to the food processor…brilliant!
Many thanks to Mr K and the compiler.
To quote the title of the song by Dinah Washington, although I am not sure that the lyrics are appropriate, ‘What a difference a day makes.’ A perfect example of a Friday back pager and although our esteemed editor has been ‘juggling’ with the sequencing of the Friday triumvirate, and there does not appear to be a ‘two-element’ homophone, I will put four, yes four, half-crowns on this being a Silvanus production – ***/*****
Candidates for favourite – 1a, 16a, 2d, 6d, and 8d – and without hesitancy the winner is 2d.
Thanks to Silvanus, or whomsoever if my ten bob goes down the drain, and thanks to Mr K.
I don’t know much about betting but I think four half crowns is a quid. Maybe I am missing some arcane knowledge here! Put me right. Of course, you may be so young you are not au fait with pre-decimal coinage. 😌
A half-crown was 2s 6d so 8 to the pound and I was definitely familiar with pre-decimal coinage.
I’ve come all the way back to 3 to abase myself. I get so worried about your propensity for throwing your money about, I picture the poor little bairns with no shoes because of your profligacy.
And nobbut crumbs to eat!
The gambling is a curse, so!
This guzzle wasn’t as difficult as yesterday’s and I managed to finish it more quickly, albeit with a lot of help from the thesaurus. Friday puzzles are still a slog for me but I did like 15d and 18a. Thanks to Mr K for the hints, which were ver helpful with the hints that were difficult to parse. I could see what the answer to 9a but didn’t put it in until last because the clue left me feeling unsure but I can see now what it’s meant to be . Thanks to the compiler, although it wasn’t really my cup of tea.
Jezza said it all up top.
Excellent puzzle and my first unaided Friday solve for a while.
Many thanks setter and MrK.
(If it weren’t for this blog, I would’ve questioned my sanity yesterday.)
3/4 went in lickety split but the NW needed a bit more application. The mental image of repeatedly peeling Ms Smith caused quite a titter here. Thanks to Mr K and Silvanus if he (if Senf is going the whole hog who am I to disagree)
What a difference a day makes! This had just the right balance of posers and “write-em-ins”, which made it enjoyable to solve. However, I didn’t finish unaided as I needed help from the interweb with 15d. As usual, once I saw the answer, I kicked myself for not persevering with it. I liked the hospitals covering up nonsense at 23a and what a great word it is. I can picture Ian Carmichael as Lord Peter blurting it out to Bunter. My COTD and another superb phrase is the foolish mum at 2d.
Many thanks to the setter for the fun challenge. Thank you, Mr. K. for the hints, which I will now read.
Always good to hear mention of Bunter! This was simply superb, perfect for a Friday. It does feels like a Silvanus (shame we never got to hear who yesterday’s setter was but StephenL may well have cracked it) but who knows. Couldn’t agree more re 2D – a masterful Lego clue, and a sadly rare expression these days. Thanks to all.
I wouldn’t put money on.me having cracked yesterday’s setter, I’ve wrongly attributed puzzles to him before and I’m pretty sure I was wrong yesterday as he usually pops in to claim it. Hopefully we will see one from home pretty soon though.
Well, that is true. So, who the heck was it?! I thought yesterday was, like today, an absolute humdinger and I’d love to know the setter. Och well.
My ten bob is on Silvanus for today’s (excellent) puzzle. And NYDK for yesterday – based on the fact that I couldn’t get on wavelength at all.
I had to pick 2d as my favourite as it is such a brilliant word combination, alas not overused nowadays. As a puzzle, this was, like the Disney films, top drawer, and I suspect like Senf that it is the work of Silvanus. Terrific fun all round.
My thanks to the aforementioned, and apologies if not to the actual setter, and to Mr K.
A really enjoyable puzzle, ideal for Friday – thanks to our setter and Mr K.
I ticked lots of clues including 5a, 9a, 16a, 23a and 2d.
Is is just me, or do others wonder why repetition of words occur so often in a few days?
You’ve changed your alias so this required moderation. Both versions will work from now on.
(I’ve edited your new alias to use lower-case).
Not just you. There seem to be a lot of udders about lately.
Oh, that’s an udder thing entirely! :grin:
Crossword editor is clearly milking it
Said Mr COWling.
:grin: :good:
Groan to all of you!
Hello Paul. Repeated answers occur slightly less often than is expected by chance. I investigated it in this blog http://bigdave44.com/2016/11/22/dt-28278/.
The apparent violation of coincidence is an example of the so-called Birthday Paradox. How many readers were in a class at school where two students shared the same birthday?
That article is very interesting, thanks
I’ll raise Senf’s 4 bob & go all in it’s one off the Silvanus production line. Crackerjack of a guzzle that just squeaks ahead of Wednesday as best of the back-pagers thus far this week. Another vote for 2d with ticks elsewhere too numerous to mention.
Thanks to the setter & to Mr K
4 half-crowns (= 10 bob)!
Fewer and fewer of us left who remember that , Senf.
