DT 27601 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 27601

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 27601

Hints and tips by Miffypops

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty *Enjoyment **

Far too easy today, even for a Monday. There are two very weak anagrams and too many clues that can be answered from general knowledge. No stand out clues for me today.

Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five stars at the bottom of the post.


1a    Insect family with extensive members (5-4-4)
DADDY-LONG-LEGS:    As an Arachnid an Opilone commonly known as a Harvestman. As a flying insect a Crane Fly. We have had a plague of them this autumn

10a    Incite it in a football crowd (7)
AGITATE:    Take A from the clue then place the word IT from the clue inside a noun meaning the number of people who pay to enter a sports ground for an event

11a    Warning — it’s a mock auction (7)
CAUTION:    Anagram (mock) of AUCTION

12a    Get a larger size (4)
GROW:    Increase in size

13a    Duplicator initially needs it to copy (5)
DITTO:    Take the first (initially) letter of the word D(itto) and add (needs) IT and TO from the clue

14a    Pen note that the doctor should look at (4)
STYE:    This pen might contain pigs. The note is a musical one. The thing a doctor might look at would be an inflamed swelling on your eyelid.

17a    A drifter of a coldly detached nature (7)
ICEBERG:    These got a mention last week and caused a bit of a problem. They are large pieces of frozen water drifting or floating around in the sea

18a    Nurse in bizarre sex case holds out (7)
EXTENDS:    Place a verb meaning to nurse inside an anagram (bizarre) of SEX

19a    I’m in favour yet show displeasure (7)
GRIMACE:    Place the word I’M into a noun meaning the condition or fact of being favoured by someone.

22a    Atlantic liner docked next to a Queen (7)
TITANIA:    Take the final letter away (docked) from what is probably the world’s best known liner and replace it with the letter A from the clue to find the queen of the fairies in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream.

24a    Role reversal that can let an actor down (4)
TRAP:    Reverse the word which describes an actor’s role to find the name of the spring loaded door set into a stage floor. Here the clue states that it may let an actor down and it may be used for this when an actor needs to disappear suddenly. You will normally see it used in the pantomime Aladdin when the genie magically appears. The mechanism is shrouded in a puff of smoke. I used to dread testing this device when I worked at The Coventry Theatre

25a    Snail that goes round and round and up and down (5)
HELIX:    The last one in for me. The answer is descriptive of the shell of the snail. It is also the first part of its Latin name

26a    Feedback for Miss Blyton? (4)
ENID:    I like this clue. The word feedback indicates that you need to find a word meaning to feed and then reverse it whereupon you will find the first name of the authoress Miss (Mrs) Blyton. Using the name Blyton makes this clue all too easy. “Feedback for the girl” would have stumped me.

29a    Unusual glee shown after getting a pass in school (7)
COLLEGE:    Take an anagram (unusual) of GLEE and place it after a word for a pass in a mountain range for example.

30a    Foreign Legion’s drink (4,3)
SLOE GIN:    An anagram (Foreign) of LEGION’S will give this beautiful winter warmer of a drink

31a    Tip some runners? Tell us! (5,3,5)
SPILL THE BEANS:    To tip is to upset a liquid. The runners are leguminous. The whole phrase means to let out a secret or a surprise


2d    Notice one model getting fat (7)
ADIPOSE:    A charade. The notice is an AD(vertisement) one is the Roman numeral and to model is to POSE. The whole is a word I have only come across in crosswordland but it does make a regular appearance.

3d    Squirrel’s home moving three feet up (4)
DRAY:    Reverse (up) the word for three feet to find the name for a squirrels nest

4d    Reeling, a little drunk giving the glad eye (7)
LEERING:    Anagram (a little drunk) of REELING

5d    Pet with a connection — one from the old school? (7)
NECKTIE:    This article of clothing can be found by placing a three letter word meaning a connection or a thing that restricts someone’s freedom of action, (Pub Landlord to brewery for example) after a word meaning to kiss and caress amorously

ARVE Error: need id and provider

6d    Celebrate when double comes up (4)
LAUD:    Take a word meaning consisting of two parts, elements or aspects and reverse it.

7d    It’s good to pay attention and look bright (7)
GLISTEN:    Place a word meaning to pay attention or heed after the G(ood) to find a word meaning to shine with a sparkling light

8d    Butt for the flower under the ha-ha (8,5)
LAUGHING STOCK:    The butt of the joke. Formed by placing the common name of the flower Matthiola after what is you are doing when going Ha Ha

9d    Getting  compassionate (13)
UNDERSTANDING:    A double definition easily solved from the checking letters

15d    Started to plead over article (5)
BEGAN:    To plead or ask for money or food as charity followed by the form of the indefinite article used before words beginning with a vowel sound

16d    Speak for the whole people (5)
STATE:    A double definition the second being the whole people as a country or republic

20d    If a plan goes awry, you might be (2,1,4)
IN A FLAP:    Anagram (goes awry) of IF A PLAN

21d    Basic substance that’s used in heating (7)
ELEMENT:    A primary constituent of matter or the unit that boils your electric kettle.

