Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28120
A full review by gnomethang
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BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ***
This puzzle was published on Saturday, 21st May 2016
Morning All! I solved this last night having been up at the Rugby League Magic Weekend in Newcastle last weekend. I found it a bit trickier than the last couple of weeks and all the better for it.
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Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28120 (Hints)
Big Dave’s Saturday Crossword Club
Hosted by crypticsue
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Big Dave and a number of our bloggers and commenters are in Derby today for an S&B gathering, which I might have attended, had my ‘entertainment budget’ not been committed to the S&B in London next Tuesday. I’m a stand-in for the stand-in for Big Dave and so in the time I’ve available at the moment, I have provided some hints but, as usual, if you need more help, do let me know and I’ll add some more in between the other tasks I’d allocated for today. I was going to be rash and say that, looking at the clue mix, I’m sure you’ll all be fine, but that might be famous last words!
As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, an assortment of clues, including some of the more difficult ones, have been selected and hints provided for them.
Continue reading “DT 28120 (Hints)”