Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29412
Hints and tips by Deep Threat
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty * – Enjoyment ***
Good morning from South Staffs, where the sun put in an appearance this morning for the first time this week. Somewhat light-headed this week, after getting my first haircut since February!
For me, this crossword was unusually straightforward for a Friday, and I rattled through it with no hold-ups.
In the hints below, the definitions are underlined. The answers are hidden under the ANSWER buttons, so don’t click if you don’t want to see them.
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought.
1a The new stadium designed for West Ham United, perhaps? (7)
ANAGRAM – The answer is what makes ‘the new stadium’ into ‘West Ham United’, or vice versa.
5a Floral wreath kid is upset to put down (7)
GARLAND – Reverse a verb for ‘kid’ or ‘tease’, then add ‘put down’, as an aeroplane might at an airport.
9a Compensate occasionally greedy, grasping old man (5)
REPAY – Alternate letters of gReEdY wrapped round another way of referring to the old man.
10a Dance a lot when tipsy, according to accounts (9)
ANECDOTAL – Anagram (when tipsy) of DANCE A LOT.
11a Encourage female to abandon a facelift — it melted! (10)
FACILITATE – Anagram (melted) of A (f)ACELIFT IT, with one of the abbreviations for Female removed.
12a Scrap audio tapes to some extent (4)
IOTA – Hidden in the clue.
14a Knowledgeable about water sources? (4-8)
WELL-INFORMED – The first word could refer to water sources accessed with a bucket and rope.
18a Traditional chorus in England, say, rendered around middle of July (4,4,4)
AULD LANG SYNE – Anagram (rendered) of ENGLAND SAY wrapped round the middle letters of JULy.
21a Drunk back by hotel? Nonsense (4)
TOSH – Reverse (back) a word for a habitual drunk, then add the letter represented by Hotel in the NATO alphabet.
22a Content to leave etching as an illustration (3,7)
FOR EXAMPLE – If you remove all the inside letters from e(tchin)g you get a Latin abbreviation. The English translation of the phrase which that abbreviation represents is the answer here.
25a Song couple heard with others in Bury (3,2,4)
LAY TO REST – Put together an old word for a song, a homophone (heard) of a word for a couple, and a word for ‘the others’.
26a Gobbles suet regularly, getting very overweight (5)
OBESE – Alternate letters of gObBlEs and SuEt. The newspaper version and the early version of the online clue had ‘gobble’ rather than gobbles’, which makes the wordplay less satisfactory.
27a Exam’s first question was worrying, second is deemed comparable (7)
EQUATES – Put together the first letter of Exam, an abbreviation for ‘question’, another word for ‘was worrying’, and an abbreviation for Second.
28a Went to bed exhausted following ride I’d taken (7)
RETIRED – Remove the I’D (from the clue) from R(id)E, then add a word for ‘exhausted’.
1d Notice golfer finally, short distance off course (6)
ADRIFT – Put together a short word for a public notice, the last letter of golfeR, and three letters which, split (1,2) could be a Roman numeral for a small number and an abbreviation for an imperial measure of length.
2d Feature performance involving special source of expertise (6)
ASPECT – Put together an abbreviation for Special and the first letter (source) of Expertise, then wrap a performance or deed around the result.
3d Dietary supplement from which a queen benefits? (5,5)
ROYAL JELLY – Cryptic definition of a substance fed to queen bees.
4d Intended food must contain new ingredient (5)
MEANT – An abbreviation for New inserted into a carnivore’s food.
5d Respects detailed environmental articles husband disregarded (9)
GREETINGS – Remove the last letter (de-tailed) from the adjective usually attached to environmental measures, then add a general word for ‘articles’ with the abbreviation for Husband removed.
6d Rough game is supported by lowest social classes (4)
RUDE – The initials of the game played with an egg-shaped ball, followed by the alphabetic classification of the two lowest classes of society.
7d Creations modelled from trash, mostly? (3,5)
ART FORMS – Anagram (modelled) of FROM TRAS(h). ‘Mostly’ indicates that the anagram fodder is shortened.
8d Slow people boring when crossing road (8)
DULLARDS – Another word for ‘boring’ followed by another word for ‘when’ wrapped round an abbreviation for ‘road’.