22d    Attempts to reach high note somewhere in Italy (7)
TRIESTE:    This city in North west Italy can be found by placing the seventh note of the diatonic scale after the plural form of try

23d    Go on, Ann, develop a geometric figure (7)
NONAGON:    This nine-sided geometric figure can be found by solving an anagram (develop) of GO ON ANN

27d    Give players a hand (4)
DEAL:    To distribute cards in readiness for play

28d    Accomplished fellow with a certain bearing (4)
DONE:    A teacher or senior fellow from a university followed by one of the four points of the compass

Even after reviewing this puzzle I can see very little in it. Perhaps it is just me.

The Quick Crossword pun: suite+hart=sweetheart

78 comments on “DT 27601

  1. I agree with Miffypops about this being a 1* for difficulty and also as 25a was my last one in and had me reaching for my BRB to check the relevance of “snail”. However easy though, I always find Rufus’ puzzles fun and I would go for 3* for enjoyment.

    Many thanks to Rufus and to MP.

    1. I possibly do. Having no idea of where it was in the world I ggogled it. The little map shows it on the left and therefore west in my book. Maybe I should have looked at a larger map. Which I have just done. it might as well be in Slovenia.

  2. I agree with Miffypops that this was pretty straightforward so 1* difficulty but I thought it deserved more than 2* for enjoyment so I’ll go for a 3*.
    6d was my last answer and I didn’t get 5d immediately.
    There seemed to be more reversals than usual.
    I liked 12 and 30a and 8 and 20d. My favourite was 1a even though we have far too many of them at the moment. Our twenty year old cat eats them – they sound very crunchy! http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_sad.gif
    With thanks to Rufus and Miffypops.

    1. Never mind your cat eating 1a – this morning I had the misfortune to find one or should I say ½ of one in my bedside glass of water…with a little seasoning it may have tasted better – I blame my sons & the Snecklifters we consumed yesterday afternoon/evening for my lack of attention in the middle of the night…

        1. I think, and I only think, that it’s beer and probably a strong one. I could be horribly wrong here – it has been known! http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_unsure.gif

          1. YUCK – I’ll have no problem avoiding that one but, as for red wine…….. that’s a very different story! Trying to get beyond the first line of ‘spider in the bath’ – will get back to you on that. May have to consult one of the afore-mentioned offspring.

            ps – is Gazza really, really scary?http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_sad.gif

            1. No – he isn’t at all – he’s lovely and very funny but several years ago I asked if ‘girls’ could get ‘man flu’ – you can ask him about it tomorrow. http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yes.gif

          2. Jenning’s Snecklifter is a beer brewed in the Lake district. A ‘snecklifter’ is a dialect word for a door latch but is also a bloke’s last tanner which he would use to buy himself a pint but hope that his mates would get more in without him having to contribute

  3. I had a slow start on the northern half, but once under way it was quite straightforward – a ** ****** task for me today. My science background helped with a couple of clues such as 25a, perhaps.

    1*/4* I would say.

  4. All went along quite nicely until 25a which completely stumped me. Even with the help of this site, I was no closer to the answer. Will know for next time now I have revealed the word.

  5. Very easy indeed. Last one in being 25a also. Thanks to miffypops for the hint. My Latin suddenly came back. My favourite is 31a. Just love this expression. Thanks also to Rufus.

  6. Agree with the ratings – did have to smile over 31a. Arrived at 8d in a rather different way – haha followed by a river and then a term for part of a rifle. It worked for me!
    25a I remember mostly as a brand name on items in my school pencil case!
    As for 1a – my house has been full of them for weeks.

    Many thanks to Rufus and Miffypops (I always think that ‘handle’ should belong to a girl!).

      1. Aha – now you’ve proved that you’re not a girl – at least, not one that’s ever brought offspring into this world. A Mum can’t be seen to be frightened of arachnids in front of her ‘little ones’. Wish I had a £ for every time I’ve sung ‘spider in the bath’ to them or played the video of Charlotte’s web. By the way – it only worked on one of them!