4 bob = 2 florins
I still think in £.s.d., and I have a purse that weighs a ton with all the coins and then some!
Ah! The days when things cost “Two and thrupence ha’penny!”
Early days in Jamaica we had a “quattie” worth 1-3/4d. Have you heard the song “.carry me ackee go a Linstead Market not a quattie worth sell …”.
And there was the “bob a job” week 😊.
Meant to put 10 – got distracted having to tee the next group off.
Of course. Silly me forget my earlier intervention. Did it really take eight of those huge things to put a pound in your pocket?
A tricky and most enjoyable Friday puzzle , liked thr NW quadrant as a whole,last in was 6d,parsed the right definition ,I was thinking of the Roman ‘floor space’- thanks MrK for the heart.
Favourite was 22a,warrented a chuckle when the penny dropped!
Going for a ***/****
Top draw Quickie Pun,
Thanks to our setter and MrK
Great puzzle today.
I can only echo the words of others about yesterday’s and Wednesdays offerings.
Thanks to Mr K for his excellent explanations….I was mostly there with the parsing but it is very nice to have confirmation and precise answers.
Thanks also to the setter.
Hope Brian surfaces .
Sailed through S but slower progress in N. Bunged in 1d as was unfamiliar with Eminem. Not sure 6d are exactly cavities. Thank you Mysteron for a great puzzle and the clever Quickie pun and also to MrK for your back-up in case of need.
A little masterpiece that has the stamp of Silvanus all over it – right down to the Quickie pun.
Tops for me were 23a plus 1,2&9d with a mention for Aggers!
Many thanks to Silvanus for an excellent Friday puzzle and to Mr K for the review – looks as though the site update has been as seamless as you were promised, what a relief!
Thanks Jane. We’re still waiting for the hosting service to actually move all the files. They tell us it will all just work, but we’re not out of the woods yet.
You have literally thousands of folk grateful for all your efforts, Mr. K. and those of crypticsue, Gazza and Prolixic. You are all greatly appreciated.
Seconded Steve, we have a lot to be grateful for.
Who are the four people who have been kind enough to take over the blog which we all would sadly miss 🤔
Mr K, CS, Gazza & Prolixic – we owe them a great deal.
Yes indeed, huge thanks to the Fab Four. I have just left a message on the July 26 BD page.
Thanks very much a fine Quartet
A sheer joy of a puzzle.
Completion marred only
By checking that a certain
Two letters are a
Synonym of space.
LOL at the crafty 9a.
16a and 2d my joint CsOTD.
In summary, 2.5*/5*
Thanks to Sylvanus and Mr K.
A damn sight easier than yesterday I thought, but off to a very poor start. Saw (more like skimmed) the clue for 7d, saw the first letter was ‘V’ and ‘artist’ at the end and immediately wrote in the one eared Dutch bloke, yes, 8,2,5, I know…..
Soon spotted the error though as nothing else would fit, and as soon as that was amended the rest just fell into place. Favourite for me today was the brilliant 13d, great fun and thankfully back to a more normal cryptic standard.
I thought of. Invent first as well , but then I also pity Nigella before Delia. I am off form today.
Sorry DG, don’t understand this reply, ‘Invent’ what am I missing?
Probably too late to get you but I meant Vincent. It that blessed predictive thing which thinks it knows best. And put of course not pity. The answer is check, and recheck of course.
I knew what was required for 18a but couldn’t stop sniggering when it came out as “Milf on sea”, took ages to get the right answer after that 😅😏
(Sorry for lowering the tone)
Brilliant! Who cares about lowering the tone? It’s doubtless standard fare for the Grauniad … ;)
Love it!
I am now going to show my ignorance. What is a “milf” or shouldn’t I ask?
If you really want to know, I suggest that an e-search would be most appropriate.
Best not or it’ll be lead balloon time!
I wouldn’t bother, Steve. I just looked it up and was somewhat unimpressed to say the least.
😬😬😬 Sorry! Probably best to ignore my daft silliness…
Really enjoyed this today. Finished it way too quickly though.
LOI was 2d. I might start using this term again. I’ve managed to get others to use spiffing, so will try with 2d.
Thanks to all.
Another toughie this week! Two meals wytorth for me! Almost drew a blank on the first pass, then thanks to 14a got something down. Then 1d started the downs. (Know his name but never heard any of his ‘music’!)
Once had got a few checkers things then started to flow quite easily. Like almost everyone else fave has to be 2d!I
Many thanks to the setter and to Mr K.
Thoroughly enjoyable puzzle. Thanks to setter and Mr K
Remarkably gentle for a Friday, and very enjoyable. A few biffed “that’s the answer, can’t be bothered to parse” clues (eg 1a, 2d, 9a, 12a, 22a) and totally disagreed with the sentiment behind the otherwise excellent 13d! Would have helped somewhat in the NW had I recalled what an Eminem is – ‘not a small chocolate, your Honour’. 23a always makes me think – quite unfairly – of Harry Potter. Ticks all over the place, so will limit podium places to 24a, 14d & 15d.