13d Revolutionary children’s entertainer? (10)
ROUNDABOUT – Cryptic definition of a revolving item found in a children’s playground.
15d Spaniard visits solitary individuals, capitalists (9)
LONDONERS – The definition here refers to people who live in the capital. A word for people who prefer their own company wrapped round a title given to Spanish nobles.
16d Sweet smell, it’s apparently returning somewhat (8)
PASTILLE – Hidden in reverse (returning somewhat) in the clue.
17d Affectionate expression boy uses freely about student (5,3)
BLESS YOU – Anagram (freely) of BOY USES with the letter attached to student drivers inserted.
19d Show up a House of Lords member, reportedly (6)
APPEAR – A (from the clue) followed by what sounds like (reportedly) a member of the House of Lords.
20d Key story that may not be true (6)
LEGEND – Double definition, the first being the key to a map or diagram.
23d Go in for chips without carp (5)
ENTER – Remove CARP from the tradesman often familiarly known as ‘chips’ to get the answer.
24d Dispute low temperature (4)
MOOT – ‘Low’ (like a cow) followed by Temperature.
The Quick Crossword pun KANT + HERB + AIRY = CANTERBURY
3*/5*. This was just right for a Friday back-pager – nicely challenging and very enjoyable.
I had a lot of ticks on my page, with double ticks being awarded to 18a, 22a, 25a (an inventive new twist on Bury!) and 15d. However, my last one in and runaway favourite was 1a – a very clever example of this construction with a perfect surface.
Many thanks to the setter (Silvanus?) and to DT.
I hope the setter does reveal him/herself then I can offer my personal congratulations.
Speechless! A brilliant grid. 1A was A1.
Couldn’t put it better myself.
This was right up my street, an absolute delight from start to finish with some cracking anagrams and amusing surfaces.
My only slight concern was having only heard of “chips” as chippies but the solution was obvious.
Liked so many clues, hard to chose a podium but 1,11& 14a plus 5&15d were contenders.
Many thanks to the setter and to DT for the top notch entertainment.
Fast and fun-filled Friday. Except for not parsing the ‘carp’ in 23d, I rather breezed through this, though not as speedily as our host did. Spent most of my cruciverbal labours on the extraordinary Toughie last night, which I managed to finish in XYZ time, with a little help from the ether. Cryptic winners: 1a, 5d, and 22a–all three tied for gold! Thanks to D.T. and the Friday setter. Most enjoyable. ** / ****
Oh thank you so much for the Bud Flanagan treat, D.T. “I get a funny feeling inside of me” still, as I did when first I walked up and down, over 50 years ago. What a rush.
I enjoyed this one. Just didn’t get the ‘for’ of 22ac. Don’t judge.
Excellent crossword to finish the week. Like others I thought 1A was outstanding. Congrats to the compiler **/****
Gosh, 1a is clever!! It had to be what it was, superb anagram, convinces me that I could never blog a crossword, I would never have got that!!
Jolly crossword today, harder than the star rating for me, which is often the case on a Friday.
Thanks all.
A bit better for me than Most of the Friday crosswords have been of late but still 4* for difficulty due to the inordinate amount of time it took me to catch on to 1a. Some of the clues were pretty straight forward and I quite enjoyed 25a and 23d. So 3* for enjoyment. Thanks to DT for the review, which helped me to parse the four clues that I was unsure of. Thanks to the setter for his efforts.
Very nice, even if 1a is a bit of a chestnutty giveaway – well it was for me anyway
I think RD’s guess at setter is a good shout
Thanks to setter and DT
Not for this 8d it wasn’t LbR.
I thought I could never have seen that – especially as WHU have not long moved into a new stadium. Serves not to get too technical I guess.
When bloggers talk about chestnuts, I am always minded of Marty in Back To The Future:
“It’s new to you, but it’s an oldie where I come from”
I watched that last night. Great films
So many great bits…”Ronald Reagan is president??? Who’s the vice-president, Jerry Lewis??”
My husband’s favourite film of all time.
They dribble synthetic cream all over the place (10,4)
And play in sky blue.
