Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3093
A full review by gnomethang
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This puzzle was published on 313t January 2021
BD Rating – Difficulty **– Enjoyment ***
Morning All! There were a few easy starter clues and a few to make you think in this pretty sold Sunday offering.
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought.
7a Let’s go low boarding vessel (7)
VAMOOSE – A MOO or low from a cow inside/boarding a VASE/vessel for flowers.
8a Talk foolishly, claiming I’m human perhaps? (7)
PRIMATE – To PRATE or talk foolishly including/claiming I’M from the clue.
10a A river passed around by vessel, multi-hulled craft (9)
CATAMARAN – place A TAMAR (river) inside a CAN – more vessels!.
11a Bird flying (5)
SWIFT – Two definitions – the bird and the adjective for fast/flying.
12a Old Olympian overtakes new one, running backwards for a stretch? (5)
OWENS – A hidden reversed answer which is running backwards for a stretch of overtake S NEW O ne.
13a Guardian of the workers? (9)
BEEKEEPER – A cryptic definition of the person who looks after the workers/drones in a hive.
15a Parrot: yours truly and partner will get it caged (7)
IMITATE – I for yours truly (me!) and my MATE/partner including/caging IT from the clue.
17a Cut crystal, for example, capturing very wise goddess (7)
MINERVA – Remove the last letter (cut) of a MINERA(l) or crystal and add (it is capturing) V(ery).
18a Shape revealed in crack (6,3)
FIGURE OUT – A FIGURE/shape that is OUT/revealed.
20a Quickly scooping up first of porridge — might this help? (5)
SPOON – SOON for quickly grabs (is scooping up) the first letter in P(orridge).
21a How paper might be in possession of pupil, ineducable (5)
LINED – A hidden word (in possession of) pupi L INED ucable.
23a Grow mint, eager to cook (9)
GERMINATE – An anagram (to cook) of MINT EAGER.
24a Cake taken round back of hospital (7)
STOLLEN – STOLEN or taken is around the last letter/back of (hospita)L.
25a Leg isn’t designed for upper garment (7)
SINGLET – A designed anagram of LEG ISN’T.
1d Trace substance in pipe (10)
SMATTERING – MATTER or substance is inside SING or pipe.
2d Solver taking time off to defend the setter (6)
HOLMES – HOLS (taking time off) surrounds/defends ME for ‘the setter’.
3d Be like farmland, just about OK (8)
BEARABLE – To be like farmland is to BE ARABLE.
4d Cadge from cleaner? (6)
SPONGE – Another double def. – To cadge or borrow and that which cleans a surface.
5d Nineties dancing, great mind! (8)
EINSTEIN – A Chestnutty anagram (dancing) of NINETIES.
6d Something for hire? Try one (4)
TAXI – To TAX or try and I for one.
7d Big splash in Africa, possible headline after royal stumble? (8,5)
VICTORIA FALLS – A newspaper headline after a royal stumble back in the day ight read VICTORIA FALLS!!.
9d Access item, an awfully good book — fun! (13)
ENTERTAINMENT – To ENTER or access followed by an anagram (awfully) of ITEM AN.
14d Story about teacher worth forgiving (10)
PARDONABLE – Place a PARABLE/story around a DON/professor/teacher.
16d Dog put out, bitter (8)
AIREDALE – A charade of AIRED (put out to dry) and ALE for bitter.
17d Drunken trio, most wanting one for the road? (8)
MOTORIST – A drunken anagram of TRIO MOST.
19d More than one stop on those, or catch up (6)
ORGANS – OR from the clue and then a reversal (up) of SNAG or catch.
20d Thin bar in blue (6)
SKINNY – An INN/bar/pub inside SKY blue.
22d Cricket side: number over that — twelve! (4)
NOON – The ON side in cricket with NO – the abb, for number above it (over in a Down clue).