DT 30463 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 30463

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 30,463
Hints and tips by Huntsman

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty */**  –  Enjoyment ***

Grey and overcast here but not much rain in the forecast so a good walk looks on the cards. The same grid for the third week on the bounce so we can safely assume it is an AP production. Very much doubt many will need to refer to the hints as I thought this very gentle indeed though, as ever, precisely clued throughout. Having said that Gazza saved me from making a total Horlicks of one of the hints on account of the fact that I’d omitted the last word from the clue (don’t ask) & then concocted what I thought was a plausible explanation. He also came to the rescue with the Quickie pun which eluded me no matter how many times I said it despite having heard of one.


In the following hints definitions are underlined, indicators are mostly in parentheses, and answers are revealed by clicking where shown as usual. Please leave a comment below on how you got on with the puzzle.


1a American broadcast professional golf and stuff (7)
PROGRAM: the informal abbreviation for professional + golf in the NATO phonetic alphabet + another word for stuff or jam. RD will be happy with this definition.

5a Perceive intelligence shown by head (7)
WITNESS: another word for intelligence + one for head(land) or promontory

9a We desire pants wife’s taken off, getting more sleazy (7)
SEEDIER: an anagram (pants) of wE DESIRE ignoring the letter indicated by wife

10a Current inside fuse is regular (7)
SOLDIER: insert the electrical symbol for current into a synonym of fuse, which in this wordplay is a verb masquerading as a noun.

11a Cast are able to add more information (9)
ELABORATE: an anagram (cast) of ARE ABLE TO.

12a Over in estate see game birds (5)
GEESE: a reverse lurker (over/in) that’s not difficult to spot.

13a Search could make son cry (5)
SWEEP: the single letter for Son + a synonym for cry.

15a Inn with salty nuts – tons swallowed at once (9)
INSTANTLY: an anagram (nuts) of INN SALTY then insert (swallowed) the single letter for Tons.

17a Happy tour in Africa? (9)
CONTINENT: place another word for happy around (tour) IN from the clue. The question mark indicates definition by example.

19a Because of that layer cake is hollow (5)
HENCE: not an explanation on BAKE OFF. A layer + the outer letters (is hollow) of CakE

22a Somewhat important I catch lark (5)
ANTIC: a lurker (somewhat) found in the middle three words.

23a Watching old boy performing functions (9)
OBSERVING: the abbreviation for a former pupil + a word for performing functions or giving assistance to.

25a Clock spring ultimately slack and set to lose time (7)
GLIMPSE: the last letter (ultimately) of sprinG + another word for slack then add set from the clue less its final letter (lose Time).

26a Decreasing metal in goldfield, initially (7)
IRONING: metal with the symbol Fe + IN from the clue + the first letter (initially) of Goldfield. To be avoided unless absolutely necessary in my view.

27a What students want? Flipping good education and freebees on a regular basis (7)
DEGREES: reverse (flipping) the single letter for Good + the two letter contraction for education then add the alternate letters (on a regular basis) of fReEbEeS. A nicely ironic surface.

28a Heartlessly crumble, say small leaves (7)
DESERTS: remove the middle letter (heartlessly) from what crumble is an example of (say)


1d Have gangs succeeded? (7)
POSSESS: in the westerns gangs assembled to enforce the law (They’re beginning to get on my nerves. Who are those guys?) + the single letter for Succeeded.

2d Oscar exercises with judge after work (7)
OPERATE: the letter represented by Oscar (NATO phonetic alphabet) + the two letter abbreviation for exercises (a welcome respite from double maths at school) then a synonym for judge or assess.

3d Animal horn I carved (5)
RHINO: an anagram (carved) of HORN I.

4d Fish in sea spread (9)
MARGARINE: insert a freshwater fish from over the pond into an adjective pertaining to the sea or ocean.

