Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29834
Hints and tips by Mr K
+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
BD Rating - Difficulty ** - Enjoyment ****
Hello, everyone, and welcome to Tuesday. I thought that today's puzzle was just delightful. There are smooth and amusing surfaces coupled with varied and tight wordplay throughout. I hope we get more like this soon. Setter, please take a bow.
In the hints below most indicators are italicized, and underlining identifies precise definitions and cryptic definitions. Clicking on the answer buttons will reveal the answers. In some hints hyperlinks provide additional explanation or background. Clicking on a picture will enlarge it or display a bonus illustration and a hover (computer) or long press (mobile) might explain more about the picture. Please leave a comment telling us how you got on.
1a Darcy isn't likeable, initially -- Austen heroine's quandary (7)
DILEMMA: The initial letters of the first three words in the clue are followed by a Jane Austen heroine (ignore the surface reading – it's not the one who took time to warm to Darcy)
5a Live in sin, habitually? To an extent (7)
INHABIT: The answer is hidden inside ( … to an extent) the remainder of the clue
9a Allowed on a lake (5)
LEGAL: Link together another word for the on side of a cricket pitch, A from the clue, and the map abbreviation for lake
10a Awfully pleased about an area for walking (9)
ESPLANADE: An anagram (awfully) of PLEASED containing (about) AN from the clue
11a Playful university teacher hugging almost every clergyman (10)
ARCHDEACON: Playful or shrewd is followed by a university teacher containing (hugging) all but the last letter (almost) of a synonym of every
12a Police announce list of charges (4)
BILL: A very smooth triple definition. The first is an informal word for police
14a Pub garden did cooked food (5,7)
BREAD PUDDING: An anagram (cooked) of PUB GARDEN DID
18a Arrogant about grand piano at the front (12)
PRESUMPTUOUS: Follow a short word for about or concerning with grand or magnificent. Then put the musical abbreviation for piano at the front of that letter combination
21a Husband bitten by green parrot (4)
ECHO: The genealogical abbreviation for husband contained by (bitten by) green in an environmental sense
22a Professional compassion reduced debts -- that's lucky (10)
PROPITIOUS: Put together the abbreviation for professional, all but the last letter (reduced) of a synonym of compassion, and some debts traditionally scribbled on a scrap of paper
25a Crikey, matron shot bird! (9)
CORMORANT: A slang exclamation of surprise (crikey) with an anagram (shot) of MATRON
26a A daughter wearing the first lady's skirt (5)
EVADE: A from the clue and the genealogical abbreviation for daughter inserted together in (wearing) the Bible's first lady
27a Tons with motive for betrayal (7)
TREASON: The single letter for tons with a synonym of motive
28a Setter's perhaps after spicy snacks (3,4)
HOT DOGS: What setter defines by example (perhaps) with its 'S from the clue comes after spicy or fiery
1d Attractive person sitting on bar going topless for money (6)
DOLLAR: A dated term for an attractive female person comes before (sitting on, in a down clue) BAR from the clue minus its first letter (going topless)
2d Some empty cage largely reflecting what's left after death (6)
LEGACY: The answer is hidden inside the reversal (some … reflecting) of the remaining words in the clue
3d Amorous old drunk's high (10)
MALODOROUS: An anagram (drunk) of AMOROUS OLD
4d Space entertaining Nero, primarily? (5)
ARENA: The wordplay directs us to a synonym of space containing (entertaining) the first letter (…, primarily) of NERO. The entire clue can also serve as the definition, making this a rare &lit or all-in-one type of clue
5d Unprepared, I am quick with excuses, at heart (9)
IMPROMPTU: Chain together the contraction of I AM, quick or punctual, and the central letter (at heart) of EXCUSES
6d Virtually hot and cross after a practical joke (4)
HOAX: Putting the bits in order, all but the last letter (virtually) of HOT is followed by A from the clue and the letter representing a cross
7d Blair is touring a city (8)
BRASILIA: Follow an anagram (touring) of BLAIR IS by A from the clue
8d People collecting old written record for religious studies (8)
THEOLOGY: A pronoun for people containing (collecting) both the abbreviation for old and a written record
13d Change article headings in Daily Telegraph to include only males (10)
ADJUSTMENT: The article is grammatical. Follow it by the initial letters of (headings in) DAILY TELEGRAPH sandwiching (to include) synonyms of only and of males
15d Belong at paper, working with all the rage (9)
APPERTAIN: An anagram (working) of AT PAPER with "all the rage" or fashionable
16d Foreman's sock? (8)
UPPERCUT: A great cryptic definition. Foreman here is George, not any old foreman. Anyone else start out trying to solve this clue as a double definition?
