DT 26313 (Hints) – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 26313 (Hints)

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 26313 (Hints)

Big Dave’s Saturday Crossword Club

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, I will select a few of the better clues and provide hints for them.

Don’t forget that you can give your assessment of the puzzle. Five stars if you thought it was great, one if you hated it, four, three or two if it was somewhere in between.

A full review of this puzzle will be published on Thursday, 12th August.


1a    It’s sedate travelling in America (9)
An anagram, indicated by travelling, of IT’S SEDATE gives a word meaning in America

10a    Bird found colourful article in French port (9)
This bird, very popular on Christmas cards, is built up from a colour followed by the indefinite article inside a port in Brittany

19a    Count getting teeth into maths? (6-9)
A word meaning carrying out large quantities of complex calculations (somewhat understated as count) could be interpreted as getting your teeth into maths

29a    Blue salad plant to rise suddenly! (9)
A charade of a shade of blue with a salad plant leads to a word meaning to rise suddenly


2d    People in general accept alternative supposition (6)
Put a word meaning people in general around (to accept) an alternative to get a supposition

4d    Be agitated up-river with explosive (6)
A word meaning to be agitated is created by reversing a river in north-east England and following it with High Explosive

5d    Found a way to corner the king? (10,5)
In chess, a threat produced by moving a piece to leave a second piece attacking the opponent’s king

7d    See man on board, one entering church (9)
… don’t forget that a see is a diocese, so you want another name for one (general, not specific)

24d    Sweetmeat no longer available during said meal (6)
A sweetmeat is built up by putting a word meaning no longer available inside (during) a homophone (said) of an evening meal

The Saturday Crossword Club will open at 10.00 am (after Sounds of the Sixties on BBC Radio 2). Membership is free and open to all. Feel free to leave comments or ask questions before that time.

I will be in transit to London by this time – going to see the mighty Spurs play a friendly against Fiorentina – but I’m sure that the other bloggers will look after you.

Please don’t put whole or partial answers in your comment, else they may be censored!

109 comments on “DT 26313 (Hints)

  1. Quite uninspiring really. 14d should be banned from all cryptic crosswords forever. When I was a student in London in my first year I lived within walking distance of White Hart Lane. In those days you could just turn up and pay at the turnstile. Why did we all go on a momentous tube journey instead to Upton Park most Saturdays to watch the likes of Sir Trev, Billy Bonds, Merv in goal, Frank L snr?? The folly of youth……….

      1. My printer is out of ink this morning…. is it worth a quid, or whatever the DT costs on a saturday?

        1. But you may get withdrawal symptoms and not be able to participate in Saturday’s blog!!!

          1. Its £1.80 but think of all the other bits you get to read too and the General Knowledge puzzle that my husband and I fight over. I start of and fill in all the bits I know and he does the looking up.

            1. Sue, I know what you mean. I used to love doing the General K with my parents and being a smart-arse. Like everything, the Internet has made such things irrelevant, and libraries and dictionaries. Would we want to go back…………………..????????

              1. I wouldn’t go back as its always handy to look things up on the web. How else would I have discovered Big Dave without searching for a Toughie clue earlier this year? I think the GK crosswords and the like are good because increasing your knowledge of words of all types does come in handy for the cryptics.

    1. What and miss Ossie and Ricki, the Spear and glorious Glenda! NO WAY, wouldn’t have missed those days for the world.

  2. Well that’s Saturday’s done with a few good clues but the 3 letter centre seemed to be made up clues – not very good at all. Didn’t like 17a – 18d was okay – 17d was awful and 20a was acceptable.

    19a is my clue of the day – very good and I also liked 25a and 11a.

  3. Not exactly rocket surgery was it? Not happy with a few of the answers namely 20a & 27a

  4. I thought todays was excellent! Two straightforward corners, one a bit iffy and one that required some real thinking. Really enjoyed this one esp as I have not done at all well with this weeks offering (esp of course the Ray T on Tuesday). Looking forward to a Ray T-free week.

  5. This puzzle has the appearance of being formed by a computer program. The clues are mundane and the answers trite. The giveaway for me is 5d, what the hell is that all about ? I know, chess, but come on.
    Perhaps I am being hyper critical here. There were one or two good clues 15d, 24d.
    Maybe these clues all seem very familiar, could they all have appeared in the very recent past ?
    Oh well, Saturday now looks a longer day and I will have to entertain the Memsahib with some retail therapy Fire up the Beemer.

    1. “In ********** *****, a forced advantage is gained [material or positional] when a piece moves and allows another piece of its same colour to give check.” It’s alright, Nubian, I had to look this up and, like you, I haven’t been impressed by today’s puzzle.

      1. Caraa, youve just transgressed the Saturday law about answers, maybe Gazza or someone can assist

  6. One of these days, I might have to detune all my house radios from the BBC Home Service to the Light Programme on a Saturday morning to see if such a thing as ‘Sounds of the Sixties’ actually exists. I find it hard to believe………particularly why would anyone want to keep hearing such rubbish??

