Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29590
Hints and tips by Kath
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating — Difficulty **+ — Enjoyment ****
Hello everyone. A Ray T crossword – I thought it was of about average difficulty for him although it did have its moments! There weren’t many anagrams which always makes things trickier for me anyway as I find them a good way into a crossword.
Please leave a comment telling us how you got on today.
In the hints the definitions are underlined and the answers are hidden under ANSWER so only do that if you need to see one.
1a Unintelligible irate lunatic going crazy (12)
INARTICULATE — an anagram (going crazy) of IRATE LUNATIC – a good start with lots of first letters all the way across the top
9a Caution in woods circling one empty gulch (9)
FORESIGHT — a large expanse of wooded land with the letter that looks like a one and the first and last letters (empty) of G[ulc]H going inside it (circling)
10a A hearing detailed in chambers (5)
ATRIA — the A from the clue and a hearing held in a court of law without its final letter (detailed)
11a Escapee lacking a place to take off (6)
RUNWAY — another word for an escapee or a deserter missing one of its A’s (lacking A)
12a Stand almost very slowly welcoming Queen (8)
TOLERATE — a two word phrase (3,4) that means very slowly or having got a bit behind yourself as in, “Hurry up or we’ll be *** ****” – remove the last letter of the first word (almost) and then put the regnal cipher of the Queen inside what remains (welcoming) – oh dear and apologies – I’m sure there must be a better way of explaining that one
13a Place with support for couch (6)
SETTEE — a verb to place or put is followed by a support in golf
15a Fancies changes around Georgia (8)
VAGARIES — changes or alters containing (around) the two letter abbreviation for the state of Georgia
18a More biting into case of scrumptious appetisers (8)
STARTERS — more biting or sharper goes inside (into) the first and last letters (case of) S[crumptiou]S
19a Reportedly notice smells (6)
SCENTS — a homophone (reportedly) of notice or pick up a feeling
21a Liberal chosen to keep Conservative in charge (8)
ECLECTIC — chosen for an office but not yet in it contains (to keep) the one letter abbreviation for C[onservative] and then the abbreviation for I[n] C[harge]
23a Sad jerk purchasing tabloid (6)
TRAGIC — a jerk or an involuntary movement goes round (purchasing) a slang word for a tabloid newspaper
26a Boredom being trapped by drunken nuisance (5)
ENNUI — the first lurker or hidden answer which is indicated by ‘trapped’
27a Hate transforming into a beam (9)
ABOMINATE — an anagram (transforming) of INTO A BEAM
28a Low-down clientele getting drunk with gin (12)
INTELLIGENCE — an anagram (getting drunk) of CLIENTELE and (with) GIN
1d Playing well, Spurs’ leader fills in (7)
INFORMS — playing well, or having a particularly good day, is followed by the first letter (leader) of S[purs]
2d Skirt neither old man found revolting (5)
APRON — neither or not one or t’other and an affectionate term for your ‘old man’ or your Dad are both reversed (revolting
3d Witness with last word in trial time (9)
TESTAMENT — a trial or an experiment and the one letter abbreviation for T[ime] with the last word of a prayer going between
4d Company goes heartlessly for underlings (4)
COGS — the abbreviation for a company and the first and last letters (heartlessly of G[oe]S
5d Strict, we hear, beside the seaside (8)
LITTORAL — a homophone (we hear) of strict or closely following the rules
6d Impression of the Yorkshire people (5)
TRACE — how some people living in Yorkshire would (or might) pronounce ‘the’ followed by some people or a clan
7d Caught helping to keep European establishment (8)
CREATION — the one letter ‘crickety’ abbreviation for C[aught] and than a helping or share which contains (to keep) the one letter abbreviation for E[uropean]
8d Worries over small stroke (6)
CARESS — some worries or concerns followed by (over) the abbreviation for S[mall]
14d Country beginning to tear flag down too (8)
THAILAND — the first letter (beginning to) of T[ear], a verb to flag down, as you might do to a bus or taxi, followed by a synonym of too or as well as
16d Harmonising with instrument missing nothing grand (9)
ACCORDING — a musical instrument with folding bellows without (missing) the letter that looks like nothing and then the abbreviation for G[rand]
17d Doctor in hot water (8)
IRRIGATE — the doctor here is a verb that means to pervert or fiddle and it goes inside (in) another word for hot, as in furious – this one took me ages to sort out as I had the wrong word in my head – it was clearly wrong but . . .