        1. MP is lying! As for ‘spider in the bath’ could you teach it to me so that I can sing it to my husband!!

          1. Oh dear – just looked at u-tube for Spider in the bath – now I know why I only ever sang the chorus to the girls. Don’t suggest you go there with your other half – it’s not likely to improve his tolerance level! http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_scratch.gif

        2. Charlotte’s Web.Have not watched the film version for over 30 years, Poor Wilbur, I think that was the pigs name.

          1. Oh heck – I’d forgotten about poor old Wilbur. Now I’m going to have to cry myself to sleep all over again. http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cry.gif

  7. A ‘write in’ for me today (if that is the right term) and none the less enjoyable for that but this is my first time so I must be improving. Many thanks to Rufus for a good morning puzzle and to MP for the hints – although too late for me

  8. After battling with 1a’s all week, I finally hit on a fairly fool proof way of killing them, (or moving them outside, but quite honestly, what’s the point?)
    It’s also spider mating season, but I don’t mind them- they eat flies, so are allowed to stay, as long as they’re not on the ceiling directly over my sleeping face………

  9. 25a was last in: with -e-i- i was convinced there would be many other possibilities but i didn’t find anything better – i hadn’t realised it was part of the latin name which i guess makes it kosher, thanks for pointing that out miffypops.

    I’m not sure whether Rufus is growing on me or if i even want that, but there was a straight run of across clues i thought were particularly good, 13a duplicator, 14a pen note, 17a the drifter, and especially the bizarre sex case involving nurses.

    And a video of the boss to boot, not bad for a monday. thanks Rufus and miffypops

  10. Very enjoyable puzzle thank you Rufus. Nothing is ever a write in for me – must be very boring for you all ! Thanks for the review and hints MP.

    1. Hello Frank from me too. I would agree with your take on the spellings but The big Red Book rules

  11. I have to agree with pretty much all that’s been said before my commenting on this morning’s puzzle, except that 12 across was my last one in. The answer seemed so obvious that I felt it just had to be some other word, until I could find no other. However, I would like to offer a different point of view on the so called ‘easy’ cryptic crossword puzzle. I can well remember my younger days when I first became interested in crossword puzzles. These puzzles were mostly in the ‘Mirror’ and my local Leicestershire evening paper. They became a springboard for me to attempt something that needed a little more thought to complete. (and I wanted to read a proper newspaper too) Puzzles like today’s were ideal for the likes of me and I soon became hooked and eventually I progressed to become able to solve the Telegraph crossword on a daily rather than an occasional basis. There must be many folk out there who are still learning how to solve a cryptic puzzle and 27601 must give them great heart to keep having a go. This also has to be said as regards the Toughie, because if they were all as difficult as one I tried recently, which even with the help of the blog still made no sense to me, I would never have bothered to attempt another. Happily I can now solve two or three of those a week unaided. Maybe one day . . . . . . . . . . . . . .? Thank you to the setter – I enjoyed today’s more gentle offering, especially so as I have have so much else to do this sunny Monday.

      1. Could’nt agree with you more, started myself some 50 years ago and was pleased to get a few correct answers, now do the moderately difficult toughies at a similar success rate to yourself. In those days the degree of difficult increased from Monday to Friday-no longer the case. Reminds me in essence of the Goons episode when Seagoon asks Eccles ‘what are you doing down there’ to which Eccles replies ‘everybody’s got to be somewhere ! the same applies to crossword solving.

  12. Thanks to Rufus and to Miffypops for the review and hints. A very nice start to the week, good fun, a few made me smile. Was completely stumped by 25a, one for the memory banks. Favourite was 13a, was 1*/3* for me. Lovely sunny day in Central London.

  13. As seems to be the norm, The Grauniad has a far more interesting Rufus offering today. Editorial policy or do they just pay more?

  14. Grovelling apologies to MP – seems, on further checking, that my addled brain invented the river for 8d! Never mind, it still got me to the answer. http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif

  15. Pretty straightforward start to the week and pretty enjoyable so **/*** for me. Thanks to Miffypops and Rufus.

    Came across the following today which I found mildly amusing – it’s probably done the rounds (sorry if it has) and I post it without prejudice or meaning to cause offense.

    click here

  16. ***/** for me, though to clarify my brain is completely addled with a cold. 22a I put in as the ‘wrong ship’. Couldn’t remember the spelling of 3d and 19a went in as ‘protest’, on the first pass. Oh and I only got 2d straight away as it is the title of a Doctor Who episode, something my daughter is obsessed with. Did enjoying 27d and 31a. I’d also like to echo what others said before. I started crosswording at 15 with my Grandmother. She would do the DT cryptic whilst I did the quick. She was patient enough to teach me the ‘tricks’ and ‘rules’. This was before the internet where everyone seems to have information at the touch of a button. I went on to do The Times over the years and it’s only in the last 2 months I’ve started doing The DT. I’m by no means an expert puzzler and discovering this blog certainly gave me more confidence in tackling the Toughie and the back page. Through I’m loathe to give up my beloved pencils for anagrams ;-). So thank you to the blog and to Rufus and MP for the hints. Now back to sneezing and coughing from a stunning autumn day in N.Yorks. :-)

