Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3299
A full review by Rahmat Ali
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This puzzle was published on 12th January 2025
BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ****
Greetings from Kolkata. A nice, friendly puzzle from Dada this Sunday that I enjoyed solving and thereafter writing a full review of his puzzle for your kind perusal and significant feedback.
BRB defines derv, the answer to the clue of 13a, as a diesel engine fuel oil. It also adds in box brackets thus [From diesel engine road vehicle], denoting that it’s an acronym. However, inter alia nomina, derv is also known as road diesel and white diesel.
Toronto, the answer to the clue of 29a, was the city in which I would have permanently settled with my wife and children, were it not for the Great Recession announced by the United States in 2007 followed by the collapse of Bear Stearns and bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers the following year that caused a great impact on many countries of the world, particularly those in Europe and Canada, its neighbour and the country of my dreams where I would have lived for the rest of my life from 2009 and done the research whether the grass was really greener on the other side and, later, might have joined politics. Yes, Canada was the only country to where I had applied in 2005 for permanent immigration along with my wife and children, long before the Great Recession of 2007. The agency in Kolkata which was handling my case was surprised to see that my File Number arriving from the Canadian Immigration Authority in New Delhi within seven weeks. He told me that he was rather surprised as File Numbers for other applicants on the previous counts had always come after nine months, but added that it was perhaps due to the score obtained by me that he presumed to be very high. I had three master’s degrees at that time, one of which was M.A. (French) from the University of Calcutta. In addition to this, I had Diplôme de Langue Française from Alliance Française, Paris. I got a 7 band as my IELTS score. I got points for my wife’s qualification at the higher secondary level. In 2004, he had told me to apply for self only and later my family members would be added after my migration. Had I done so, I would have migrated before the Recession set in. But I had insisted on moving with my family and so some time was spent before my wife could appear and pass her higher secondary exam, after which she and the children applied for their passports. In 2009, the Canadian Immigration Authority in New Delhi sent me a letter, asking me whether I was still interested in migrating to Canada. If yes, I would have to wait for more time and if no, they would return my application money. I agreed to wait and so my application money is still with them. After that, I heard from them no more. They did not refund my money, either. They could have replied in my email in this long period of fifteen years but they chose not to and compelled me to conclude that grass is not greener on the other side and I remain 6d with Sare Jahan Se Achchha Hindustan Hamara.
Graveyard slot, the answer to the clue of 8d, doesn’t sound good to me, but still it made me inquisitive to know something more about the phrase and I took to the net to learn that it is also known by the phrase ‘death slot’. The slot actually refers to the time period when a televised or broadcast programme is watched by very few people unlike other times of the day and night and that time can only be the last phase of the night or very early morning when most people are asleep. Since these timings are very well considered unimportant, they are used for other purposes, too. Some broadcast stations may get engaged in engineering or technical work, others may use broadcast automation to pass through network feeds unattended, with only broadcasting authority-mandated personnel and emergency anchors or reporters present at the local station overnight; few stations using “we’re always on” or a variant to promote their 24-hour operation as a selling point. In the United States, a graveyard slot is also used as a de facto ‘death slot’ for syndicated programmes that either failed to find an audience or which a station acquired but otherwise had no room to air in a more appropriate time slot where the programme would otherwise benefit.
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1a Maybe test jumper with suit (7,5)
CRICKET MATCH: The definition of a sport in which two teams of eleven players try to score runs by hitting a small, hard ball with a bat and running between two sets of small wooden posts, an example of which may be a test match that is a game or series of games of cricket played by teams from different countries; each game between two teams lasting up to a period of maximum five days is obtained from a charade of CRICKET (jumper) as any of several jumping orthopterous insects of the family Gryllidae, characterised by long antennae and stridulating organs on the forewings of the male and (with) MATCH (suit) as to adapt or suit so that a balanced or harmonious result is achieved
9a Sanctuary oft empty, poor chap? (4-3)
HAVE-NOT: HAVEN (sanctuary) as a sanctuary or a place of safety or refuge followed by O[F]T having its inner letter missing (empty) that leads to the definition of a very poor or impoverished person
10a Ultimately, educational complex nearer for student (7)
LEARNER: The ultimate or last letter (ultimately) of [EDUCATIONA]L followed by an anagram (complex) of NEARER guides to the definition of a person who is trying to gain knowledge or skill in something by studying, practising or being taught, an example of which is a student or one who studies or who is enrolled or attends classes at a school, college or university
11a Usual thing, lack of marines? (4)
NORM: NO (lack of) as a complete lack of RM (marines) as an abbreviation of Royal Marines guides to the definition of a noun indicating the rule, average or usual thing
12a First of actors in hit series (5)
CHAIN: The first or initial letter of A[CTORS] placed inside (in) CHIN (hit) as an informal verb meaning to hit or punch someone, especially on the chin leads to the definition of a series of closely linked or connected things
13a Fuel a little undervalued (4)
DERV: The definition of a heavy mineral oil used as fuel in diesel engines is part of or hidden inside (a little) [UN]DERV[ALUED]
16a Show where axle-pin cracked (7)
EXPLAIN: The definition of a verb meaning to show to be right by providing justification or proof is reached from the anagram (cracked) of AXLE-PIN
17a Large empty tray shaken a lot (7)
GREATLY: An anagram (shaken) of LARGE and T[RA]Y without its inner letters (empty) guides to the definition of an adverb meaning very much, a lot or by a considerable amount
18a Vegetable entirely visible in photo (7)
SHALLOT: The definition of a vegetable similar to an onion with pointed, pear-shaped bulbs that grow in clusters is fetched from ALL (entirely) as an adverb meaning entirely, wholly or altogether seen inside (visible in) SHOT (photo) as a single photographic exposure or a length of cinematic film taken without a break with a single camera
21a Dieter’s back into healthier fried food! (7)
FRITTER: The back or last letter (back) of [DIETE]R (dieter’s) placed inside (into) FITTER (healthier) as an adjective in the comparative degree denoting healthier or more physically sound leads to the definition of a small cake of fried batter, often containing corn, fruit or other food
23a Sun-god surrounded by water (4)
RAIN: A charade of RA (sun-god) as the Egyptian sun god and IN (surrounded by) as a preposition denoting surrounded by something else, especially when describing the position of a thing takes to the definition of water condensed from atmosphere vapour and falling in drops
24a Tree bloke hugs softly (5)
MAPLE: The definition of any tree or shrub of the North temperate genus Acer, having winged seeds borne in pairs and lobed leaves is reached from MALE (bloke) as a man or boy, an example of which is a bloke that embraces or takes in (hugs) P (softly) as an abbreviation for piano that is a musical term for an adjective meaning soft or quiet or adverb denoting softly or quietly
25a World is hurting (4)
MARS: Double definition; the second being a verb in the third person singular form denoting impairs or hurts or taken in a continuous form denoting is impairing or hurting that leads to the first referring to the fourth planet in our solar system that is just another world like our planet Earth
28a Border crossed by wagon for designs available online (7)
CLIPART: LIP (border) as margin, perimeter or border surrounded by (crossed by) CART (wagon) as a wagon or a strong open vehicle with two or four wheels, typically used for carrying loads and pulled by a horse guides to the definition of pictures and symbols that are stored in computer programs or on websites for computer users to copy and add to their own documents
29a North American city somewhat dominant, or on top (7)
TORONTO: The definition of the most populous city in Canada that is in the continent of North America is part of or hidden inside (somewhat) [DOMINAN]T, OR ON TO[P]
30a To whom it may concern, perhaps – is that a knife? (6,6)
LETTER OPENER: Double definition; the second referring a device that has a sharp or blunt edge that is used to cut open envelopes that takes to the first a phrase that may be used at the beginning of a letter, notice or testimonial when the identity of the reader or readers is unknown
1d Deception at an end in competition (5-2)
COVER-UP: The definition of a noun meaning deception or an activity or organisation used as a means of concealing an illegal or secret activity is arrived at from OVER (at and end) as an adjective meaning finished, complete or at an end placed inside (in) CUP (competition) as a sporting contest in which a cup is awarded to a winner
2d Isle is off North America, first of all (4)
IONA: The definition of an island in the Inner Hebrides, off the Ross of Mull on the western coast of Scotland is worked out from the first or initial letters (first of all) of I[S] O[FF] N[ORTH] A[MERICA]