18d Dope turned up outside of French country (6)
SWEDEN — some dope or up-to-date information is reversed (turned up) and contains the French word for ‘of’
20d Conceal confidential information on sweetheart (7)
SECRETE — some confidential information followed by the middle letter or heart of swEet
22d Initially collection amassed including rocks, naturally (5)
CAIRN — the first letters (initially) of the remaining words in the clue
24d Good shower needed for corn (5)
GRAIN — the one letter abbreviation for G[ood] is followed by a shower or some of the wet stuff that we seem to have had rather a lot of recently
25d Pass nearly everybody to get to objective (4)
GOAL — to pass or move followed by two of a three letter word (nearly) that means everybody or each
Which clues particularly appealed to you today?
The Quickie Pun:- BREW + SWAIN = BRUCE WAYNE – I confess I’d never heard of him.
It was about par for the course for Ray T, I rhought, with a few tricky ones (3*/4*) which took me longer than the rest of the puzzle. The anagrams it did have were good ones and I liked 1d and 28a. 15a was well put together and 10a was a little gem. 9a ckicked the recall button, but it was a totally different type ofclue to the one we had a week or so ago.many thanks to Kath for the hints and to Ray T for an outstanding puzzle.
This took me well into 3* time so I’d say it was slightly trickier than average. My LOI and a new word for me was 5d, where I needed all the checkers. Other than that no real problems.
I liked 21a (such a great word) but my podium consists of 11a plus 1&14d.
Many thanks to Ray T and Kath
I parsed 12a slightly differently in that “almost very”= TO (too) plus slowly =LATE surrounding the ER for Her Majesty
That got me there in the end as well.
I saw the word stand and wrote the answer in as I often do from definition alone. Parsed lazily after finishing with a too late and an ER
That’s pretty much what I meant but I admit that it wasn’t the greatest hint ever written – I knew that as I wrote it down.
As usual, most enjoyable and satisfying to complete.
Last in, after too long, 17d which took me well into *** time.
Many thanks Ray T and Kath for the nicely illustrated review.
Well, that was beyond me. Four answers left uncompleted before I came here. 5d, 12a & 15a in the top and 17d in the bottom. I must see the doctor about more wavelength pills.
Thanks to Ray T and Kath.
Those four clues would grace a Toughie puzzle. Maybe 15 across being the more accessible
I had problems with the same few.
If you can get a job lot, I’ll have some. Ta to all.
Me too, though not 5d which is a word I’ve only ever seen used in my previous military life. Bit like materiel. The Royal Marines love a bit of littoral
Snap. Stuck on those four devilish clues too. Can’t say I’ve ever come across 5d.
Pleasant Thursday challenge.
I enjoyed today’s puzzle but struggled with exactly the same clues. It’s so reassuring when you realise that you are not on your own. Good weather beckoned so I put it down for a dog walk. Had another look after lunch before getting out into the garden and making the most of the weather before it changes at the weekend. I have to admit to checking a couple of the hints! Many thanks to Ray T and Kath.
And for me. Totally possible I m afraid.
6 down. Really !
I usually complete or get circa 75% but only about 30% on this.
Suits some no doubt but I think the average crossword bod will really struggle I think.
Quite tricky to unravel in parts. 17d was my last one in and that along with 12a took me longer than the rest. ***/*** I wasn’t entirely sure about 6d but assumed it was something to do with the way “the” is pronounced in that county. Favourite is 14d. Thanks to all.
Exactly the same for me Greta.