17d What gunners might do -- and unsuccessful cavalry? (8)
RECHARGE: What gunners do after firing could also describe what cavalry might do if they mess up their first attempt. I was going to preface that hint with "whimsically", but then I discovered that both definitions appear in the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary
19d Regularly uproot last row to get vegetable (6)
POTATO: Alternate letters (regularly) of the next three words in the clue
20d The woman's supporting American doorkeepers (6)
USHERS: A pronoun meaning "the woman's" comes after (supporting, in a down clue) an abbreviation for American
23d Pa drops a long throw (5)
PITCH: PA from the clue drops A and then gets long or desire appended
24d Ruffian upset small lads (4)
BOYS: The reversal (upset, in a down clue) of a ruffian or lout is followed by the clothing abbreviation for small
Thanks to today’s setter. Almost every clue today was a winner. If I had to pick a favourite I'd probably go for 4d because it's such a fine example of an &lit, the most challenging clue type for a compiler. 16d also deserves a special mention for great misdirection. Which clues did you like best?
The Quick Crossword pun: GIN + JAR + RAILS = GINGER ALES
Very enjoyable indeed with a bit more about it than the last three or four puzzles, I hope the setter “claims” it.
I just had to check the arch/playful synonym at 11a but otherwise all went in smoothly.
My ticks go to 25a plus 15&25d along with the smile inducing 16d…. but could have mentioned several more. Great stuff.
Many thanks to the setter and Mr K for a top puzzle and review.
Once again, I found this Tuesday crossword was most disappointing (4*/1*). Some of the clues were vague and undefined enough to rival the foggy Oxfordshire landscape outside. The clues that were on my wavelength gave me enough checkers to guess the answers to the others but it was a joyless task. Thanks to Mr K for the hints and to the compiler, whose efforts will probably appeal to other contributors to the blog..
Most enjoyable, all very straightforward, nothing abstruse and the equines remain quite relaxed. A very well written puzzle (with the exception of 5a, which I thought weak and that it let the side down) with generally smooth and very amusing clues.
A plethora of Hon Mentions, winnowed down to 1a (which in almost any other puzzle would be a COTD or COTW), 25a 26a, 13d and 19d; my COTD though to the wonderful 16d.
1.5* / 4*
Many thanks indeed to the Setter, and to Mr K for the review.
Agree re 5a – the only dud.
This is a cracking puzzle – thanks to the setter and Mr K.
I always think that if the first across clue is a belter it sets the tone for the whole puzzle and 1a today is excellent. Joining it on my podium are 21a and 16d.
An enjoyable puzzle, with some nice misdirection and penny drop moments.
Thanks to setter, and to Mr K for the review.
A thoroughly enjoyable and entertaining solve, and, like Gazza, 1a set me up for a rewarding journey through crosswordland. Thanks to our setter and Mr K. The Toughie is good fun too.
Still a few shy of completion but agree that the Toughie is well worth a look. No idea who’s set it.
Toughie setter is Dada – the list of setters is given at the right hand side of the BD home page.
Liked this one a lot & not surprised it’s getting an early thumbs up. Not particularly taxing but delightfully clued throughout bar one weak lurker. Plenty to choose from for pick of the bunch & I’ll plump for the 3d anagram which made me smile, as did the pic.
