ST 3226 (Full Review) – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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ST 3226 (Full Review)

Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3226

A full review by crypticsue

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

This puzzle was published on 20th August 2023

BD Rating – Difficulty *Enjoyment ***

Dada in a friendlier mode this time – I did seem to type the word ‘anagram’ quite a bit

Please leave a comment telling us what you thought in


1a    Fish ultimately filling wet table, all one wants to buy (8,4)
SHOPPING LIST – H (the ultimate letter of fisH) ‘filling’ or inserted into SOPPING (wet) and LIST (table)

9a    Hostile to Muslim official, criminal isn’t (7)
AGAINST – AGA (Muslim official) and an anagram (criminal) of ISNT

10a    Help fool on the phone? (7)
SUCCOUR – A homophone (on the phone) of SUCKER (fool)

11a    African river initially narrows, in leaving Egypt (4)
NILE – The initial letters of Narrows In Leaving Egypt

12a    Stage appearing similar from either wing? (5)
LEVEL – Because it is a palindrome!

13a    Launch aimed at ship (4)
TOSS – TO (aimed at) SS (ship)

16a    Novel left in British city (7)
NEWPORT – NEW (novel) PORT (left side of a ship or plane)

17a    Chocolate ending on carpet, upset (7)
TRUFFLE – T (the ending on carpeT) RUFFLE (upset)

18a    Lift near the ground (7)
HEARTEN – An anagram (ground) of NEAR THE

21a    Praise leaders of urban district brought into fold (7)
PLAUDIT – The ‘leaders’ of Urban District inserted into PLAIT (fold)

23a    Mark, boy’s name (4)
NICK – Double definition

24a    Dependable beer (5)
STOUT – And another

25a    Line of soldiers went quickly for more than half a mile? (4)
RANK – RAN (went quickly) K (kilometre – more than half a mile)

28a    Greek character turning nose up at Italian drink (7)
CHIANTI – CHI (Greek character) ANTI (turning nose up)

29a    Agreement worth millions perhaps that doesn’t impress me much (3,4)
BIG DEAL – A lucrative agreement or an expression meaning so what? I’m not impressed

30a    Keeping first bit of garbage, man returned rubbish in drawers, say (12)
UNDERGARMENT – An anagram (rubbish) of MAN RETURNED into which is inserted (keeping) the G (first bit of Garbage)


1d    Superficial pig touring large residence (7)
SHALLOW – SOW (pig) ‘touring’ HALL (large residence)

2d    Sound of animal coming from Fido in kennel (4)
OINK – Hidden in fidO IN Kennel

3d    Sick person? Obvious one needs tucking in (7)
PATIENT – I (one) tucking in to PATENT (obvious)

4d    Note was rewritten easily (2,5)
NO SWEAT – An anagram (rewriting) of NOTE WAS

5d    Taste defeat (4)
LICK – A taste of something or an informal word for a defeat

6d    Self-publicist has performance cancelled (4-3)
SHOW-OFF – SHOW (performance) OFF (cancelled)

7d    Rick, say, tedious person (4,2,3,4)
PAIN IN THE NECK – Twisting your neck might cause a rick or pain in the neck

8d    Looking good in huntsman’s outfit? (7,2,4)
DRESSED TO KILL – looking good or a cryptic definition of a huntsman’s outfit

14d    Enclosed compartment in back of car, hot (5)
BOOTH – BOOT (back of car) H (hot)

15d    Youngster comes before an islander (5)
CUBAN – CUB (youngster) AN (from the clue)

19d    Sale that’s posh in effect (7)
AUCTION – U (posh, upper class) in ACTION (effect)

20d    Night on rocks for duck (7)
NOTHING – An anagram (rocks) of NIGHT ON

21d    Leak fixer observing boards under opening in pipe (7)
PLUMBER – LUMBER (wooden boards etc) goes under P (the opening in Pipe)

22d    Face etc rearranged in a manner of speaking (7)
DIALECT – DIAL (face) and an anagram (rearranged) of ETC

26d    Queen locked out, entrance and exit barred (4)
ANNE – Remove the first and last letters (entrance and exit barred) from bANNEd (locked out)

27d    Fit, Belgravia guest houses (4)
AGUE – Housed in BelgraviA GUEst

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