    1. To save you the trouble of retuning, Sounds of the Sixties is alive and well every Saturday morning and greatly enjoyed by large numbers of people.

      As for this mornings effort, I got four answers almost immediately but have now slowed down to my more normal speed of a gentle meander interspersed with many breaks of going off and doing something else – which today is dying a wooden bowl white. Exciting life being an artist !!

  7. OK have finished, it suddenly fell into place, had to look up glossary of chess terms to make sure 5d was correct, been playing chess for years but didn’t know that term!! I didn’t like the bottom r/h corner at all, as for the middle, i actually liked 20a and 18d, 14d we have had a lot lately, fav clue if there was one 25a, not a bad puzzle for CCers today :)

    1. Thanks Mary, for the inadvertant hint to 14d – as soon as you said that the penny dropped !

      Just been interrupted by the Red Arrows roaring around to celebrate (?) Swanage’s Carnival Week which now ends till next year. Only another few weeks and we can get our town back to ourselves !! YIPPEE !!!!

      Back to todays Xword, it’s slowky falling into place now, over half way through

  8. WOW! A few negative comments already! It wasn’t that bad in my view apart from the centre which is, in my opinion, fairly tame. Liked 25a best. All now done so off to cut the lawn waiting for the rain to knock off at Edgbaston. 2*.

  9. I agree with Little Dave – not too bad really. I liked 19a, 15d and 24d but apart from the awful 17a and the fact that 12a really isn’t cryptic at all certainly don’t think the puzzle merits all this negativity. Perhaps it’s something to do with the fact that BD has gone to London again!!

      1. I’d been slightly less than polite about something and thought I’d been filtered….presumably failing to hit the ‘send’ key. The other bit was about compiling a NTSPP offerring as I’ve often fancied having a go at, since there isn’t one today. Can you or BD e-mail me?????

  10. Went a bit wrong in the bottom right hand corner because, not being a chess player, apart from the obvious and well known terms I don’t know any – so for 5d I had the first ten letter word (which I think has to be right) and then for the second word of the answer I had ‘chess’! Oh dear! So, there I was with 25a not affected by the mistake, but in a right old pickle with 29a so finally gave in and read the hints – thank you for those and all the comments – as usual I love reading them all. I thought it was a fairly average puzzle – nothing fantastic but OK for a very rainy Saturday morning.

  11. Finished with a little electronic help but don’t understand what 21a has to do with cities and didn’t realise 24d was that, I thought it was part of an animal – you lives and you learns !

    Didn’t enjoy it as much as usual despite now having time to go back to my woodworking ……….. hey! ho! and back to work we go !

      1. Thanks Sue, having spent far too many years working there I really should have thought of that ! My only excuse is that it was many, many years ago.

        Back to me wood !

      2. Stuck with 21a. 3d assume answer means piping.. As in lengths of …… ? What does can pull out mean though?

        1. 21a City retreat providing cake (6)
          It’s the area of London where the City is located followed by an animal’s retreat to make a cake with chocolate and cream.

        2. 3d Can pull out pipes (6)
          The definition is pipes. You need another word for can (where you might put rubbish, say) with a synonym for pull outside (out).

  12. Done, with some help from the hints, the electronic aids and Mary. I found this a little strange. A few good clues, some I don’t understand, but all will be revealed on Thursday.

    Pete, you’re mixing up your sweetmeats and sweetbreads. Does anyone else feel the BBC Home Service and Light Programme should be listened to on a wireless?

    1. Definitely, what other sort of contraption is there for listening to them !

      And thanks Geoff, you’re quite right and I’m as addled as usual !

    2. I’m glad somebody spotted that. It wouldn’t do my Victor Meldrew any good to let on that I have several thousands of pounds worth of British-made hi-fidelity equipment entirely DAB apart from my bedroom, where, having failed to lie-in with Fi Glover this morning I came upon the Saturday DT earlier than usual. I don’t tend to switch down from R4 to R3 (and never to R2 – in re Sounds of 60s) outside the Proms season, but last nights Heldenleben made my neighbours equally happy, I’m sure.

    1. 12a kept me going for a while, I couldn’t get beyond batton.
      Have to agree with some of the other comments earlier about this not being the greatest though.

    1. It’s a UK river in the NE upside down followed by a common abbreviation for a grade of explosive.

  13. Oldflyer- 4d – NE river (4 letters in reverse) plus abbreviation for high explosive to make a word meaning to fume. Hope it helps.

  14. Thanks Got it now. We have been arguing over the ending of 2d. It could be y or m and it seems that the philosophers want an m and the mathematicians want a y. Any views?

  15. I thought this was fairly uninspired today and I agree with the_chairman about 14d, if I never see that clue again it will be too soon!
    Favourite was 19a.

