NTSPP – 026 (Comments) – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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NTSPP – 026 (Comments)

Not the Saturday Prize Puzzle – 026

+– + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

There will be no NTSPP puzzle today.  Negotiations are in hand to try to get a new one soon.  Please accept my apologies for any disappointment.

Many thanks to Anax for providing a puzzle while I was in London watching the Spurs beating Fiorentina 3-2.

The puzzle by Anax is available by clicking here:

NTSPP - 026

Feel free to leave comments about this puzzle.

11 comments on “NTSPP – 026 (Comments)

  1. Just in case anyone’s desperate, there’s an interactive “bonus” here: http://crossword.info/ddmayer/NTSPP026Anax

    I took the liberty of calling it NTSPP 026 and had sent it to Dave, but wasn’t aware he was on his way to London. Probably best to not see this as an official NTSPP but a sort of stand-in.

    1. The link didn’t work for me – came up with a website error message. Perhaps others will have more success.

        1. Same here, had a scare when I saw crypticsue’s message so clicked the link – no problem.

          1. Must be just my computer then. Never mind, I have lots of other things that I must do today and now I have no excuse but to get on with them!

  2. Thanks for an excellent puzzle, Anax. i loved 12a, 2d, 4d and 18d, but my favourite clue was 14a.

    1. Nice one, Anax. Very enjoyable, with one or two words I didn’t know, such as 13d and the egyptian reference in 24a. It took some long thinking to understand the cluing for the end of 2d, but achieved that end in the end – a nice aha moment. Also, 14a didn’t dawn on me for some time, but when I got the missing element it was a ‘sweet’ moment. I’m not sure I understand the cryptic instructions in 26a, which I might have been tempted to word as “After cross put in, a goal (4)”. I expect I’m missing something.

      1. Hi Dynamic – welcome to the blog.
        I had similar thoughts that there might have been a bit missing from the 26a clue.

        1. Thanks for the welcome. I’ve been enjoying the blog for a few months I don’t actually get time to do the DT/toughie myself very often, but enjoy them vicariously through a customer & friend. Also enjoy the Guardian crosswords and fifteensquared.net.

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