Thanks to the setter & to Mr K
I rather enjoyed this puzzle but could not start it in bed this morning with my cup of tea. The reason being I knew the Tesco Christmas slots were being released at 6.a.m. so duly logged in at that time on my Kindle. I was more than slightly aghast to find I was 584,576 in the queue! So I thought I would nip down to the main computer and try from there so I could do my crossword on the Kindle in bed. By then, 10 minutes later, I was 960, 234 in the queue! So I watched myself ever so slowly moving up the queue and an hour and 20 mins later got my slot! This is all so exhausting. Am I being brainwashed into using delivery services rather than going into shops? Anyway, I digress, 16d my COTD and thanks to the setter and Mr K but sadly no kitty pics.
Have booked my Waitrose delivery but they are now fully booked – perhaps they will be releasing more slots at a later stage.
What a performance and one wonders how many items wll not in fact be delivered due to being out of stock.
I’ve never managed to get a Waitrose slot as apparently I’m too far away but funnily enough my next door neighbour gets one.
I don’t think I can even be bothered with all that palaver. Beans on toast sounds good to me!
Me neither. We’ve gone to the grocery store throughout Covid, aiming to get there at or soon after they open at 7am. The store is fresh from its overnight cleaning, shelves and produce is stocked, and there are about 3 other customers in there. We split up, Peter gets all the fruit and veg, and I get the milk, bread etc. No lines at check out, and back in the car in 25 minutes. It’s worked so far.
There is a cat and a dog in today’s Toughie blog.
A cat and two dogs!
I use grocery delivery, mainly because I need assistance, I’d prefer doing my own shopping and choose my own stuff. I go on my computer the day before and make up my list, then the next day I click on “place my order” two hours before I want it, I follow them as they shop to approve a substitute or not, then I follow as they drive to my house and open the door for them. I can’t understand why it can’t be done in the UK, they have the same technology.
Slow out of the starting blocks but then a joyful quest ensued with the SW coming home last mainly because 17d beat me (was looking for something with horse). Have to admit to bunging in unparsed 9a (schoolgirl cricket tuition let me down) and 16d (had never heard of him). Like StephenL11a playful had to be double checked. Altogether a fun-time with so many excellent clues but no particular Fav. Thank you Mysteron (please come again soon whoever you may be) and MrK.
I fell at the first fence on my horse but did eventually reach the right answer.
Really enjoyed this one. My favourites from a strong field were 2D and 5D.
A fast solve was slowed by me trying to fit horse into the answer for 17D.
Many thanks to the setter and to Mr K for the hints. I loved the pictures.
Glad to see you approved of 5d particularly in view of negative comments above about it. Me too re 17d horse – see comment 9.
1.5*/4.5*. This was light and very enjoyable indeed.
My podium choice is 12a, 4d & 16d.
Many thanks to the mystery setter and to Mr K.
Yes, Mr K, I did spend quite a while hunting for a double definition to fit 16d, the last to fall by a fair margin.
Very enjoyable solve for me and I handed out the bouquets to 1&25a.
Thanks to our setter (please pop in) and to Mr K for a brilliantly illustrated review. Laughed out loud at the notice regarding alcohol and was mesmerised by the wave action.
Apart from 5a, an enjoyable puzzle. **/*** The south west was the last in with my favourite 25a and my last one in 17d. I wasn’t sure where we were going with that until I had all the checkers. Well done to SL and SC for their clue writing prowess. Thanks to all.
Why is 5a iffy?
A couple of people have questioned it. So, I must be missing something.
So must I because I saw nothing wrong with it.
I don’t think it’s iffy just not particularly good & in stark contrast to the quality of the other clues. Certainly not a patch on your penguin clue. Surely the art of a good lurker is disguising it in the wordplay & ideally in a misleading surface read. With this one the last 5 of the 7 letters jumped out so hard they hit you on the nose.
It is a pretty straightforward lurker, admittedly, but I thought the neatness of the surface made it a goodie.
Each to their own, I suppose.
