March 2024 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

Sunday Toughie 114 (Hints)

Sunday Toughie No 114

by Robyn


Hints and Tips by Sloop John Bee


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I was hoping that Robyn would give us a slightly easier ride for Easter Sunday when the clocks go forward, but I found this “fully” up to Sunday Toughie difficulty

A couple of old coins and an Easter clue were podium contenders but I will pick the animal feeds in 12d and 27a What were your favourites?

We have a slightly uneven 15a and 16d clues and I have hinted just under half so A bonus hint is available for the first to ask


Here we go…

Continue reading “Sunday Toughie 114 (Hints)”

ST 3258 (Hints)

Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3258 (Hints)

Hints and tips by Senf

A very good Easter Sunday morning from Winnipeg where I am wondering if you all remembered to advance your watches and clocks, including, for the latter, those on your stoves, microwaves, etc, by one hour to change from GMT to BST. … Continue reading

DT 30574

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 30574

Hints and tips by Mr K

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BD Rating  -  Difficulty **** Enjoyment ***

Hello, everyone, and welcome to Friday. Today’s puzzle was one of those offerings requiring a little head scratching to get everything satisfactorily parsed, leaving me less time than usual to search for pictures.  Continue reading "DT 30574"

Toughie 3243

Toughie No 3243 by Firefly
Hints and tips by Gazza

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BD Rating – Difficulty ****Enjoyment ***

Firefly has given us a theme today based on 13a (which is quite appropriate for me since not having had a flake of snow all through the winter I awoke this morning to find a white covering on the ground).

My progress through the puzzle started at the pace of an arthritic snail but speeded up later. I enjoyed the battle – thanks to Firefly.

Please leave a comment telling us how you fared and what you liked about the puzzle. Continue reading “Toughie 3243”