Yorkshire born and bred and I struggled with that one. Oh, and several others !!!. Still very enjoyable though
Pretty straightforward for Ray T though my last in,17d, took up a good portion of the *** time it took to solve because I was focused on synonyms for the wrong definition. The hallelujah moment for me was immediately clocking the de-tailed wordplay instruction at 10a – after umpteen misses (along with dis- covered) perhaps the penny has finally well & truly dropped with that instruction. No parsing issues for a change but will check Kath agrees. As usual plenty to like & very pleasant solve with podium picks 9a plus 14&16d with the 5d homophone just missing out. Today’s albums: Hymns to the Silence (Van) & Hittin’ the Note (Allman Brothers Band – great album cover)
Thanks to Ray T & to Kath
Great choices Huntsman. Hymns To The Silence is one of Sir Van Morrisons best. On Hyndeford Street is a great favourite of mine which Sir Van Morrison sometimes closes his set with. He performed it at the Cypress Avenue gig which is available on BBC iPlayer. After he sings the line about listening to Debussy on the third program he laughs to himself and says ‘Debussy? Did I really write that? What was I thinking’? Well worth an hour of your day
I would have loved to have been at that gig. Hadn’t realised for quite some time that it was actually 2 sets. The thing that makes me chuckle is the passers by who have absolutely no interest in what’s going on.
We’d seen him a few months before in Belfast at The Europa Hotel so we were not going back so soon, or risking the possibility of rain at an outdoor concert
Sir Van is worth an hour of the day every day.
Agreed – my playlist comes in at a modest 29hrs 24mins & have all of his stuff on vinyl & CD. Wasn’t that long ago he was still refusing to let his stuff be streamed but thankfully relented with, rather bizarrely, the exception of Tupelo Honey which apparently he does like but I love.
Meant to say doesn’t
As far as I’m aware, I’ve never heard him, i certainly wouldn’t recognise him if I did hear him. I’ll have to YouTube him.
Van Morrison Live at LSO St Luke’s 2008 (BBC Four Sessions) is not a bad place to start Merusa – super venue, great band & Georgie Fame pops in for a couple of numbers. Still sore I couldn’t get tickets. Full concert on You Tube.
Unfortunately it doesn’t appear to be available on iPlayer anymore!
Like Kath I had to open the ‘drainage’ sluice to water my plants but that didn’t take long. While that was ‘occurring’ I found the instrument you never see a lady playing in a nudist camp. Before finding this blog this puzzle would have intrigued and infuriated throughout the day affording much more pleasure than it does now. Thanks to Kath for the blog, Always entertaining. Thanks to RayT for the puzzle. Always entertaining
Do you (or did you in pre covid times) visit many nudist camps?
We are all nudists beneath our clothes Greta
Such wisdom in one so young….
In Iceland there are masses of outdoor communal swimming pools thermally heated. In the showering area before swimming, you must shower nude (no cozzi) and there are graphic pictures of where you are to soap yourself thoroughly. Having obeyed the rules and standing there starkers, I wondered where to go to put said cozzi on. I was just about to walk through a door holding my cozzi when fortunately a local lady came in and, bless her, told me I was about to walk out into the main public area! How ghastly would that have been and would I have been so kind if the positions were reversed, I hope so, but it would be quite funny wouldn’t it?! I suppose if you omit the l from public that is exactly where one would be.
A friend of ours went to a big meeting somewhere in the US and was staying in a huge hotel. He arrived in the middle of the night and went straight up to his room – the curtains had already been drawn. When he woke up in the morning he leapt out of bed completely starkers and flung the curtains back realising a bit too late that his room overlooked a courtyard where everyone was having breakfast.
Manders, if that is the one in Reykjavik with the big pool, plus the pink/red-railed tubs with 4 different temperatures and the “naturalistic” looking rockpool area, then I’ve been there and got the T shirt. The latter was not allowed obviously, plus, it was raining quite a lot.
It was also raining quite a lot by the Gulfoss waterfall, by the geysers, with additional mud on the bus windows, in IKEA possibly….you get the picture. Dubious fowl meats, plus £30 a bottle wine did not raise the spirits.