Not seen them since 1995. Before that 1977. Good clue though
Not sure about regularly in 26a; it doesn’t work for me. Otherwise a very enjoyable puzzle.
Many thanks to the setter, and to DT.
I agree that it would be better if the first word had been ‘gobbles’ or ‘gobbled’, so that the alternate letters would have run smoothly through both words.
The Editor has informed me that the online version of 26a has now been changed to “gobbles”.
* DT, really? Was that just for 1a on its own? It certainly was for me but what a brilliant clue. As a sports person it frustrated the hell out of me that I could see a “soccer clue”. Must be a contender for clue of the month.
Many others to enjoy, 15d, 23d etc etc.
Thank you to setter and DT for review and the Flanagan & Allen memory.
Not as difficult as yesterday but I needed help with 1A and 5A in order to finish the top half.
COTD has to be 1A without a doubt. very clever.
Thanks to the setter and DT for the hints and the crossword.
1a was new to me & the standout clue in a great crossword. Not difficult but entertaining throughout & a welcome contrast to yesterday’s trials. Also thought 22a very good – the answer was obvious the parsing less so – for me at least.
Have made a start on the Toughie which is clearly not Elgar as I’ve got a dozen but golf in some welcome sunshine beckons.
Thanks to the setter & DT.
Very enjoyable – thanks to setter and DT.
I didn’t notice that 26a doesn’t quite work until reading Jezza’s comment above.
My podium selections are 1a, 5a and 22a.
One of my lockdown joys has been getting to grips with the DT crossword, and finding this forum was the other! It’s been an invaluable guide, and I’m learning every day from the contributors. And what a lovely friendly bunch you all are. Big thanks to setters, solvers, commenters and our host.
Welcome to the blog Lorna G.
And hello from we three too. One loves to hear nice things
Welcome from me, Lorna G. I also found this blog by accident and it has helped me enormously in my ability to solve the DT puzzle. Please keep posting and you will find everyone very helpful.
Setter here, many thanks for the comments so far, I just wanted to say that in 26a “gobble” was originally clued as “gobbles” but somehow between the drafting and publication phases the final “s” mysteriously disappeared. How I do not know, but I hope it didn’t detract from your enjoyment.
I’ll pop back later to clarify any other points and to thank blogger and contributors formally.
Thank you for the pleasure of an excellent puzzle.
Great crossword, Silvanus, 1a is a gem.
Thanks very much for popping. Great puzzle!
Popping in, not popping!
Thank you for the great puzzle, Silvanus. 1a brought the house down, didn’t it?
Excellent puzzle as always Silvanus. No story today though.
Following up on my comment to RD #1, congratulations on a great puzzle.
Thank you for calling in to claim ownership, Silvanus, lovely to ‘see’ you as always.
An absolute cracker Silvanus. Thanks and congratulations.
Too many good things to list them all – thank you so much.
Very quick and most enjoyable. 1a was a bung in because it couldn’t be anything else. My husband (a West Ham supporter – someone has to be) supplied the why. That has to be clue of the month. After my struggle with Ray T yesterday, this one was light relief. 1* / 3*. Thanks to all.
I went into ** time for this enjoyable puzzle probably have himup. I must be so dim, despite getting 1a, still don’t understand it despite the hint. They are not anagrams of each other so where does the anagram emanate from. So sorry but can someone enlighten me, thanks. Love the Flanagan and Allen. As children we were taken to see the Crazy Gang every Christmas, really for brother who was 6 years older than me. His nickname was BB (short for Bus Bun) so we sat in box BB. Box AA was reserved for the cast. One year, I was about 5, Bud Flanagan passed me a huge sandwich with a whole raw onion in it. I was taken aback and didn’t say a word. But he yelled out ‘What a rude little girl, she’s just called me an old fart!’ The whole place roared with laughter and I burst into tears as I didn’t know what a fart was. So he gave me a big kiss. Happy days! The ‘woke’ fraternity would have him for exploiting a minor but I loved it.
It is, Manders? The new stadium -> West Ham United (not easy for a Millwall fan to write!!)
Are you sure The new stadium and West Ham United are not anagrams?