I too was surprised that people found it week. I thought it was a master of misdirection. The obvious answer, without spotting the lurker was cohabit. It was only when I could not parse that I spotted the lurker
Ok, I take your point, Huntsman – as a lurker it does rather stand out.
I’m in the “saw nothing wrong with it” camp!
A very enjoyable crossword today. Got stuck for ages on 17d as I was trying in vain to fit horse in there….but it came good in the end.
Lots of fun.
Thanks to the setter and to Mr K…..great pics as always.
Miserable dreich day here so it’s back to trying to empty or at least make some space in the attic for me.
How did we accumulate so much stuff? It looks as though someone has somehow got a skip full of unwanted things in there upturned it and removed it, leaving the mountains of stuff.
Anyone got any ideas what to do with old but beautiful fur coats ? Inherited from mother, mother in law and auntie.
They all saved so hard to buy them in the 50s or 60s and were so proud to wear them then.
We gave some to a local drama group who welcomed them.
I heard recently that either we get rid of our excess stuff or somebody else will have to do so. Saint Sharon’s grandmother moved from a house to a bungalow which meant a lot of stuff had to go. Then she moved into a home and a lot more stuff had to go. When she died we only had the contents of her room to sort out which simplified things. When Saint Sharon’s Mum and Dad died within 10 months of each other we had everything they owned to sort out. It made me glad to be an orphan
I have dispensed with most of my junk knowing that my kids will put everything in a skip rather than look through it! Having been that route with mother and mother in law I can say it’s a joyless task.
I’ve given away a lot of stuff as I’m surrounded by my ancestors. My problem is that I don’t know what this stuff is worth, if anything.
When I “downsized” I hired skips and dumped as much as possible of things I thought no one would want to lighten the moving load however the young had other ideas and proceeded to riffle through it all and extract a lot of that which I had deemed to be “rubbish”!
I’m in agreement with The Celebrated Mr K and the majority above. I thought this was an absolutely delicious crossword with such well thought out clues.
Yesterday at 5pm, the same British Gas fellow from last week rocked up, amazed that the boiler had failed again with the same fault he had ‘fixed’ last week. He called some secret hotline to the manufacturer and as he had the phone on speaker I could hear the chap at the other end giving him step by step instructions on which code numbers to input. As a result, the boiler is now working once more. We have heat. I rather feel that if I had the secret hotline number, I could have ‘fixed’ the fault without the need to pay British Gas nearly £700.00 each year.
Today’s crossword soundtrack: Neil Young – Comes A Time
Thanks to the excellent setter and, of course, The Celebrated Mr K.
Aggravating. We’ve just received an estimate to repair our roof (it’s only 10 years old). Worst still we paid to have the same area repaired 18 months ago. Different roofer of course.
My roofer came yesterday, haven’t heard the damages yet! Please, oh puhleese, let it be a patch job and not a new roof.
I needed help with a couple but otherwise really enjoyed today’s offering. Yes, I did spend time looking for a double definition at 16d and I also forgot there is a “P” in 18a. I also thought gunners would reload so 17d eluded me for ages.
Many thanks to the setter for the fun and, of course, to Mr. K. for the hints and pusscats.
I am in agreement with Gazza – a ‘belter’ of the first across clue setting the tone for the whole puzzle – **/*****.
Standout favourite – the aforementioned belter 1a.
Thanks to the setter and Mr K.
And, even with one or two notable absentees, well done to the nine of our company I recognised who got varying degrees of ‘mentions’ for PENGUIN in the Newsletter Clue Writing contest.
We are always well represented Senf. For those who don’t receive the newsletter here is the article
PENGUIN just-for-fun results
Thank you to all who entered last week’s just-for-fun contest for PENGUIN. For the second week running, cryptic definitions and double definitions were popular choices; the Puzzles team have also learned a great deal about different species of penguin, with many types of the bird being mentioned.
Two of our favourite cryptic definitions were from Martin Duhig of Tunbridge Wells and Sheila Davies, location unknown. The macaroni penguin was already known to us, fortunately, while Sheila’s clue reminded us of the old joke “What’s black and white and red all over?”