Honestly, I think I could have had a better 40th birthday location……the Polish salt mines, perhaps.
Well Bluebird, it was in Reykjavik but there are quite a lot of pools I think. What a shame you had rain, we had 7 days of continuous sun. It was June so 24 hour daylight. Alcohol was so expensive we had a teetotal week – a first and last!
The trouble with the Blue Lagoon in Reykjavik is that one cannot see where one is putting ones feet. Definitely a no no!
It wasn’t the blue lagoon, JB. I think that’s the one in the lava field about 25 miles from Reykjavik, although there may be more than one, I guess.
This was in town, not far from the hotel. This was 20 years ago, though.
Sounds familiar. I think I may have gone to that one.
Please don’t encourage him.
Bit of a ‘teaser’ today, very tricky in parts especially the NE quadrant.
15a was a new synonym- confirmed by Chambers ,also 21a which turned out to be my favourite charade ,liked the surface of last in 17d ,a very special clue from Mr T
Going for a ***/**** enjoyable all round- thanks Kath for the pics.
Smiled at the quickie pun ,remembered my batman!
Thankyou Kath as l needed your help to get the last 4 on my grid.Thanks olso to Ray T for a challenge that helped pass time whilst waiting for a plumber who probably won’t turn up.At least l got further than l used to do.
Reasonably straightforward and very entertaining for completion at a gallop – 2.5*/4.5*.
Candidates for favourite – 9a, 26a, 1d, 3d, and 5d – and the winner is the 5d homophone.
It was good to see 26a, I don’t think it has appeared for a while.
Thanks to Mr T and Kath.
I am always curious about your horse Senf. If a gallop is the fastest gait shouldn’t 2.5* be between a canter and a trot?
Occasionally there is a fast gallop and a fast canter.
I once asked if there was a slow trot or a fast walk….I don’t think I had an answer.
I suggested, for a one star, a bolt. That’s the fastest horsage.
I was defeated by 5d, 15a and 17d…so pa r for the course for me and a Ray T.
Thanks to Kath and to the setter.
2*/3* for me. Favourite and last one in definitely 17d. I also checked the drainage, though not seeing how it could work, before going through the alphabet for the first letter to arrive at forehead slapping moment. How clever and devious. Thanks to Kath and RayT
Ray T on top form today, with some pleasantly challenging clues to make the grid interesting. He rarely disappoints, and today was no exception, with the excellent 10a being my favourite. I also really enjoyed the anagram at 28a.
Many thanks to Mr T and to Kath for an entertaining blog.
Such a clever and enjoyable puzzle. Ray T must be in a benign mood today. Last in was 10a because he fooled me with detailed! My favs were 6d and 14d both made me smile.
Thx to all
I persevered with this, and got through it. I too struggled with the NE corner. Last two in were 10a, followed by 6d. With 10a, I’d forgotten that I needed to take the last letter off a legal hearing, but the answer came eventually. 6d was a penny drop moment. I was proud of myself for remembering what “Dope” was from a few weeks ago, and for knowing that I had to turn it upside down re 18d, so that answer was straight in. I found this a good brain stretch. Thanks to RayT and to Kath. Perhaps I’ve been a bit slow today because of all the hammering and banging going on. The new shed is up awaiting to be refilled, but it has started to rain, which will delay things. Secretly I am very pleased that I don’t have to go outside. In fact, it may be a few days before we put stuff back. My husband has been called for his COVID Vacc. which he will have tomorrow morning. Hearing stories of people with sore arms, or feeling a little poorly, he might not feel like working on the shed tomorrow. If that is the case, I will come out in sympathy and join him in a day of rest.
Hopefully there will be no side effects for either of you. I have had a vaccination and a booster with no problem at all afterwards on either occasion.
That’s encouraging Angellov. I’ve not been called for my jab yet. I’m a bit further down the queue. I haven’t heard anything yet. The funny thing is, my husband got a text message from the surgery reminding him of his appointment and telling him that all appointments would be by phone call only. Not sure how he gets his jab down the telephone line.