  16. We finished without much enthusiasm

    7d I liked

    I agree 14 is overdone

    I found 28a did not quite work

  17. I’m going to try again to see if I can summon some enthusiasm. Can somebody help me with 17a. I hope it’s not what I Think it is

    1. 17a Too poetic (3)
      It’s the poetic way of writing (without the apostrophe) a word meaning too.

  18. Sorry Gazza I’m a bit slow today. Is itr an alternative word for ‘ever’ as well

    1. No it isn’t. It’s the poetic form of a word meaning something is on top of something else.

        1. I’m fine Mary. Just trying to struggle with the heat. I wish I was back in Blighty where we don’t have that problem. I’ve got the clue now,tks for your help. I was a bit thick yesterday

  19. No fireworks and no real troubles. I must agree on the grid with the middle bits – never a favourite but the setter doesn’t always have the choice!
    Will be reviewing on Thursday

    1. I look forward to a few mysteries being unravelled, as I got answers to but didn’t understand some of the clues.

  20. I found today’s a little hum-drum managed it in 5 minutes whilst waiting for the potatoes to boil, favourite was 25a as thats my sense of humour.

    1. 5 minutes! please………just when i thought i was improving………guess just not enough :(

        1. still can’t believe 5 min potatos :) night all its nearly time to wake the brain up for tomorrow

    2. Even without one’s reading glasses one can’t quite understand how the Leaderboard on ScrewedUp can ac tually type in a full grid in less than 3 of Her Majesty’s minutes………………………….

  21. howdy. Forgive my Guiness inspirred stupor, but I’m truely stumped by 11a. Got the 2nd and last letter. Anyone up @ this late hour?

    1. 11a Hound, one coming from Jalalabad perhaps (6)
      It’s a type of hound and knowing which country Jalalabad is in will give you the answer.

    1. That makes up for leaving an N out of Guinness!

      11a Hound, one coming from Jalalabad perhaps (6)

      Just look up the country where Jalalabad is and you have the answer!

  22. Hi Dave. Oh my goodness. Now there’s no better advert for lemonade. Or new specks!
    And there was I thinking about the country we are currently toying with in cricket! 25a error!
    Cheers fella

  23. Does anyone have a view on 27a? On reflection I am doubting my original answer. But it is early I suppose!

    1. 27a More fortunate when not working (6,3)
      Put “you would be” in front of the answer and “work” after and the second definition makes a bit more sense.

  24. I’m running a bit behind at the moment, but when I picked it up this morning I just about went through the whole thing from start to finish which is most unusual for me. I want to make a start on today’s but Mrs Tub has got that look in her eye which means I’m going to end up dragging a trolley around a garden centre if I’m not careful.

  25. Thanks BD – is this a lame clue/answer or have I missed something? I am fairly confident with my original answer but it does not seem to flow. It may still be me adjusting to UK time. Is the first part linked to “a wager?”

    1. You are ****** *** without it if its something you don’t like, but if you’ve got lots of money you are ****** *** than someone who is poor! hope that help LD :)

      1. 1st word – if u make a recovery from an illness you are ******
        2nd word if food is past its sellby date it has gone ***

        1. Mary

          Please stick to definitions that are in the clue – if you provide alternative “clues” you might as well give the answer.

  26. sorry you probably have it by now, but i am struggling with todays puzzle,so maybe i will be ****** *** when the hints come up :)

      1. no worries Dave, i give in too easily sometimes i have done about 3/4 now and will struggle on, what were you doing yesterday or shouldn’t i ask :)

  27. Thanks folks, It was my original answer but a poor one methinks. Appreciate the confirmation and helpful nudges!

  28. Sunday 8.30pm STILL doing Saturdays PC. Stuck on 25A. Cant think of answer.
    Any help appreciated. Malcolm

    1. 25a In-form style of humour? (9)

      It’s one of those that are so easy when you see it! The type of humour that is associated with someone who can be found in a form or classroom.

  29. Crikey.
    Whilst I wasn’t mad keen on the 3×3 in the middle and I struggled mightily with the top LH corner especially, I didn’t think it was that bad at all in terms of stucture and “feel”.
    Some easily got, some worked very hard on.
    Maybe I’m too much of a novice.
    I liked the chess related clue, for once a 15 letter clue that i got pretty much instantly. All those years getting thrashed by my mate paid off.
    And being an accountant, 19a was pretty easy too!
    I only do Saturday’s, by the sounds of it, they are “easier” than weekdays’?

    1. Bobness, the Saturday Prize Puzzle tends to be one of the more straightforward puzzles of the week (I am reviewing it now and am just looking over comments now in order to see if I missed anything). I always find that there are a couple that cause me some trouble. It is worth looking at the weekdays as “easiness” is a very subjective thing. Some Monday puzzles (by Rufus who is usually known as being gentle here) still have some claws showing!.

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