Toughie 3368 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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Toughie 3368

Toughie  No 3366 by Elgar

Hints and Tips by crypticsue

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Toughie Difficulty *****Enjoyment *****

Lulled into a false sense of security by being able to solve three clues while walking downstairs from the printer, I sorted out my breakfast cereal and cup of tea, looked to see if there was anything cheerful in the headlines on the BBC News page (a hopeless quest), admired a new photograph of my lovely grandchildren, and then returned to the crossword where I soon discovered that this was typical Elgar – very tough but with lots to make the solver smile (which is exactly how a Friday Toughie should be)

Please let us know what you thought


1a           Host withdraws an employee from the creamery (8)
DAIRYMAN  A reversal (withdraws) of any immense number (host) followed by AN (from the clue)

5a           European city felt harsh winds (6)
WARSAW A reversal (winds) of a phrase meaning felt harsh

9a           Taken unawares by fraud at work, grand swiped (3,5)
OFF GUARD A preposition meaning by, an anagram (at work) of FRAUD into which is inserted (swiped) the abbreviation for 1000 Dollars (grand)

10a         CV updated with this ingredient for coq au vin? (6)
QUINOA Not sure why you would want to add this ingredient to coq au vin or any other dish, but that could be just me.  A compound anagram of CV and this ingredient would produce cOQ AU vIN

12/13a General dealing with company’s administrators (6,3,5)
ACROSS THE BOARD Applying in all cases – dealing with and a company’s administrators

13a         See 12 Across

14a         Was exploiting chief at the Washington Post? (4)
USED The chief person at the Washington Post might be described as an American editor

16a         The way to follow pro ultimately remains to be seen (3,4)
FOR SHOW The way to do something follows pro or in favour of and the ultimate letter of remainS

19a         Going forward from rear secured RAF officer’s admiration at the outset (2,2,3)
AS OF NOW A reversal (from rear) of secured or gained, belonging to an abbreviated RAF officer’s and the letter at the outset of Admiration

21a         Ideal facility in back of digestive factory! (4)
CAFÉ Hidden in reverse (back) in the last two words of the clue

24/25a Misquoting the Bible? Just its last, staggering, revelation! (5,9)
QUITE SOMETHING An anagram (staggering) of MISQUOTING THE and the last letter of biblE

25a         See 24 Across

27a         Classical painter right to make an entrance? Not entirely (6)
INGRES A right or means of entrance without its final letter (not entirely)

28a         Meat Loaf entertains party in Maine? (8)
CLAMBAKE A small loaf of fine bread ‘entertains’ a type of meat

29a         Could this be Jane Eyre writer’s emphatic refusal to retire? (6)
EPONYM A reversal (to retire) of the way a writer would refer to themselves and a slang interjection of refusal

30a         Key item old man takes on the piste? (8)
PASSWORD An informal father’s item to take on a fencing piste


1d           Himalayan native called toward peak after dropping one (6)
DEODAR  A reversal (toward peak) of called using a particular type of equipment without (dropping) the Roman numeral for one

2d           Due to receive male rat (6)
INFORM Due to receive (2,3) and the abbreviation for Male

3/15d    I’m formally going, out of misguided courtesy etc, past bank (5,9)
YOURS SINCERELY A formal way of concluding a letter (if you are addressing it Dear Mr or Mrs rather than Dear Sir) is an anagram (misguided) of cOURteSY without (out of) ETC followed by an adverb meaning past and a verb meaning to bank or count on

4d           Highly-thought-of base fills with gas (7)
AERATED Highly thought of (1-5) into which is inserted (fills) the letter that is the base of the natural system of logarithms

6/26d  Multiplied by x on occasion (1,6,2,5)
A NUMBER OF TIMES Multiplied by followed by what X represents in a multiplication sum

7d           In it, you finally note the tan? (8)
SUNBATHE One of a couple of clues where I had to write the solution on a piece of paper and then cross off the various bits of wordplay until I had sorted out the parsing.  The final letter of yoU and the Latin abbreviation meaning to note well inserted in some sex appeal (it), the result followed by THE (from the clue)

8d           Hold crutches close to face in hospital-room fray (4,4)
WEAR DOWN A verb meaning to possess (hold) crutches or supports in a Down solution the ‘close’ to facE inserted into a hospital room

11d         Ace admitted to the same hearing? No (4)
DEAF The abbreviation for Ace, which when not a playing card can informally mean brilliant, inserted (admitted) into a slang adjective also meaning brilliant or excellent

15d         See 3 Down

17d         Noblewoman is confined within tent, exit barred (8)
MARQUISE IS (from the clue) ‘confined’ within a large tent without its final letter (exit barred)

18d         On the way out of Nod, all told (6,2)
COMING TO Waking up (on the way out of the Land of Nod) or amounting to (all told)

20d         With surfing facilitator it lacks substance (4)
WISP The abbreviation for With and an abbreviated company that provides access to the internet (surfing facilitator)

21d         A Knight lost, a man pinned by one Black Queen? (7)
CAMILLA  Lose A and N (chess abbreviation for knight)  from A Man and then insert into the forename of a 1960s singer who later became a television presenter (Black)

22d         Work round the ticket with a northern traveller (6)
GITANO Work goes round pronoun meaning the very thing one is looking for (the ticket) with A (from the clue) and the abbreviation for Northern

23d         I’m with you on historical tours (6)
AGREED Old or historical ‘tours’ the usual on the subject of

26d         See 6 Down



12 comments on “Toughie 3368
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  1. As is often the case with Elgar’s puzzles of late, I too thought it was going to be easier than it turned out. A couple of the biggies fell quickly and the NW yielded but then it got seriously hard. Top clues today were 10a [the very thought!] 30a [smiled at the piste mislead]
    3/15d [quite the tour de force] and 7d [lovely construction].
    Thanks to Elgar and CS [btw – I don’t think you need a Roman numeral in 21d]

  2. Blimey that was tough and no mistake. I was pleased that I only had two bung-ins, the rest being more or less parsed as I solved the grid. This was typically Elgarian; complicated, clever and ultimately satisfying. There were so many brilliant clues it’s hard to pick a winner, but I did like combination clues.

    Many thanks to both Elgar andSue.

  3. Elgar on top form – thanks to him and CS.
    I needed Google assistance for the Himalayan native and it took me some time to come up with a phrase where ‘of’ and ‘by’ are interchangeable.
    Rosettes from me for 28a, 30a, 2d and 23d with the laurel wreath awarded to 21d.

  4. Tricky as only Elgar can be, but this time I managed to finish. That said, I was on the brink of revealing 1d but suddenly the penny dropped and in went the nho DEODAR. Thanks Elgar and CS

  5. I completed the Friday back pager, which doesnt happen regularly, so decided to have a crack at the Toughie, which was always going to be a step too far. Solved a few, solved a few more from the definitions with no idea how to parse, so grateful for the hints. Then had to reveal the solution online and couldnt parse a thing. So again, very grateful for CS for the unravelling. Boy, I have much to learn.

  6. I’ve taken my time over Mr Elgar because I didn’t want to be beaten and now I’m glad I did. My only failure was 20D because I hadn’t heard of the facilitator. There were so many brilliant clues from the genius that I think it would be unfair to pick a favourite so I’m just going to savour the lot.
    Well done and thank you CS for the blog and of course to Elgar.

  7. Fell over on 29 down having decided that Mikado was the work and that Kim (going north) was the traveller. An excellent puzzle and blog. Thank you Elgar and crypticSue

  8. Re 10 across, I had ‘guinea’ , which is a) a fowl (main ingredient of coq au vin) and b) one hundred and five (CV) p in current money

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