Obviously a glitch with a computer-generated form letter 🙂.
A great puzzle at ***/*** standard and fun. The NE slowed me as I see it did others. I laughed when getting 6d and thought that joint COTD with 17d where I foolishly spent some time looking for the more usual doctor reference inserts. Thanks to Kath and Ray T
Yes for 17D also originally input “drainage” which fitted nicely but … . NE corner took as long as the rest although today’s Sudoku took even longer .
My biggest smile 7A , 5D new word for me . Enjoyable crossword .
The Pension Service has informed me that I will get an extra 25p a week from my 80th birthday . When free again , after a few months , will be able to afford a cup of coffee .
Thanks and well done again Ray T .
Kath – usual high standard but surprised that you do not know about “ Stately Wayne Manor”.
Not at Costa’s prices……
Hear, hear. Diabolical.
Thursday’s puzzle is often challenging for me and I undertook this one in two bites, chatting to Lola in between and then returning for a second go. I needed the hints for 5d and 17d to complete it.
We are due to get further advice from the vet today or tomorrow. Lola continues to eat reasonably but she is spending her entire life sleeping on a cushion under a radiator. Oddly, she seems quite ok with this (I could live like that too, to be fair); shows no signs of distress and purrs when I stroke her. We shall see what advice the vet brings and go on from there, I suppose.
Today’s soundtrack: Keith Jarrett – The Melody At Night, With You.
Thanks to Ray T, and, of course, Lovely Kath
Terence – thinking about Lola, as we all do, when Thompson first began to get digestion problems she spent a night with
the vet who fed her on Zooplus Digestive Care I/D Clinical Nutrition and she advised me to feed her on that. I ordered it on
line, from Germany, and it came promptly no difficulties at all – I guess we used it for a couple of years. Unfortunately when
Thompson died I gave all the ‘stuff’ to the vet to make use of otherwise I could send you some to try. If eating becomes a
problem it might be worth asking what your vet thinks of it.
You’re so kind, Daisy – thank you. We will certainly ask the vet about Zooplus.
I haven’t listened to the Melody at Night, With You for a long time. A lovely album! I read that Keith Jarrett’s days of piano playing may be over after he had suffered a stroke. A rare talent.
Rather more of a challenge than recent days but none the worse for that. South beat the North to the finishing line. Never heard of gulch but of course that didn’t matter for 9a. 6d unparsed by me. 1d was Fav. Thank you RayT and Kath.
I came up a few short today, particularly in the NE corner and like a few others struggled with 12a, 5d and the fact my 17d fitted but was incorrect. Ah well, Ray T continues to expand my knowledge which has to be a good thing.
Thanks to him and to Kath for helping me parse the half a dozen clues I was stumped by!!
NE corner defeated me too and I couldn’t be bothered to persevere after a hard morning clearing the garage. Needed hints for two and and answers for two otherwise the puzzle fell into place.
Thanks to Kath and Ray T. Now for more physical exertion.
This was a brilliant puzzle with lots of misdirection. I love an anagram so the two long ones got me off
to a good start, last one in was, as others have said, 17d where I also could only come up with drainage. Thank you
Kath, for putting me straight – I knew it was not right. I really liked 11a and 17d made me smile. Whenever I think of Thailand I remember
going into a store in Bangkok in steaming heat and coming face to face with a huge display of Fisherman’s Friends! How bizarre.is that.
I have been getting on quite well with the Toughie this week so, as it has just started to rain meaning I cannot go for a walk (yes, OK, I am
a wimp) I might turn to that. Thanks to Ray T and Kath. (Who/what is Bruce Wain?)
Bruce Wayne is Batman when he’s in civilian clothing, Daisy.
I have led a very sheltered life.
I had to ask Mr Google about Bruce Wayne too, DG.
That is a comfort, Kath!
Me too Kath.