OMG! It has taken me all this time to see it! I was looking for a 7 letter anagram. What a clever clue. Thanks to everyone for steering me in the right direction
1a It was a very sad day for me when West Ham United moved to the new stadium … I loved Upton Park.
Me too. Many happy memories of standing on the old North Bank or the ‘Chicken Run’ stand as a youngster. I remember the fighting on the terraces too, unfortunately. We had to make for the exit early to stay safe!
Me too Chriscross, I’m a 3rd generation Hammer, it’s like a slight illness that you inherit and can never shake off. Loved 1a, but was frustrated by it for ages
Great crossword 4/5 for me , some brilliant clues 14a, 22a,25a all favourites but 1a got me blowing bubbles
On a par with yesterday’s Ray T for me, completed at a gallop – 2.5*/4*.
Candidates for favourite – 5a, 1d, and 8d – and the winner is 8d.
Thanks to Silvanus and DT.
What a difference twenty four hours makes. This was much more to my liking and lots of fun. I have lots of favourites. 1a,18a, 25a, 13d, 16d, 23d and 24d, if I’m allowed that many. Basically, I enjoyed the whole thing. Many thanks to Silvanus for the puzzle, and for dropping in to see us. Thanks too for the review Deep Threat. It’s a long time since I’ve had a 16d. I used to love the lime green ones.
Neither I nor the daughters liked the green sweets so that was all poor George ever got pushed into his mouth as he was driving. He still does not realise that ‘other colours are available‘.
I used to do something similar to my husband with the round tin of travel sweets we used to keep in the glove box. I fed him all the ones I didn’t like.
Oh, you girls are devious!
After yesterday’s struggle, 2.5*/4* for me today.
1a my favourite by a long way.
Just right for a back-pager and a lot of fun. When it comes to parsing, I’d be embarrassed to admit how long it took me to spot the ‘short distance’ in 1d and the ‘children’s entertainer’ definitely sat on the side-lines until a couple of checkers were in place.
Plenty of podium places handed out – 10,14&22a plus 15&20d were all there for me.
Many thanks to our setter and also to the ‘light-headed’ DT for the review.
A wonderful puzzle and what a superb clue 1a is. I set off at a cracking pace but gradually slowed down so I took longer than usual but it was most enjoyable. Apart from 1a I liked 14a, 22a and the reverse lurker in 16d. However, my COTD is 22a, which I thought clever.
Many thanks, Sylvanus for a terrific puzzle and a great end to the week. Thanks, also, DT for the hints.
Quite breezy in Shropshire but at least the rain has stopped so maybe the grass beckons!
I will add my vote to 1a and say that is possibly my clue of the year so far. Absolutely brilliant. I found the whole puzzle a delight, if a little tricky, but a fine challenge for a Friday.
Thanks to Silvanus and DT.
A really good puzzle, lots of great clues although I needed some hints to complete. All back to normal following fitting of new range, installers gone so ckean up required. Hope to be back to more blogging next week.
Thanks to DT and Silvanus.
Whilst I agree that this not difficult to solve, I found the clues very difficult to unravel on occasion. I needed an explanation for the wordplay on 1a, 5a, 20d and 23d. I still don’t understand the wordplay for 27a, where does the worrying come in? Life is too short for clues like 22a IMHO.
I did like 14a and 19d, both clever clues.
I don’t know who the setter is but I just felt he/she was trying to be too clever.
Thx to all
27a – was worrying = ate.
Setter was Sylvanus as he popped in earlier.
Yes I agree with the majority view that this was A1 and 1a stood out as top dog. N came on board first. Needed help to fully parse my 22a bung-in. Thank you Silvanus, particularly for clarifying 26a, and DT.
Thanks for revealing yourself Silvanus and thanks for your excellent offering. A good challenge and a few chuckles along the way. Numerous COTD candidates, for me it’s a photo finish between 22a and 13d. I’m giving it to 22a. By the way, if you have a copy of How to Crack Cryptic Crosswords by Tim Moorey, 1across is used as an example on page 17. Thanks DT for the extras and the music🦇
Did Sylvanus reveal himself? I missed that! 😲
Sorry for the late reply Steve, been asleep. I’m in Brisbane. Silvanus revealed him/herself in post 14. Cheers 🦇
Thanks to everyone for another lovely week in crosswordland. AND I finished the toughie in the bath last night (except for one pesky clue). It all helps to take my mind off my knee!!!