5d Start of week as the husband’s taken out rubbish (5)
WASTE : the first letter (start) of Week + AS + ThE (husband taken out)

6d The large suspect holding piano wire (9)
TELEGRAPH: an anagram (suspect) of THE LARGE & insert (holding) the letter for piano (soft)

7a Obvious I had to enter competition (7)
EVIDENT: the contraction of I had in (to enter) a competition or sporting discipline.

8d Second egg on tray – not oddly something one gets in hospital? (7)
SURGERY: the single letter for Second + a word for egg on + the alternate letters (not oddly) of tRaY. Sadly not quickly enough nowadays for far too many.

14d Rule headteacher called out(9)
PRINCIPLE: a homophone (called out)

16d Met this writer tucking into feasts I’d prepared (9)
SATISFIED: an anagram of (prepared) of FEASTS ID & insert (tucking into) how this writer may refer to himself/herself.

17d Children maintained no uniform is demanded (7)
CHARGED: the two letter abbreviation for children + a worded for maintained less the letter represented by uniform (NATO phonetic alphabet).

18d Object after old knight pulled up zip (7)
NOTHING: reverse the single letter for Old & for knight (in chess) then add (after) a word for an object.

20a More inquisitive about centre of Halifax getting louder (7)
NOISIER: insert the middle letter (centre) of Halifax into a word meaning more inquisitive.

21d Employs English errand boys? Not at first (7)
ENGAGES: the three letter abbreviation for English + servants or possibly couriers less the initial letter (not at first)

23d Lays bare- writer’s got nothing on (5)
OPENS: writing implements preceded by the letter that represents nothing.

24d Ancestors tense wearing little jumpers (5)

ROOTS: insert the single letter for Tense into Skippy & her buddies.


I liked the surface reads at 19,25&27a & particularly the one 8d where I immediately thought unless you’ve gone private.


Today’s Quick Crossword pun: CAR+ PEN+ TUBBY = CARPENTER BEE


51 comments on “DT 30463

  1. We love a Tuesday chill-out.

    A solid offering with an array of techniques on show that highlights AP’s ability to perfectly pitch the level of difficulty for an early-weeker.

    Many clues are tussling it out for a medal but the spoils go to 6d as it conjures up a great image, 25a with the winner being 1d which is brilliant.

    Many thanks to the aforementioned and Hintsman.


    1. TDS65. Re the Spanish ole from yesterday – bit of a senior (or “disappointing”) moment, since it’s got two syllables to start with! So, I’ll have to change my submission to: ole, as in “shut yer cake ‘ole”, + o = oleo. :-)

  2. Quite ugly at first glance, but very, very gradually grew on me, yes, the crossword of course!
    Glad to see the word ‘American’ in 1a to differentiate it from the English version, it really annoys me that words like ‘specialty’ are now creeping in all over the place, and I dare say will become the norm in years to come.
    Anyway, rant now over, the puzzle soon got going and became a joy as it went along. Not hard my any means but great fun. Favourite today was the 4d, with our old friend the 3 letter fish on show again. Well done to our setter today.

    1. I never knew that “specialty” was an Americanism. I’m so used to it now, funny how something creeps into daily usage!

  3. A fairly rypical Tuesday guzzle, with Mr Plumb’s characteristic misdirection to lead us astray. 12a was a good reverse lurker and my COTD. The runners up were the lego clues 8d and 19a. Thanks to Huntsman for the hints and to Mr P.

  4. A very elegantly clued puzzle this morning, that wasn’t terribly difficult but was most engaging. 6d was a very good anagram, but my favourite was 18d. The Toughie is also very user-friendly today.

    My thanks to Mr P and The Hintsman.

  5. Good sound Tuesday fare, completion of which was delayed for me by not thinking as I wrote in one of the longer answers, and with 8d reading the first four words, seeing the word ‘hospital’ in my peripheral vision, and biffing an answer that ends with two different letters – making 15a quite mysterious until I’d realised my error. Many great clues and surface reads, so my Hon Mentions go to 19a, 27a, 17d & COTD 25a.

