Sunday Toughie No 153
by Robyn
Hints and Tips by Sloop John Bee
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Ooh a Robyn – he was given a Sunday off (for good behaviour perhaps) but after a Beamish interlude he is back with a delightful Sunday Toughie
We have 16a and 14d clues and I have hinted half. I am sure some tricky ones remain unhinted so I will try and provide an extra nudge if you get stuck
Here we go…
Continue reading “Sunday Toughie 153 (Hints)”
Enigmatic Variations 1675 (Hints)
Self-Similarity by Luxor
Hints and tips by Phibs
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Hexagonal grids are far from unknown in the world of the themed puzzle, and they are more common now that there is software out there to create and fill them, but I can’t find any record of a hexagonal EV having appeared previously, at least not in recent years.
Continue reading “EV 1675 (Hints)”
Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3297 (Hints)
Hints and tips by Senf
A very good Sunday morning from Winnipeg for the last Sunday Puzzle of the year!
A quick reflection on 4d in DT 30806 – Magazine published after interval (4,3).… Continue reading