Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 30810
Hints and tips by Smylers
A belated Merry Christmas to everybody who reads this blog, whether every day or just popping in from time to time. I ought to have been the first blogger to offer Christmas greetings, but on December 16th I failed to remember that it was my final hinting before Christmas, so you’re getting it late instead.
It’s a Monday — whether it feels like it or not — so here are hints and explanations for today’s Telegraph Crossword, with definitions underlined. Do comment below with how you found the puzzle, any questions about it, and which clues you like best.
One of our regular between-Christmas-and-New-Year treats is a visit to Saltaire to see their Living Advent Calendar — real windows which have been decorated, a new one being unveiled each day in the run up to Christmas. Worth seeing if you’re anywhere nearby, and especially recommended to fans of cats, which seem to feature in many of the windows. Here are some of our favourites: