February 26, 2023 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

Sunday Toughie 57 (Hints)

Sunday Toughie No 57 by Zandio

Hints and Tips by Sloop John Bee

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A Heinz 57 variety of a puzzle today, 14 acrosses and 16 downs with plenty of anagrams and lurkers in both directions.

France in particular gets a lot of mentions as well as a couple of other Europeans as well as South America and a nod to our New Zealanders.

I have hinted half but if you need any extra help ask away, I may be away entertaining Mama Bee but I am sure one of our happy band of solvers will help with a nudge.

Here we go…


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EV 1579 Hints

Enigmatic Variations 1579 (Hints)

Line of Duty by Eclogue

Hints and tips by Phibs

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I wonder if when two setters are contemplating a collaboration their decision is influenced by the name of the hybrid which will result. eXternal and Serpent combine very neatly to produce eXtent, and the marriage of Hellebore and Phi to produce Hellphire was surely irresistible. Eclipse plus Logogriph is less obvious, Ecriph or Loglipse having understandably been ignored in favour of Eclogue. But what about Ifor and Wickball getting together as Iball, or Harribobs and Piccadilly forming Harpic? Jacques and Sea-kale as Jacqusea, perhaps? Curmudgeon and Wan might need to think carefully about names before entering into an alliance, though…

Continue reading “EV 1579 Hints”

ST 3201 (Hints)

Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3201 (Hints)

Hints and tips by Senf

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A very good Sunday morning from Winnipeg where we have been back in the deep freeze for most of the week but the forecast is suggesting a few days of minus single digit highs which of course means that it will be warm enough (a relative term) for some more snow.… Continue reading