Very entertaining and another vote for 1a although 22a comes a very close second. Thanks to Silvanus and DT.
Great puzzle after yesterday’s struggle. I chuckled when I realised why I had a “bung in” for 23 down. 1 a was absolutely brilliant. Thank you so much Silvanus and Dee Threat and also my thanks to the bloggers who feel like friends, and I love reading all the comments.
As a long-term lurker (and W Ham fan though thin and thin) I felt it was now or never to come out of the shadows – what a fantastic crossword – and thanks to all you regulars who have kept me amused and guided me in the dark arts over the years – to the point where I can now do most of the crosswords, most of the time
Welcome to the blog, Johny99.
Now that you’ve emerged blinking into the sunlight I hope that we’ll hear from you on a regular basis.
And a fellow Bruce fan I assume.
Welcome, Johnny99 and we look forward to more comments from you. Funny you should mention dark arts. I am a dentist and have always considered orthodontics (the fitting of appliances to move teeth in young children) a dark art practiced by wizards, warlocks and witches. 😀
Can someone please unscramble my brain here . How on earth is the answer to 1a “ anagram “ ? Am I going mad here ?
Go back to comment 16 !
“West Ham United” is an anagram of “The New Stadium”
Thanks stanXYZ . What a brilliant clue !!!!
For designed read anagram.
Very enjoyable crossword. Thanks to Silvanus.
Great anagrams in 18a and 7d.
Thanks also to DT for the review.
Lovely crossword 😃 **/*** Favourites of course 1a and 18a 👍 Thanks to DT and to Sylvanus
My favourite puzzle for a while. 1a and 13d are superb (1a took me the longest and then I took off my metaphorical hat – it’s like a panama hat but more figurative).
Lovely to be able to sit out in the garden again after a few days of torrential showers. Lola who is sitting on the table keeping an eye on a magpie (the magpie is about a mile away) says she is not one to say “I told you so”, but that her concerns about the potentially feeble England top order were well founded. She is still perplexed by the decisions to bat first, and to omit Mr Broad. Her plans for the afternoon are to see off the magpie and return to the flower beds for a snooze. Sensible cat.
Yikes! Forgot to say – thanks very much to Silvanus and DT.
Back from a morning’s golf to this wonderful crossword with 1a and 22a the standout clues. So clever and thank you.
All been said.Just want to thank Silvanus.Some great clues provided a good test and some lovely humour.Fondly recall Stoke beating West Ham in a cup semi.After last night l need to look back as l don’t think there is much of a future for them over the next few years.
Really enjoyable pastime for sitting in brilliant sunshine with a gentle breeze and a glass of orange juice. 1a was a real penny-drop moment, so that was definitely one favourite, with 5a, 16d and 23d being the others. Needed parsing help with 8d. Many thanks to Silvanus and DT.
Police came round just to check my newly arrived daughter from Egypt was isolating with us. All present and correct fortunately. Otherwise could face £10,000 fine just for going out of the gate! Good that they are checking.
What an excellent puzzle. So many ticks: 1,14,22,25a and 15&23d. 1a was the winner. 3/5 is my rating not the 1/3 I saw at the top. Thanks to DT for the hints and Silvanus for ending the working week on a very high note.
I found this to be the most difficult puzzle of the week and it took me some while to find a way in. Once a few pennies had dropped my solve continued at a fairly slow pace unti I was half way through and then finished at more of a gallop. Loved 1a across once I’d made sence of it . My personal favourites were 15d, 18a & 17d. Wasn’t overly keen on 26 across as it didn’t flow as I felt it ought to have done.
Overall a good entertaining Friday puzzle. Thanks to setter and DT.
Even with the hints and the comments above we struggle to ‘get’ 14a. We solved it, and yes, we get “well” as a water source, but where is the wordplay for “informed”?
Or are we just 8d?
Informed about wells was my take on it.
Welcome to the blog RJ&SMB.