Macaroni on ice? (7)
The answer is always black and white (7)
Dallas Nash of Gaborone, Botswana was one of many to use a double definition referencing the book publisher Penguin:
Bird book (7)
While Stephen Lord of Torquay, Devon, was one of even more entrants who are presumably fans of a certain chocolate-coated biscuit:
Emperor’s confection? (7)
Bob Gilson of Hove, East Sussex, took another tack, referring to the chocolate bar and avant-garde pop/classical band Penguin Cafe Orchestra:
Cafe Orchestra’s bar of choice? (7)
If you haven’t yet discovered Penguin Cafe Orchestra, then this is a good place to start.
Mark Elliott of Welwyn Garden City gave one of several clues to use ‘pound’ to define PEN, then ‘half a Guinness’ to give the rest of the clue word:
Pound gets half of Guinness for emperor? (7)
Gary Jones of South Molton, Devon, did similarly, but using ‘set down’ to define ‘pen’:
Set down half of Guinness, p-p-picked up biscuit (7)
A very smooth surface came from Steve Cowling of Knockin, Shropshire, who used PEN (=cage) + initial letter of four words:
Bird cage has guano under its nest initially (7)
David Skellern of Farnborough, Hampshire, deserves great credit for finding a sensible-sounding clue in which the answer is generated by taking alternate letters:
Bird preens gnu – lion occasionally (7)
Jose Torres of Chapel en le Frith, High Peak, gave another clever clue. Here, ‘fourteen shillings’ is used to mean ‘two-thirds of GUINEA’ (formerly worth 21 shillings):
Snack bar: a pound and fourteen shillings once (7)
One of our favourite anagrams was a simple one from Charlie Oakley of Harland, Devon:
Quiet ingenue almost sacked publisher (7)
While Edward Wallhouse was the sole reader to use a homophone, in this case a partial one:
King to trap girl in conversation? (7)
Finally, James Close of Derby finished just outside the top four, with his clue that takes all but the outside letters of three words:
Publisher spent age suing, without limits (7)
Honorary mentions this week go to Peter Austerberry, Dornoch, Sutherland; Andy Bannister; Colin Markwell, Foxton Beach, New Zealand; Steve Kernow, Camborne, Cornwall; Penny Ewens, Newchurch, Isle of Wight; Bill Huddy, Taunton, Somerset; Martin Hazle, Frogmore, Devon; Angela Stone, Burgess Hill, West Sussex; Patricia King, Tonbridge, Kent; Ian G. Dalziel, Pennsylvania; Danny Saunders, Dinas Powys, Wales; Duncan Samson, Grahamstown, South Africa; Paul Dixon, Palmerston North, New Zealand; Charles Burton, Farnborough, Hampshire; Ann Dodd, Henley in Arden; and Chris Brown of Sprotbrough, Doncaster.
The podium places were very tightly contested this week, with all three clues worthy of taking top spot. However, there can be only one winner.
In third place is Graham Harding of Sandhurst, Berkshire, who uses PEN (=trap), then places the last letter of EMU inside another type of trap, GIN:
Bird trap – emu’s tail trapped in another (7)
In second place is serial winner of Michael Lloyd-Jones of Newcastle Emlyn, Ceredigion. Michael’s clue makes clever use of former Newcastle United footballer Chris Waddle:
What does Waddle start to give United after spot kick at home? (7)
This has quite complex wordplay of G (start to give) + U (=United) after PEN (=spot kick) + IN (=at home).
The winner this week is Bill Harris of St Albans. Bill also takes our accolade of being our ultimate penguin expert, as his winning clue names no fewer than six types of penguin as part of what is surely a record-breaking sextuple definition:
Little African emperor snares yellow-eyed king (6)
Congratulations to Bill on a deserved victory.