    1. Sorry about the cold – think I’m heading the same way!
      I also learnt my love of crosswords from my grandmother – she was a Daily Mail fan. As for using ‘pencils’ – she taught me to take the letters of anagrams and write them out in a circle. At the risk of bringing down heaps of derision on my head from the ‘experts’ I still find that it works extremely well.
      nb. I would have needed a really, really big piece of paper to construct a circle for the recent 78 letter job – the internet has its uses! http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yes.gif

      1. Thanks Jane
        Hope you’re not feeling too bad. It seems our grandmothers taught us the same method with the pencil and circles!!!

      2. I still use pencils for anagrams and in circles. In fact as I tend to solve at work I find scribblings over all sorts of paperwork. Can be interesting on a RayT day ;)

    2. Hanni and Jane,
      I learnt the basics of cryptics from my Mum who did the DT every day until a short time ago – she’s now 92.
      Most days she completed it – just occasionally there were a couple of answers that she couldn’t get – my Dad, who couldn’t have done a crossword had his life depended on it, used to walk in, look at the letters that she already had and, without even reading the clue, tell her the answer – he then left it up to her to work out why.
      I do hope that you’re both not suffering too much with the sniffles – don’t even mention them tomorrow – gazza doesn’t ‘do’ girly colds!! Ask him!! http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wink.gif

      1. Hi Kath. I like hearing about how others got into crosswording. And very impressive that your mum was completing it until recently. My aunt/Godmother who doesn’t regularly do puzzles at all, can take one look at my Mephisto on a Sunday and finish it instantly. Whereas by most Monday’s I have put the thing on the naughty desk until it learns to behave in a reasonable manner ;-). But now my daughter is just starting to ask about crosswords which I love. Well I shall remember not to mention girly colds tomorrow, though my very lovely other half has just brought me a hot toddy. Amazing stuff.

  17. An easier one but enjoyable nevertheless apart from 12a which had to be right but just didn’t make sense to me. Thanks to MP for the review.

  18. Sorry to disagree but I thought parts of this were distinctly tricky.
    Having said that I found it enjoyable so I would give it **/***.
    Thx to all

  19. Definitely easy, mostly, 13a was my last one in.I think the grid helped.My favourite was 8d. Thanks Miffypops and Rufus.

  20. The fact that this was easy did not dampen my enjoyments one iota, so there! I just love Rufus’s style and always enjoy the Monday solve. Last in, just to be consistent with everyone else, was 25a, but I did have to look up the snail meaning. I loved 1a and declare that as my fave. Thanks to Rufus and to M’pops for his usual amusing review.


    1. Further to Daddy-Long-Legs, does anyone remember the book by Jean Webster? The movie starred Fred Astaire, can’t remember who played opposite him, I should google it. It was my Favourite book in my teenage years and a classic.

      1. Don’t remember the book but I definitely remember the film. A young Leslie Caron – and all she saw in her younger years was the shadow of those long legs! Just how films should be (in my eyes!) – a beginning, a middle and a very satisfactory ending. Oh dear, I suspect that’s a vey ‘girly’ thing! http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_smile.gif

      2. Yes. I also enjoyed reading it in my teenage years. I don’t know where the book went. It’s probably circulating for 1p on eBay now. Thank you Rufus and Miffypops. It’s only partially done as have been out all day/evening but I will enjoy resuming now and look forward to checking out the hints in due course, starting with 25a which has defied Wikipedia so far…

  21. Jolly Monday fun, with no hiccups for me. Thanks as usual to Rufus and to MP for the Boss video – never seen him play a 12-string electric before 1*/3*

  22. From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in theAdriatic – Chuchills Iron Cutain speech
    Us old folk had no problem with 22D

  23. Not quite a write in, but close.
    It started with a smile as 1a seemed very topical given the number of them that we’ve had in our house recently.
    25a was last in for me too.
    Thanks Rufus and Miffypops.

  24. Completely stumped by 25a but my mind was working on another word for a spiral staircase. So, sort of on the same wave length. Had no idea the word referred to snails.
    Many thanks Rufus and Miffypops.

  25. The missus had done most of it by the time I got a look in and I enjoyed cleaning up the bits while watching Derren Brown on TV. I thought it a nice start to the week as always with Rufus.

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