Enigmatic Variations 1474
The Mover and the Lover by Ifor
Hints and tips by The Numpties
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There is no need to introduce Ifor to EV solvers who know that his crosswords can be challenging in the Listener, Inquisitor, Magpie and EV series, with intricate wordplay but also with very rewarding endgames. This one will certainly raise a St Valentine’s Day smile.
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Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3095 (Hints)
Hints and tips by Senf
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A very good Sunday morning from Winnipeg where, after an unusually mild couple of months, Mother Nature remembered it was supposed to be winter and we have had a week or so ‘under’ a Polar Vortex with ‘high (ha ha)’ temperatures in the minus 20s, minus 25 and below, and minus 30s, and even lower ‘low’ temperatures in the low minus 30s and goodness knows what the wind chill effect was; at least, one ‘benefit’ is that it has been too cold to snow.… Continue reading