At first glance I thought this was pretty tricky but it slowly went in. I also thought 17d was drainage but I knew it was wrong and eventually got the correct answer but had to read the hints to find the doctor. Great puzzle so thanks to all.
Brew Swain = Bruce Wayne. The millionaire/industrialist who is The Batman
Yes – thank you. We did get there eventually – I had to google him.
At the risk of sounding sexist, which I promise you I’m not, I think it’s a boy/girl thing!
So what is the name of Wonderwoman then Kath (and no Googling!)?
Are you having a laugh?!
Sharon, she lives in Barrel now
And never lets me forget it
You clearly didn’t watch the Adam West and Burt Ward TV version of the 1960s. A true classic and really quite hilarious to watch as an adult. I saw the spin off film they made just before my finals and laughed my head off all the way through (it was some years after it was made I hasten to add!)
I had problems with same clues as several others, and agree with MP that some appeared more worthy of a Toughie crossword. And like Kath, I do prefer a few more anagrams to help me get a foothold. I guess I will never be on wavelength with Ray T. Been unusually cold here, so perhaps my brain is numb. Had to wear anorak when supermarket shopping at 7am. Budding orchids are quite pampered, they have been hiding in our bath for the past 3 nights. Thanks for the challenge to Ray T and to Kath for the much needed hints.
It was very much as I expect a Ray T to be; that is to say, parsimonious (in the good way), clever and straight-ish forward bar 3 or 4 which were tough-ish. I’d not come across 5d and I needed Kath’s telling me how 17d worked, despite having bunged it.
I wasn’t that keen on too late, or even just late for ‘very slowly’.
My favourite was 22d.
Thanks to Mr T and Kath.
Top stuff from Ray T today. Half a dozen fiendish blighters, but all findable with tenacity.
Luckily, I knew 5d, as the school trip in 1974 stayed at the Hotel du Littoral in Blankenberge.
Thanks to Kath and to Ray T.
Ray T always let’s me in with a few easier clues and at some point I am so often stumped for “more than somewhat” – “Come into my parlour said the spider to the fly”. I didn’t know 5d and 10a was last in. 12a and 17d were harder than somewhat. Very enjoyable and thanks Kath for 17d which I bunged in and needed your explanation for.
Finally managed to drag my sorry self out of bed this afternoon – still feel several degrees below par but at least the b. awful pain in my joints and muscles has subsided. I read that the second dose of vaccine can cause more severe side effects – deep joy!
At least I had a Mr T puzzle awaiting me and very enjoyable it was. I did need to confirm 5d and was a little dubious about ‘slowly’ in 12a but fine elsewhere despite 17d being very slow to fall.
Favourite was 10a and 23a definitely provoked a titter.
Devotions as ever to Mr T and thanks to Kath for bringing us the review.
Glad you feel better today Jane. My symptoms are almost gone, although I am aware that I’m still not quite right. I managed a 2 mile walk but got a bit hot and tired as I came up the hill on the way home. However rotten it makes you feel, it’s better than getting Covid, I guess.
It’s good to have a lie in every now and then.
Keep well.
Totally defeated by 17d once I had DRainage lodged in the brain but otherwise a slow and steady solve.
15a and 16d kept resisting me until I finally gave in and opted for an electronic gift of two letters, the first time that Ray T has defeated me in a long time. Very humbling. As I said on my Toughie comment, I was having an off day (ha ha), but the fact is I simply couldn’t wrap my head around ‘harmonising’ meaning anything but some esoteric musical term (and the instrument itself completely escaped me). Grrr. Thus: 15a/16d are my CsOTD. But this was a Ray T at the top of his game, I thought, and so my thanks to him and, as always, to Kath for the enlightening review.
10a remained my missing piece in today’s puzzle so thanks to Kath for enlightening me. I find Ray T Thursdays are generally tricky so I’m either getting better or Ray T went a bit easier on us for this one.
I had to give up with a paucity of answers in the north. I can’t get on RayT’s wavelength, I just don’t think like he does.
One of my first answers was 5d, I seem to remember something about an Agatha Christie book. That’s my fave.