Just-for-fun competition
For this week’s just-for-fun competition, can you come up with a cryptic clue for UNSETTLE? Please send your clue and explanation to cluecompetition@telegraph.co.uk with a subject line of ‘Unsettle’ to arrive by 9am on Friday, November 19; the results will be announced next week
Thanks for that, M’pops. Would it be piracy if you posted the newsletter on Big Dave’s blog somewhere? Then we could all visit it?
I think that the newsletter which is only available to subscribers to the puzzles app should be posted on the Daily Telegraph Puzzles Facebook page which is seriously underused. We are moving more and more to a digital format and I feel that the DT and the puzzles editor should be championing the opportunities in this direction. If you don’t keep up with the changes you will be left behind
Make that 10 Senf (Dinas powys here!) I wonder how many people send in their clues each week it looks like a big international field !?
No, I counted you. So, I might have missed someone else.
Many thanks for the PENGUIN results. Please can you post the UNSETTLE results next week?
A very enjoyable puzzle with 16d’s penny-drop moment being all the sweeter for the misdirection. Last clue in. Weird subliminal help with 22a, on the breakfast table was my recently returned copy of Richard Camden’s Auspicious Thoughts, ********** Mind. If you love random punctuation, capitalisation, lengthy lists and explanations in your search for the meaning of life, this book is for you. It is extraordinary but Douglas Adams was more concise.
A thoroughly delightful puzzle, with excellent surfaces and some challengingly ‘long words’ (it’s not often we see 3d and 22a in puzzles), but my honours go out to the ‘short clues’ today, beginning with 16d, 25a, and 21a. Top-notch grid (5a is more than atoned for everywhere else). Thanks to Mr K for the enjoyable review and pictures, and many thanks to the adroitly adept setter. ** / ****
Finished the Toughie last night but Mr G had to help me a bit. Is anyone else dreaming about cryptics? Last night, my nocturnal rest was beset with ‘characters’ from the Toughie…one of them called ‘Mortal Kombat’ which, as far as I can tell, had nothing whatsoever to do with that puzzle.
Well, I didn’t find that as easy as some. I am still a bit woolly-headed after my covid booster. The first two jabs were Astra Zeneca and I barely noticed them, the booster was Moderna and so far we are 48 hrs and counting of feeling chilly, sweaty and feverish. I am beginning to rattle with all the paracetamol I have taken
I needed a few hints to get me over the line, Thanks to Mr K and setter.
I will join in giving the plaudits to 1a today – a great clue.
Hope you feel better soon. Just had my booster this morning so fingers crossed no reaction. Had the devil’s own job last night loading my day 2 post holiday negative lateral flow result onto the Boots portal.
Thoroughly enjoyable and satisfying to complete.
18a brilliant clue amongst other gems.
So, **/*****
Many thanks to the setter and to Mr.K.
Thanks for the splendid blog, Mr K.
If the first part of 1d is dated, does that mean that hunk is too?
I’m just trying to get up to speed with what is taboo.
Unless it’s a hunk of bread, yes.
So hunk is also a no-no?
Everyday’s a school day.
I assume handsome, pretty and beautiful are still okay….for now…..or are they also in room 101?
Yeah, I’d say those are all fine. And it looks like “hunk” is still in common use today. But I’d put “doll” (and “dish”) in the old-fashioned column.
So doll is a quack quack oops but hunk passes muster?
Is there really that big a difference?
If so…blimey!
Don’t these mean the same, ie they are physically attractive?
Cor! He’s a bit of alright. Have you seen that bod? What a hunk!
Cor! She’s a bit of alright. Have you seen that bod? What a doll/dish/babe/beauty!
I could maybe understand it if both were outlawed but just one can’t be right as the sentiment is exactly the same….isn’t it?
Hi Gordon
I don’t think it’s a case of which are/are not acceptable from a PC point of view, more a case of which terms have or have not fallen out of use.
This is my point.
Why has hunk (meaning physically attractive, ie objectifying) not fallen out of use when it means the same as the female terms?
I appreciate you won’t know the answer but it would be nice to get your thoughts as I don’t get it.
Mr K has put the female ones in the old-fashioned column but not hunk.
