Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28003
Hints and tips by 2Kiwis
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ***
By the time this gets published on line we will be miles away in a tramping hut by the Orogorongo River in Rimutaka Forest Park. We will be at Turere Lodge with our two sons and four of our grandkids. (Clever people can probably Google all that.) To get there is about a two hour walk from the carpark through beautiful native bush and it is well away from any means of communication. So if we have made any mistakes that need correction, or any questions that need answering, we have to trust that another member of the blogging team will take care of them. We’ll be back to read all the comments in a couple of days. We trust you all to be on your best behaviour.
Good fun from Jay once again.