Thanks to RayT and huge gratitude to Kath for finishing the puzzle for me.
I had my COVID jab this morning, very cold in the 40s, under the trees. It was so well organised. I’ve had no side effects or pain so far though I feel totally washed out and would love to go to sleep.
I found this difficult getting bogged down in the south west 😟 so ****/*** Favourites 13a & 6d. Thanks to Kath for much needed hints and to Ray T
Always nice to see all the usual trademarks when solving a RayT.
Including stretched synonyms.
Straightforward solve but enjoyable while it lasted.
Thanks to RayT and to Kath for the review.
Thanks to Ray T and to Kath for the review and hints. Another super puzzle from Ray T as usual. I must’ve been on the right wavelength for a change. Only had trouble with 15a, which was LOI. 6d made me laugh, but my favourite was 22d. Was 2* / 4* for me.
As with some of the above comments I found a couple hard to fathom, going with 17d as drainage on my first pass and as a Lancashire lad had little reason to figure Yorkshire speak in 6d 😀. 5d gets my vote today
Thx RayT and Kath.
***/****. 10a my favourite as I struggled to parse it. A real d’oh moment. Thanks to Ray T and Kath.
We found this one quite tricky and a lot of fun. 17d was our last in and favourite.
Thanks RayT and Kath.
I have to say that I’m hugely relieved I wasn’t the only one to have trouble with 17d – once something fits with other letters it’s really hard to get shot of it even if you can see that it’s wrong. It caused me more grief than the rest of the crossword.
I did really like 5d and was a little bit surprised that it was a new word for so many of you – easy for me to say because I did know it – maybe I’ve done too many crosswords! I associate 5d with ‘sidereal’ – I don’t know why – maybe I ‘met’ them on the same day – I do know that they’re nothing to do with each other!
Found this Ray T a bit of a struggle in parts this week, with NE last area in.
New word at 5d for me ***/**** overall for today.
Favourites today include 19a, 23a, 4d, 6d & 17d with top clue being a tie between 4d and 17d.
Thanks to Ray T and Kath for the much need hints in many parts.
Thursday. Why do I always forget? It’s a day when the Toughie is doable and the RayT cryptic impossible!
Oh dear! Takes me back to my mantra – wavelength, wavelength and, yet again, wavelength!
I do have my moments with Ray T’s crosswords but, in general, I can cope, and I do enjoy them.
Today’s Toughie was something else completely – I didn’t stand a hope.
A crossword of two halves for me, I fairly whizzed through the west only to come to a grinding halt in the east….got there in the end though. Thanks to Kath for explaining some of the answers and to Ray T for an enjoyable workout.
liked 17D ” Doctor in hot water (8)”
Not long now until I head off for bed – as my Dad would probably have said, “It’s getting late and I think you’re a bit past your best”.
Thanks to Ray T for the crossword and to everyone for the comments.
Night night all and sleep well.
I hope Ray T is OK – it’s unlike him not to pop in to say hello. Just looked again this morning to see if he’d appeared after I’d gone to bed. Thanks to him for an enjoyable puzzle – took me ages but got there in the end. Thanks, too, to you, Kath, for the hints and explanations.
Last week he didn’t comment on the Beam Toughie until Friday – like the rest of us, he’d forgotten which day of the week it was
I’ve been thinking the same thing but you beat me to it in asking. Thanks CS for the reply – I hope that he calls in later. You’ve also reminded me that last week’s Beam Toughie is still ‘tucked up my sleeve’ – wonder if I can find it. If I can I’ll do it (?) later today.
2d, why would ‘revolting’ mean ‘reverse’?
Still going….tough outing today…
Like almost everyone else I had 17d wrong (and I knew it was wrong) and I used a bit of electronic help for speed as I started it late. I started off thinking it was above my pay grade but it all came together quite quickly and my geography degree helped with 5D (unlike the dreaded llano last week). Thanks to Kath for working out 17d and to Ray T for another great crossword. ***/****