3d Knowledge about long room (7)
KITCHEN: KEN (knowledge) as one’s range of knowledge or understanding placed around (about) ITCH (long) as a verb meaning to long, pine or feel a restless or strong desire to do something takes to the definition of a room or area where food is kept, prepared and cooked and where the dishes are washed
4d Significant act of snitch? (7)
TELLING: Double definition; the second being a noun that refers to the act of snitching or revealing the truth for behaviour that is illegal or harmful to others that leads to the first an adjective meaning effective, significant or considerable
5d A girl hasn’t finished, I’m sorry to say (4)
ALAS: A from the clue followed by LAS[S] (girl) as a girl or young woman that is devoid of its finishing or last letter (hasn’t finished) takes to the definition of an interjection used to express sorrow, grief, compassion, an example of which could be “I’m sorry to say”
6d Pleased material included (7)
CONTENT: Double definition; the second being a noun referring to the material that is included in a collection and that is held or included in something that takes to the first an adjective denoting pleased, happy or satisfied
7d Taken by surprise when crash hit (13)
THUNDERSTRUCK: The definition of an adjective meaning taken by surprise or completely taken aback is reached when there is a charade of THUNDER (crash) as a single sharp crash of thunder and STRUCK (hit) as a verb in the past tense denoting dealt a blow or blows, as with the fist or a weapon or hit sharply, as with a hand, fist, weapon or implement
8d Dreary TV a slog unfortunately – then few will watch! (9,4)
GRAVEYARD SLOT: An anagram (unfortunately) of DREARY TV A SLOG guides to the definition of a situation or time period in the early morning hours of the day, when most people are asleep and a televised programme will obviously be watched by not more than few
14d Improve relations primarily with friend (5)
RALLY: The definition of a verb meaning to recover, improve or get better is arrived at from the primary or starting letter (primarily) of R[ELATIONS] and (with) ALLY (friend) as a partner, friend or confederate
15d Open bin bags say (5)
BEGIN: The definition of a verb meaning to start, open or initiate something is obtained from BIN from the clue that acquires or takes inside (bags) EG (say) as the abbreviation for the Latin phrase exempli gratia meaning ‘for example’ or ‘say’
19d Silly number, while one higher (7)
ASININE: The definition of an adjective meaning utterly stupid or silly is reached from NINE (number) as a number one less than ten having a combo of AS (while) as an adverb expressing while or when and I (one) as the Roman numeral for one placed above it (higher) in the down clue
20d Something in the 3 Down has to flower (7)
TOASTER: The definition of an instrument or appliance for toasting food, usually bread that is found in the 3 Down i.e. kitchen is arrived at from TO from the clue and ASTER (flower) as a garden flower that is usually white to lilac-blue or purple, with many long, thin petals
21d Clue beyond experienced writer (4,3)
FELT TIP: TIP (clue) is to give a clue or hint to someone placed after or preceded by (beyond) FELT (experienced) as a verb in the past tense denoting experienced the sensation of touch guides to the definition of a pen with a writing point made of felt or other tightly packed fibres
22d Instructor, one going on foot (7)
TRAINER: Double nounal definition; the second referring to a soft running footwear or shoe, usually laced, with a thick sole, used in training or for general casual wear that takes to the first denoting an instructor or a person who prepares athletes for competition, horses for a race or the like
26d 19 Down plan, right to pull out (4)
DAFT: The definition of an informal term for an adjective meaning silly, crazy or asinine i.e. the answer in 19 Down is got from D[R]AFT (plan) as a plan, sketch or drawing of something having R (right) as the abbreviation for right to leave (pull out)
27d Flatten element (4)
IRON: Double definition; the second being a noun referring to a malleable ductile silvery-white ferromagnetic metallic element having chemical symbol Fe that takes to the first a verb meaning to flatten, smooth or press cloth or clothing with a heated iron
There were many clues that I liked in this puzzle such as 1a, 11a, 13a, 18a, 21a, 30a, 8d, 15d, 20d and 21d; 30a being the best of the lot. My prayers to the Almighty for the eternal rest and peace of BD and my thanks to Dada for the entertainment and to Gazza for the assistance. Looking forward to being here again.
Thanks as ever, Rahmat. “Derv” always feels odd to me: given what it stands for, it should mean ‘a road vehicle that runs on diesel’. Using it to mean ‘the fuel that a road vehicle that runs on diesel runs on’ just seems nonsensical — by definition, that’s diesel!
(For the avoidance of doubt, this is a rant against whoever popularized using the term to mean the fuel; it isn’t a complaint about the crossword, which indeed matches popular usage.)
Thank you so much, Smylers, for liking my review as ever. I also fully agree to whatever you have said.
3*/4* ….
liked 8D “Dreary TV a slog unfortunately – then few will watch ! (9,4)”
Poor show by the Canadian Immigration Authority Rahmat !
Thank you so much, Robin Newman, for expressing your sympathy towards my predicament. Perhaps Falcon could help me in this regard. I am ready to share my File Number if I get the nod.
Is it possible please to post the explanations with the answers hidden as seeing the answers spoils the process of parsing the answer.
Welcome to the blog
A full review of a Prize Puzzle always, as its title suggests, contains both the full parsing of the clues and the solution
Thank you so much, crypticsue, for the prompt reply to Alan Troughton.