Merry Christmas – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all our readers

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Big Dave and the team of bloggers would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

A special thank you to all the crossword setters, especially to those who have taken the time to leave comments on the blog, and to Phil McNeill and his team at Telegraph Puzzles.

If you are one of several thousand lurkers that visit the site every day – why not break cover and say hello!

Although the Daily Telegraph is not published today, online subscribers have been treated to not two but three web-only cryptic puzzles, a standard puzzle, a Toughie by Elkamere and finally an extra-beastly Double Toughie from Elgar.

24 comments on “Merry Christmas

  1. Hello Big Dave,

    Thank you very much for all you do to make our life easier.

    I am an expat in India and your blog and brilliant clues help me avoid homesickness. In addition, being able to print off the puzzles is a much better way than taking out a subscription for the newspaper.

    I wish you and your colleagues and the Telegraph puzzle setters the compliments of the Season and all the very best for the coming year.

    Thanks very much, once again.

  2. Best wishes to all & B. D.

    I hope you all have a peacefull new year’

    We have just moved house so the new garden awaits!


    D. D.

  3. Thanks to Big Dave and all the Bloggers, I have been Lurking for a while so time to come out of the closet !( only in a manner of speaking I might add).

  4. Happy New Year to BD and al his henchpeople, my enjoyment of cruciverbalism ha increased a thousandfold since finding this wonderful ? (What’s another word for resource which I hate) and the camaraderie of everyone I have met has made this little old lady very happy.

    1. Thank you Hilary and a Happy New Year to you too. Glad you enjoy the blog and all our humble efforts. Don’t think I’ve ever been called a ‘henchperson’ before.

  5. Thank you for the wonderful help you have provided since I found your site (quite by accident when googling a word that didn’t exist but that you’d also googled in vain).
    My father got his children hooked on the daily telegraph crossword and I’ve initiated my husband and children too. My sister and I still do the crossword together a couple of times each week and use your blog to mop up the last few we are stuck on
    Have a very happy new year from a lurker

    1. Welcome Claire. I found the site by accident too – I put a whole Toughie clue into google and completely changed my crosswording life.

      Hope you will stop lurking now and become a regular commenter.

      Happy New Year to you too.

  6. Best Wishes for a great 2015.
    To all the wonderful Telegraph setters.
    To all the wonderful reviewers.
    To BD for this site and all posters.

  7. Happy New Year to you all.
    I am one of your regular lurkers. This time last year I resolved to do the DT crossword every day until I worked out how to do cryptic crosswords. With the help of this blog, well sometimes I don’t even need the blog any more to complete it.
    Perhaps I should try the Toughie as my next challenge.

  8. I have long wanted to express my appreciation for what you do and how you do it, but didn’t know how. Thank you.

  9. I started doing the Telegraph Cryptic when I was in the Merchant Navy to while away the hours on the bridge. Now retired, I still attempt it every day, but nearly always need your help. I never do the “difficulty/enjoyment” bit as it would always be 5/5. Thank you for your dedication.

    1. Welcome to the blog, Slim. Now that you’re introduced yourself I hope that we’ll hear from you on a regular basis.

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