2* / 4*
Many thanks to the setter and to MrK
I think that is the first time this week I have been able to sit down at lunchtime with the guzzle as is my wont. Most enjoyable, slightly worried about that huge cow jumping the hedge – don’t trust cows. I thought 12a and 16d very clever but my favourite is 22a. I often use 2d as it is a perfect phrase to hurl at George, I cannot get used to him being slow. Thanks to Messrs Setter & Kay.
Really enjoyable puzzle. Many thanks, clever setter.
Solved whilst watching the cricket, so 13d has to be my favourite clue today.
Thanks also to the very hard working Mr K.
After the last two days I feared the worst for today but my fears were unfounded. Excellent stuff although I thought 9a was a bit odd, I tried to make it a reverse anagram but to no avail. Hard to look past 2d for cotd so I won’t. Thanks to the setter and Mr. K.
13d What a brilliant clue for cricket enthusiasts!
Always loved Johnners (aged 79 at the time) for his schoolboy sense of humour!
Thanks to Silvanus for a great puzzle, and to Mr K for the review (especially for the Johnners/Aggers leg-over clip.)
What a pleasant surprise a Friday and (with a little help) a solvable puzzle 🤗 ****/*** many good clues but I am choosing 22a, 1d & 20d Thanks to Mr K and to the Compiler 🤔 Have a nice weekend
Many thanks to Mr K and to all commenters, I’m glad that most of you enjoyed the puzzle.
May I wish everyone a great weekend!
Thank you for a great puzzle and for dropping in. Have a great weekend yourself. :good:
Hi, Silvanus. Thanks for a great puzzle to solve, hint, and illustrate.
Thank you for reigniting my interest in cryptics.
Hi Silvanus
I thought it had to be you. Thanks for dropping in. Great puzzle.
You have no idea how many of us were so pleased and thankful to find this puzzle waiting for us today.
I agree with Merusa and Lizzie. Thanks for a an entertaining puzzle that hit the right note. Have a great weekend too!
Just needed help with the NE corner, despite getting the incredible 2d
COTD has to be 16a
Not even looking at the Toughie, Elgar is not my cup of tea
A relief, after the last 2 days, to find I have not completely lost the plot. I did need some e help and confirmation of answers using the check grid feature,but I got there and for me that is a win, especially on a Friday. So many good clues it’s hard to find a favourite but I liked both the answers to 2d and 23a so I will have 2d as my one favourite.
I need to read the hints now to explain a couple of parsing.
Many thanks to Silvanus for restoring my sanity and to Mr K for the hints and work in keeping the site up and running (along with the other 3 of course)
Just to reiterate my thanks to Mr K for the fantastic hints which clarified the parsing of several of my answers and I particularly liked the ‘detailed explanations’.
Thank you to Silvanus for giving me my first d.n.f. of the week and MrK for explaining how I should have been thinking! Yesterday was definitely ****/**** but today I consider *****/****. Thanks for stretching my brain cell so hard!
This is Friday, we cannot expect an easy peasy guzzle, but to have one so doable is an unexpected surprise after the last two days. I found south quite friendly, with some ehelp at times, but north was much trickier. I eventually was stuck in the NW and had to look at Mr. K’s hint for 1a to get going again. I completely forgot the gent at 1d, had to google him. That opened it up enough to get to the finishing tape. There were two that I liked the words, 23a and 2d, aren’t those lovely words? Lots to like.
Thank you Silvanus for the fun, and Mr. K for unravelling so much.
3*/5*. This was nicely challenging and fun to solve with ultra smooth surfaces throughout – in fact, Friday perfection!
My page is littered with ticks, with the magnificent 13d taking the gold star.
Many thanks to Silvanus and to Mr K.
Good evening
Having been unable to give the crozzie my attention over the last two days, it was good to get stuck in to today’s.
Technically it’s a DNF; I didn’t have the courage of my convictions to enter the solutions for 9a and 3d; I did, with hindsight, have the correct answers but was unable to parse them; 1d also needed a nudge from Mr K, whom I thank for the hints. Thank you also to Silvanus for the challenge.
As Steve Cowling says “what a difference a day makes”, after the struggles this week I very nearly didn’t bother to print up today’s challenge, as Fridays are usually the trickiest of the week. So it was with a big sigh of relief to find a puzzle I could actually do without lots of help. As MissTFide says, I was glad I hadn’t lost the plot. Thanks to Silvanus and Mr K.
Like Lizzie, I nearly didn’t bother today, but as it turned out I finished this Friday back pager unaided. This puzzle was entertainingly thought provoking, a welcome contrast to Wednesday’s chore. I needed to check the parsing of a couple of clues though, with thanks to Mr K for the hints. I hadn’t an issue with 14a appearing again, but was interested to read Mr K’s findings on the stats. I am not sure why, but I think I liked 15d best. Perhaps it was because I was pleased to remember what ‘leaves’ means in crosswordland!
5*/3* …
liked 19D “Greek character held by loathsome gang (5)”