DT 28120 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 28120

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28120

A full review by gnomethang

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty ***Enjoyment ***

This puzzle was published on Saturday, 21st May 2016

Morning All! I solved this last night having been up at the Rugby League Magic Weekend in Newcastle last weekend. I found it a bit trickier than the last couple of weeks and all the better for it.

Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five stars at the bottom of the post.


1a           British tree with start of Dutch tree rot (10)
BALDERDASH – A charade of B(ritish) the ALDER tree, the start letter in D(utch) and finally the ASH tree.

6a           Invites fool to entertain king (4)
ASKS – K for King inside (being entertained by) an ASS or fool.

9a           Be glad I supply sarcastic response (3,4)
BIG DEAL – An anagram (supply, in a supply fashion) of BE GLAD I.

10a         Person delivering incoherent speech rose (7)
RAMBLER – Two definitions, one who rambles incoherently and trailing/climbing plant typified by the rose.

12a         A chum strutted about to make a good impression (3,3,7)
CUT THE MUSTARD – Make an anagram (indicated by about) of A CHUM STRUTTED.

14a         Soldiers in gentle address to superior (6)
MILORD – Place OR (Other Ranks, soldiers) inside MILD for gentle.

15a         Love books I found in SW county (8)
DEVOTION – O for Love/zero and OT, the Old Testament books in the bible, and I from the clue are all found inside the South West county of DEVON.

17a         Coarse humour to tease hard-line Tory about a Liberal (8)
RIBALDRY – RIB for tease then place A L(iberal) before a DRY (a hard line Tory as opposed to the Wets).

19a         Treacherous person with support (6)
WEASEL – W for with and then an EASEL or artist’s support for a painting.

22a         He exchanged letters to correspond aimlessly about nothing (6,7)
DOCTOR SPOONER – An aimless anagram of TO CORRESPOND around O for nothing/zero.

24a         Astronomical features unable to be resolved heading east (7)
NEBULAE – Make an anagram (to resolve) of UNABLE and place in front of (heading) E(ast).

25a         Stop publicity happening (7)
PREVENT – Splitting as a P.R. Event gives a publicity which is occurring.

26a         What you could get from cafe at school (4)
EATS – A hidden word and the definition is the entire instruction so an All-in-one. You could find food inside cafE AT School and EATS is a slang term for food.

27a         Checks little fellow’s piece of embroidery (4,6)
STEM STITCH – A charade of STEMS (checks) and a TITCH or small person.


1d           Youngster born in stall (4)
BABY – B for Born (from the family tree abb.) inside a BAY or stall.

2d           Soldier in pub making sense (7)
LOGICAL – Place an American G.I. soldier inside your LOCAL pub.

3d           List of people to make cross (9,4)
ELECTORAL ROLL – A nice cryptic definition of the list of people who vote by making a cross, not a hate list as it reads in the clue.

4d           I’d help out in place of oracle (6)
DELPHI – An anagram (out) of I’D HELP.

5d           Play guitar with favourite loose woman (8)
STRUMPET – A charade of STRUM (play guitar) and a PET or favourite.

7d           One dances around — unknown needing to get in programmes (7)
SYLLABI – Reverse (they are around) I for one and BALLS for dances and then the unknown variable Y needs to go inside.

8d           Urgently employing craft carrying nuclear weapon (10)
STRIDENTLY – Place the TRIDENT nuclear defence missile inside SLY for ‘employing craft or being crafty.

11d         Sent in, Mr M Gove sorted out bad policies (13)
MISGOVERNMENT – little bit of politics!. An anagram (sorted out) of SENT IN MR M GOVE.

13d         Recipe soaked in sauce shows lack of judgment (10)
IMPRUDENCE – R for Recipe (The abb. for ‘take’) inside or soaked in IMPUDENCE or sauce/cheek.

16d         Professional muscle restrained by street fighter showing promise? (8)
PROSPECT – PRO for Professional and then the PEC/Pectoral muscle inside ST for Street.

18d         Spoke unkindly of rear — scrap follows (7)
BACKBIT – BACK for rear followed by BIT for scrap.

20d         Something tempting passed without hesitation (7)
SERPENT – A great surface reading. Place SPENT (past/over) outside or without ER for hesitation.

21d         Decoration for two Englishmen in Perth (6)
POMPOM – An Englishman in Perth, Australia is known as a Pommie or POM. Take two of those.

23d         Eat out and so on with husband (4)
ETCH – ETC (et cetera/and so on) followed by H for Husband.

Thanks to the setter. I am off for a week.

1 comment on “DT 28120

  1. Thanks Gnomey, looking at my notes I can see I was torn between too many favourites to make a valid choice but balderdash and the learned doctor were high up the list. Always Always enjoy your decode.

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