Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29407
A full review by crypticsue
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This puzzle was published on 4th July 2020
BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ***
A straightforward pangram with several anagrams – I’d guessed that it was the work of the long-time Saturday Prize Puzzle setter, Cephas, and this was confirmed when he turned up to thank everyone for their comments.
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought.
1a Race tyres can burst (8)
ANCESTRY – An anagram (burst) of TYRES CAN
6a Cut piece, dry inside (6)
BISECT – SEC (dry) inside BIT (piece)
9a Northerner, no adult on course (4)
SCOT – Remove the A (no adult) from aSCOT racecourse
10a Leave footprints and hurry (4,6)
MAKE TRACKS – Double definition -one literal, the other informal
11a Greek sailor’s dry wit (5,4)
ATTIC SALT – ATTIC (Greek) SALT (sailor)
12a Priest to have gloomy expression (5)
FROWN – FR (father, priest) OWN (to have)
14a Might sculptor be found sitting in it? (6)
CARVER – A cryptic definition of a type of dining chair
16a Very many not informed (6)
UNTOLD – Double definition
19a Nurse carries first lady to find river (6)
SEVERN – SRN (State Registered Nurse) ‘carries’ EVE (first lady)
20a Quietly drink, spilling gallons? This might be baffling! (6)
PUZZLE – P (musical instruction to play quietly) gUZZLE (drink spilling the abbreviation for Gallons)
22a Second judge initially uncertain (5)
JIFFY – J (Judge initially) IFFY (uncertain)
24a Piece of text soldier attached to chart (9)
PARAGRAPH – PARA (soldier) GRAPH (chart)
27a Charlie’s one part of frontier? (10)
CHECKPOINT – Probably the most famous checkpoint of all is CHARLIE between the old West and East Berlin
28a Idiot left with bottles (4)
TWIT – Hidden in (bottles) lefT WITh
29a Train that may be held up by attendant (6)
BRIDAL – Another cryptic definition
30a Second nuclear weapon is very loud (8)
STRIDENT – S (second) TRIDENT (nuclear weapon)
2d Tiny changes to adopt church’s point (6)
NICETY – An anagram (changes) of TINY to ‘adopt’ CE (Church of England)
3d Rescue former lover and Conservative wearing strange attire (9)
EXTRICATE – EX (former lover) and C (Conservative) the latter inserted into (wearing) an anagram (strange) of ATTIRE
4d Sort of negativism characterised by speed and efficiency (4-6)
TIME-SAVING – An anagram (sort of) NEGATIVISM
5d Burden left for bumpkin (5)
YOKEL – YOKE (burden) L (left)
6d No clothes are worn in this city (4)
BATH – You usually get undressed to go in the bath, whether in the city of Bath or elsewhere
7d Flight member‘s fixed gaze, one hears (5)
STAIR – A homophone (one hears) of STARE (fixed gaze)
8d Dance with seal round a garden? (8)
CAKEWALK – CALK (seal) round KEW (a garden)
13d Host who knows all the answers (10)
QUIZMASTER – Another cryptic definition
15d Inscription from scripture (3)
RIP – Hidden in (from) scRIPture
17d Suffered being related to criminal (9)
TOLERATED – An anagram (criminal) of RELATED TO
18d Make out meaning of price he’d fabricated (8)
DECIPHER – An anagram (fabricated) of PRICE HED
21d Choice of beverage when papa’s promoted (6)
OPTION – To turn this choice into a beverage, you’d need to ‘promoted’ the P (Papa in the NATO Phonetic Alphabet. This clue confused me for a while as I initially thought we were demoting the Papa in the POTION (beverage)
23d Fine Democrat punched by expert stood opposite (5)
FACED – F (fine) D (Democrat) ‘punched’ by ACE (expert)
25d What a pity, I included assumed name (5)
ALIAS – I (from the clue) included in ALAS (what a pity)
26d Stone work on nearly everything (4)
OPAL – OP (work) ALl (‘nearly’ everything)
Regarding 19a, I parsed this as SRN and eve, yes I am old enough to know the two different routes
Thank you CS and others who review and we learn those of us who are less gifted at cryptic
I parsed it that way too but by the time I got to typing the explanation, my brain had decided it was SEN as it is most crosswords. Now corrected