Sunday Toughie 155 (Review) – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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Sunday Toughie 155 (Review)

Sunday Toughie No 155 by proXimal

Review by Sloop John Bee

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

This puzzle was published on the 12th of January 2025



6a           Thievish war was protracted according to Spooner (5-8)
LIGHT FINGERED: Synonyms of war FIGHT, and protracted LINGERED,  were treated by swapping initials.

8a           Feigning relief (6)
ACTING: A double definition. An understudy or locum.

9a           Difficult task taking middle of the road shakily, avoiding flooded ground (4,4)
HARD TIME: Two anagram indicators (shakily and ground) as FLOODED is removed in anagram form from MIDDLE OF THE ROAD leaving the fodder for the anagram of the difficult task MI THE RAD becomes HARD-TIME.

10a        Fan recalled most of song (3)
NUT: Three-quarters of a reversed song TUN(E) becomes NUT

11a        Woman‘s name spoken aloud (6)
MONICA: I spent way too long reminiscing about Vladimir Nabakov’s light of his life

“Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta.”

It is just a homophone (spoken aloud) of an alias, nickname or real name MONIKER becomes MONICA. one of the “Friends” that met in Central Perk.

12a        Loathe decrepit craft on river (8)
EXECRATE: A decrepit craft (usually an aircraft) CRATE, follows one of crossworders favourite rivers The EXE.

14a        Like French one and the German being apart (7)
ASUNDER: A synonym of like AS, followed by a French one UN, and a German the DER.

16a        Crabby members panic nursing rep after turning (7)
NIPPERS: A slight anagram (panic) of an informal term for lower limbs PINS becomes NIPS, contains a reversal of rep PER.

20a        Bird mother on a large embankment (5,3)
ASWAN DAM: A from the clue, a large water bird SWAN, and a mother, usually of cattle, horses, etc DAM. I liked this as I have a theodolite from The Cleveland Bridge & Engineering Company that was used to survey this large embankment in Egypt.

23a        Scrap rejected article in wrapper that’s worn (6)
FRACAS: A reversal (rejected) of the wrapper that Isadora Duncan should have kept out of the wheels of her car SCARF become FRACS, around an indefinite article A, for a scrap or bout of fisticuffs a FRACAS.

24a        Section of tulip allowing bud (3)
PAL: A lurker (section of) tuli-P AL-lowing.

25a        Go down on record and confess (8)
DISCLOSE: A recording format DISC, and to go down in a bout of fisticuffs perhaps LOSE.

26a        31 days to leave centre in American city (6)
AUSTIN: One of the months that has 31 days leaves its central letters AU(gu)ST, and adds IN from the clue.

27a        Lawn edge bloke straightened out is smart (13)
KNOWLEDGEABLE: An anagram (straightened out) of LAWN EDGE BLOKE.





1d          Extremely irritating fool, one subject to firing (8)
IGNITION: The extreme letters of irritating IG, a fool NIT, a Roman one I, and a synonym of subject to ON.

2d          Pungency in food served up is rot (8)
STAGNATE: An informal term for the food we consume EATS, around a synonym of pungency TANG, all reversed (served up)

3d          One determined on escaping cargo ship (7)
FIGHTER: One of our usual ons RE, escapes a cargo ship F(RE)IGHTER for someone determined to engage in a bout of fisticuffs.

4d          Central city areas previously with arcades at intervals (6)
AGORAE: A synonym of previously (as in it happened some time…AGO) and alternate letters (at intervals) of aRcAdEs RAE. A candidate for THE LIST™ but these plural places of assembly or trading in Ancient Greece did ring a bell.

5d          Carbon item of kitchenware initially missing bowl (6)
CRATER: A chemical symbol for carbon C, and an item of kitchenware without its initial letter (G)RATER.

6d          The Parisian checks second item for sport (8,5)
LACROSSE STICK: One of the French terms a Parisian would use for the LA, the checks you make on ballot papers perhaps CROSSES, and a synonym of a second as a brief moment of time TICK.

7d          Vanish having consumed money abroad in the end (13)
DEMATERIALISE: having consumed ATE, and the standard monetary unit of several Arab Republics RIAL, in a synonym of the end DEMISE. To  vanish like “passengers” on Star Trek transporters.

13d        Measure for cooking competition (3)
CUP: Another double definition.

15d        Wife abandons sad fellow (3)
DON: A fellow at a university perhaps from a synonym of sad DO(W)N without the abbreviation of wife W.

17d        Red final demand, also ignored, is shredded (8)
INFLAMED: An anagram (is shredded) of final demand but ignore a synonym of also AND. FINAL DEM becomes INFLAMED

18d        Pressure increase on busy person cut short – that’s welcoming (6,2)
PRAISE BE: An abbreviation of pressure P, and a synonym of increase RAISE, on a busy worker insect BE(E) that is cut short. PRAISE BE you are welcome!

19d        Rascals gathering destroy looms (7)
IMPENDS: Plural rascals IMPS, gather a synonym of destroy END.

21d        Provider of stability, revolutionary beheaded monarch (6)
ANCHOR: Revolutionary is not a reversal indicator but an anagram indicator, take the head off (M)ONARCH and find the provider of stability an ANCHOR.

22d        Cloned animal circles run in amusing way (6)
DROLLY: The first successfully cloned animal DOLLY the Sheep containing R for run.



That’s all Folks…

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