Who knows why words fall out of use. Maybe because they’ve been superseded by other words for the same thing that are seen as more trendy or fashionable. Language is fluid, it’s forever evolving, I wouldn’t get too hung up about it.
Cliff Richard’s ‘Living Doll’🎶 Is not that old in the greater scheme🦇
Thanks to the setter and to Mr Kitty for the review and hints. A very good puzzle, quite a few to make you think. Wasn’t keen on 17d, but thought all the rest of it was great. Favourite and LOI was 13d. Was 2* /4* for me.
Well, for me the lower left hand corner was a bit of a challenge. Love 16 d.
A pleasant Tuesday puzzle that I rate **/****
Clues to like include 1a, 12a, 21a, 1d & 16d with 16d winner
Thanks to setter and Mr K
Took me longer than yesterday. Perhaps double time but then yesterday was double quick. I was happy with 5a once I realised that what always used to be a synonym for “live in sin” didn’t work. Definitely the SW held me up with 17 16 and 24d the last to succumb. Why the small lads kept me guessing I have no idea. 5d was my top favourite with others being 21and 22a and 6 and 13d. Thanks mystery (so far) setter and Mr K. No help needed but read nevertheless.
Thank you setter for a terrific puzzle although like others I could not get horse out of my mind in 17d so thanks also to Mr K for helping me.
Wotta winner again! And only one complaint of being too easy so far. Remember what Kath said yesterday. I loved it all, and all done without word search except for one, 12a, I never knew that as slang for police. I hate 14a, reminds me of boarding school, ugh! There was so much to love, 1a was up there, the misdirection of 16d was so clever, maybe I’ll choose that as fave.
Thank you setter for so much fun, and Mr. K for my cat fix, always fun. Now I’m going to start wondering what is in store for us for the rest of the week – I still have Monday’s bonus up my sleeve!
I admire our American members who are effectively solving in their second language as is Jean-Luc Chaval. The Old Bill is a perfect example of a term that somebody speaking American English is unlikely to know whereas those using Standard English will be familiar with
I learned about the Old Bill through these puzzles! As an American, though every inch an Anglophile, I do find it a stretch at times but what fun! I’m sure that Merusa agrees. Today’s Toughie, for example, found me out with that ‘cake’ called a 17d on that one.
I do have a slight advantage that I had very English parents in the colonies keeping up with Britishness! Jamaica was British until 1961, nearly all our teachers were Brits, there were no restrictions for Brits working there so many Brits worked in Jamaica, and so on. The Telegraph cryptic crossword (and the quickie) were published in our local paper which my Dad did every day, Mum did the quickie. When I came up here to live, Mum cut out the crosswords and mailed them to me.
Very enjoyable solve. Last clue in 16d and I’m not sure that I have fully parsed it. Many thanks to Mr K and the setter. Must feed the dog and then grab my dancing shoes. Off to ballet class this evening. We will try not to wreck Sleeping Beauty! Good night all.
Thanks for your thoughts SL but there are no words that have replaced them as objectifying is off the table other than hunk. Most odd.
As you say, it’s no big deal.
Let’s move on.
Good Morning from Brisbane. This offering took me a while to get going, but once going…Clever and well crafted clues. Very enjoyable solve. My COTD candidates, 5 and 13 down. Thanks to the setter (not the 29a type) and Mr K for the extras🦇
Struggled with this and never got 11a even though I had all the checkers. Enjoyed the challenge so thanks to all.
Did anybody see three puns in Quick crossword
Sweet white wine
Price index
Well spotted Veronica. Monday s Quickie puzzles nearly always have a top and bottom row pun and often have a pun somewhere in the centre of the puzzles. Your Monday Bloggers Pommers and Falcon always put these puns at the bottom of their Monday Cryptic reviews as Pommers did on Monday if you know where to look
2*/5*…..one of the more enjoyable puzzles I have tackled of late….
liked 3D ” Amorous old drunk’s high (10) “…& Mr K’s pic of inebriated gnome in the hint thereto.