Cruciverbalists’ Convention
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It’s time once again for a meeting in London, this time to celebrate the sixth birthday of the blog. Come along and join us at The Bridge House, 13 Westbourne Terrace Road, London, W2 6NG on the 31st January- any time between 12noon and 7.00pm.
All are welcome (that means you!) and, as usual, we have picked a pub that enables you to enjoy a host of real ales. Click on either of the pictures for further details of the venue.
Only ten minutes walk from Paddington Station
It is all very accessible, in case anyone has special needs.
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There will be cake!
If it’s as scrummy as the last one I’m definitely going to be there ;)
… and a naughty step?
When we were there in January 2012, we had a photo taken of the Naughty Corner
Police identify suspects in missing cake mystery.
:D Have a look here and you’ll see there definitely was cake!
Took me a few attempts I seem to remember…..
And for those of us who are stay-at-homes, will there be some photos of THE cake and the gathering? Last year’s were super.
I hope to be there.
Are we allowed to know who’s in the pic. BD or does that convene the blog rules? It’s just a sneaking desire to picture the faces behind the ‘handles’.

Left to right are Gnomethang, Prolixic, Big Dave, Crypticsue, Bufo and Tilsit
Thanks Prolixic – you look a very well-behaved bunch to me, can’t think why you were all in the ‘naughty corner’ !!!
PS – also thanks for not pulling me up on the typo – only spotted it in the cold light of day!
I don’t see how I can avoid coming.
Richmond v Coventry in the afternoon makes it quite likely for me.
I have put it in my diary. Have to go to Brighton in the morning but will come and find you when I get back Looking forward to the cake.
The lure of a CS cake is too attractive to resist – I shall be there.
Barring any unforeseen disasters I’ll be there too. Looking forward to it – couldn’t get to the one this time last year.
We of course, although we would love to, will not be able to be there. It did occur to me though that if someone there has the necessary electronic device, and we have set it up before hand, it might be possible to set our alarm for the middle of the night and then say a quick Hullo via Skype. Something to think about.
Train ticket booked. See you all there
My next few weekends are very much at work but I will try to wangle an early shoot on the day.
I intend to be there too and look forward to it!
I’m passing through Paddington en route to Heathrow on that day – sadly only to meet someone not jetting off myself – so that gives me an excuse to pop in, introduce myself and put some names and faces to pseudonyms. Looking forward to meeting you.
I would also love to visit on this occasion and will do my best to get there.
We are newcomers to the crossword and have very much enjoyed the blog. We look forward to meeting some familiar names on the 31st.
Welcome Pasa Doble. Looking forward to see you there.
I look forward to meeting you too – it’s always nice to see new people at these events.
Sadly I don’t think I’ll be able to make it this year – I’m waiting to hear about some tickets for the football that will take me up to Manchester. If those fall through I’ll definitely be along, and in either case hope everyone has a great time :-)
For once, it doesn’t clash with the Gooners. So I should be there.
Sorry I can’t be there – I enjoyed coming along to the get-together after the Times championships. Raise a glass to (not full of) Soup!
Hope to have another puzzle in NTSPP soon.
Thanks for this blog, I’ve been following it for a while now since I started doing the DT crossword. I hope to make to the Cruciverbalists this time, it’s a nice pub and one I used to live not far from.
Welcome to the blog Andy
We all look forward to seeing you there.
Apologies Dave, I’m working that day and won’t be able to get away.
I can’t stay too long unfortunately, but I look forward to making a brief appearance between 12 and 1 to introduce myself and say a quick hello.
I hope that there will be an opportunity to chat to some fellow rookies too !
I will be coming with my cricket adviser – my husband! See you there!
I’m planning to come
Really looking forward to seeing some of you again, as well as meeting some of you for the first time. Yay!
For only the second time since I’ve been adding the final comment on every day’s blog, I will be in the same country as the convention. And it’s in my home town, so I don’t have to drive down to Bristol again. I shall be there, and public transport means the available ales can be tried, evaluated, re-evaluated and, if a playoff is necessary, rere-evaluated. The cake will certainly help. As will the company
Have fun, everyone! I will be at home on puppy-sitting duty (she’s not old enough yet to be left in the care of neighbours) and thinking about you. About to print some quiz sheets for Himself to bring for you.
Hope you all have a lovely day. I shall be thinking and discussing in sunny North Liverpool!
To all, especially the Big Man, “Thankyou so much for a very very enjoyable day! It was nice to be able to put faces to names and enjoy the company of people who could (and have!) teach me so much about Cryptic Crosswords!
Well I had a super time – thanks to all the lovely people (you know who you are :) ) who made it so.
My only complaint is that there wasn’t enough cake! It was too delicious and the turn out too great. I would have liked another slice or three. Nom nom! Thanks Crypticsue :).
P.S. Jean-Luc – I managed a grand total of three answers of your crossword on my way home :(. I will look at it again when my head is clearer…
I thought it was brilliant too and I agree about the cake! It was, to quote our not so elegant Pet Lamb No 1 “Yum, yum pig’s bum”!! Well done to CS not for just making the cake but for managing to get it there in one piece.
and another one for good measure
to everyone.
A very good day I would say, so
Nearly froze to bits on the way home – managed to get on a very slow train that stopped at all the little stations – I do think that opening the doors at every station was a bit unnecessary and inconsiderate . . .
Yum Yum Pigs Bum. Apple Pie and Chewing Gum. Today’s do was so good I went twice. Nice to put names to aliases and faces. What a turn out. Ta to all