    1.5* / 3*

    Many thanks to the setter and to Huntsman

  6. Gentle Tuesday’ish fun. Some very nice surface reads, I liked the sleazy 9a – AP you naughty setter!
    I too was stumped by the Quickie pun, never heard of that beastie.
    Thanks AP & Huntsman (plus Gazza! )

  7. Definitely a 2 for difficulty? But do see it is quite a mixture. Nothing notable and for me a bit slower to the SW corner. Not too satisfying today.

    Thanks anyway to compiler.

  8. Satisfying puzzle from Mr P today with a couple of crackers for me in the shape of 25&27a.

    Many thanks to the afore-mentioned setter and to Huntsman for the review – enjoy your walk!

  9. A fairly standard Tuesday puzzle – thanks to our setter and Huntsman.
    The clues I liked best were 25a, 27a and 8d.

  10. Spot on pleasantly enjoyable Tuesday solve , straightforward once I tuned in.
    Favourites were,25a 8d and 21d which took a while to parse due to the English!
    Going for a **/***
    Enjoyed the Quickie except for the pun.

  11. Typically Tuesdayish until I got to and made a complete Horlicks of the SW. But, I got there in the end.

    Candidates for favourite – 5a, 19a, 2d, 8d, and 20d – and the winner is 5a.

    Thanks to Mr Plumb and Huntsman.

  12. Found this good fun and reasonably straightforward making for a relaxed and enjoyable Tuesday solve. Needed Huntsman’s help to parse 21d as I had assumed English in the clue would be cut down to one letter. Apart from that, no real problems – faves were the decreasing metal in 21a and the pulled up zip in 18d. And on a day when it was announced that Mark Knopfler is selling a bunch of guitars, 6d reminded me of my favourite track on Love Over Gold. Might listen to it later. Thanks Huntsman, thanks setter.

    1. I’d have posted that PB but still haven’t got the knack of how to do it. Mine too & I listened to it.

        1. The Alchemy Tour version of T/Rd is without a doubt in my top 10 tracks of all time, by any group or artist, of any music genre. Thank you RD – am about to play it again for the umpteenth time, thankfully through the 30-year old speakers & amp I wired up to my laptop!

          1. You have my sympathy, it’s well worth trying to find online – the album version would compete with the tour version for its own place in my top ten, but even I would consider that somewhat excessive!

  13. 2*/4* for a fun Tuesday puzzle, and yes I’m very happy with 1a!

    I’ve never seen freebies spelt with 4Es before but the BRB confirms it is a valid alternative.

    25a was my favourite with 8d in second place.

    Many thanks to the setter and to Hintsman Huntsman.

  14. I really enjoyed this and found it a little more challenging than Huntsman did. I set myself up for a fall by inserting the wrong (unparsed) word at 19a thus making 6d an impossible anagram and my LOI. Lots of truly cryptic clues along with clever misdirection made this right up my street. I’m spoilt for choice today with several podium contenders. I’ll go for 25a, 27a and 8d and the winner is 25a. Many thanks to Mr Plumb and Huntsman.

  15. Bit quirky in places but overall an enjoyable puzzle. No favs but no moans either!
    Thx to all

  16. No problems with this until I put al at the end of 14d, that held me up for a bit. Thanks to all.

  17. Pleasant and straightforward which was just as well as we have to get over to Tunbridge Wells for our dentist. So many Guys graduates stayed south of the river.Many thanks to all for this morning’s puzzle jaunt. Would give it 1.5 star for difficulty. Is that allowed ?

  18. A typically Tuesday puzzle IMHO again for this week. A few tricky clues to navigate around, but nothing to scare the horses.