The clue is a sort of all-in-one. If you are knowledgeable about this particular water source, you could be said to be ‘well informed’.
I agree Shropshirebloke, couldn’t believe DT gave it only 1* for difficulty. After getting only three answers, I took a break and then went back to the puzzle and found it much friendlier. I got to a brick wall with only three to go in the NW, finally worked out 9a which helped to finish.
I found the problem was trying to unravel the answers once I got them, vide 1a and 23d in particular. Having it explained to me, I like 23d and that’s my fave. Of course 1a was a complete mystery, I was also put off as it was a footballie clue.
Thanks Silvanus, enjoyed this once I sussed out your wavelength, and to DT for unravelling that lot and the Flanagan and Allen, what memories!
Late today and can only endorse all the (positive!) comments about this crossword. 1a was quite brilliant but there were many other clever and humorous clues. Many thanks to Silvanus and DT for the pleasure that they have obviously given to so many today. I hope that they feel amply rewarded.
Back again to thank the freshly shorn Deep Threat for the blog (I had my first haircut for four months too yesterday) and to everyone else who has commented, I’m really pleased to know that everyone has found something to enjoy, which isn’t always the case!
I discovered recently that a portmanteau word has been coined for complementary anagrams like those in 1a, the “aptagram”. Probably the most perfect example of an aptagram is Astronomer/Moon Starer, but another, to which I took a particular fancy, is Apple Macintosh/Laptop Machines.
Have a great weekend everyone.
I remember completing – and enjoying – your first DT crossword. This one was even better. I’m definitely on your wavelength and really enjoy your creativity.
Keep it up!
Thank goodness I was able to do this crossword. I was beginning to loose the will to live after the last two crosswords! Thank you Silvanus and DT.
Can only echo the thoughts of others. Entertaining puzzle with a couple which I struggled to parse. Re 1a – my last one in; what a brilliant clue! – I didn’t see it until the Mrs pointed it out. I had looked for an anagram of ‘hammers’ without much conviction. Thanks to Silvanus for the puzzle and for popping in, and to DT for the review. Monday is haircut day; apparently I look like Moses, so I’ll keep taking the tablets …
Very subtle! 🤣
Late today as I have been taking Mama Bee for her first hairdo. The puzzle was a pleasure to solve while I waited. I agree with the above comments and my only query was the fact that I had 26a with the missing ess, but Silvanus has explained that.
1a is a cracking clue (Is Upton Park the same as The Boleyn Ground? – and are they both gone now?)but I will plump for 25a but it is a sign of a great puzzle when a case could be made for so many of the clues. Thanks to DT and Silvanus.
Re Aptagrams there was much discussion on the radio this Am that Eric Clapton is an anagram of Clacton Pier. I expect that to be worked into a clue soon.
We too found this more difficult than DT did.
Last one in and definitely favourite was 1a.
Thoroughly enjoyed the solve.
Thanks Silvanus and DT.
I’m in the minority group, with Shropshire Lad and Merusa, who found this more difficult than a one *. In my experience, 11a usually means to enable, help, but not necessarily to encourage, but I am sure the BRB says otherwise. Spent too much time on 18a because I did not realise it was an anagram, and anyway, that chorus is Scottish, and yes I know it wouldn’t have been anagram material then. And I couldn’t fathom 15d even with the hint. Must be having a brain dead day. Thanks to Sylvanus and Deep Threat.
Took me a while today to get around to this puzzle. A nice easy way to round out the week. 1*/3*
14a, 18a, 25a, 15d & 19d with winner 15d
Thanks to setter and DT
Ok explanation please of 1a…….
Welcome to the blog Toots
Look at the answer and then reread the hint – there’s not a lot more to say about it.
To add to BD’s comment perhaps my reply to Michael Benson in Comment 32 above might also help.
I only ever came across CHIPPIE as a carpenter but bradfords also has chips, wasnt there a mr chips in some book?
“Goodbye Mr. Chips” – novella by James Hilton and film.
After yesterday’s RT, which I could never finish in a million years, I am so pleased to have completed this one, with just a bit of electronic help. Thank you Silvanus.
Welcome to the blog Drowssorc