    Favourites include 1a, 10a, 17a, 26a, 6d & 18d — with winner 6d

    Thanks to AP & Huntsman for hints/blog

  19. What a treat for a Tuesday. Could we have more like this Mr Lancaster? A bit like Goldilock’s favourite porridge, just right. LOL at 9a, as I chased the other meanings of layer for a while. Also bunged in marmalade at 4d although I couldn’t make it fit and realised my error in time. And how could this be an ugly puzzle with the picture of my two favourite hunks at 1d?☺️. Big thanks to setter and to Huntsman.

    1. I was stuck on “marmalade” too at 4d, fortunately I never wrote it in as I couldn’t parse it.

    2. Having got some of the checkers, I spent some time trying to fit Marmite into 4d. The correct answer became obvious when I had filled in the rest.

      1. I admit to thinking of marmalade and marmite but the penny dropped. I liked it. I did a few, fell asleep, woke up and wrote the rest in. Favourites 1 19 and 25a. The latter seems to be popular with our members.

  20. I have read Jonners judgement and have nothing further to add.

    A phrase often used in the Courts I used to frequent!

  21. A lovely friendly offering for a Tuesday, though I did take longer in the NE than for the rest of the guzzle. Who knows why, there’s nothing particularly difficult. Mr. Plumb lost several points for the “pants” in 9a, though I admit it added a good bit of spice to the clue, so all is forgiven. Fave? Lots to choose from, 25a and 8d stood out, but so did others.
    Thank you Mr. Plumb for the fun and Huntsman for unravelling a few.

  22. I didn’t find this as straightforward as others seems to have, but I got there in the end.
    Could not see the parsing for 17d , though until I read the hints.
    Favourite was 19a.
    Thanks to Hintsman and the setter.

    Cold cold cold here today, but at least it is not raining.

  23. A good friendly puzzle, only tarnished by a couple of uses of slang (one being unindicated American slang) but I’ll overlook that as the GK was OK. I did wonder about 26a until my brain popped a hyphen in after the first two letters of the first word. 15a jumped out as an anagram because ‘salty nuts’ looked odd. It looked a bit like American slang for some resentful nuts.

  24. I found this as straightforward as I found the toughie difficult, the answer was very in both cases. Not that I didn’t enjoy this because I did with some clever clues, my favourite being 25a, there were other contenders. Thanks to the setter and Huntsman.

  25. That was a pleasant solve with just enough “bite” to make it al dente
    27a was rather clever and gets COTD, I am completely 16d today and thank Huntsman and Mr P for the hints and puzzle. thanks for Telegraph Road too one of my favourites by Mr K

    1. Forgot to say I don’t normally have time to do the quickie pun but today’s was a Bee person’s delight 🐝

  26. Good evening
    Like Merusa in a previous comment, I too was fixated on MARMALADE as the answer to 4d, although of course I was blowed if I could see why!
    I’ve marked 26a, 28a, and 18d as particularly witty misdirections; 6d is a corker; and the laugh-out-loud 9a is COTD.
    My thanks to our compiler and to Huntsman

  27. Once again Tuesday was a smoother ride than Monday even though it still required some cerebration. New anagram indicators continue to make appearances but have to say that popularly used for 9a does jar in any context except as noun. 25a is hardly synonymous. 3d abbreviation has become a regular visitor these days. No real Fav but liked 18a. Didn’t come near to sussing the unfamiliar Quickie pun. Thank you MrP and Huntsman.

  28. It’s late in the day but just dropping in to say thank you to the Setter for a good guzzle. I particularly liked the misleading layer at 19a ( I really should have clocked that one) , 17a and 6d. Busy day with making a cake for WI stall tomorrow, book group discussing Dog Days by Ericka Walker (interesting book but not very likeable characters) and then the pleasure of dishing out several thousand pounds to local schools. Plus Tuesday’s job of changing the bed of course. Always time for a guzzle though! Thanks to Hintsman for explaining 21d. Time for bed.

  29. 3*/4* ….
    liked 27A “What students want? Flipping good education and freebees on a regular basis (7)”

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