Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29480
Hints and tips by Falcon
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty * / ** – Enjoyment ***
Greetings from Ottawa, where we are enjoying a respite from the cold, wet, cloudy late summer weather with a few glorious warm, sunny early autumn days. Unfortunately, this brief spell is forecast to end by mid-week.
I found today’s puzzle from Campbell to be at the easier end of his range. It is a fun solve though, and involves sufficient consumption of alcohol to cause regrets the next day.
In the hints below, underlining identifies precise definitions and cryptic definitions, and indicators are italicized. The answers will be revealed by clicking on the ANSWER buttons.
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought of the puzzle.
7a Pictorial representation of Greek character keeping fit (7)
TABLEAU — the nineteenth letter of the Greek alphabet wrapped around a synonym for fit
9a In the customary manner, almost everyone gets behind a small American university (2,5)
AS USUAL — string together the A from the clue, the abbreviations for small, American and university and finally a word meaning everyone with its final letter lopped off
10a Daughter filling box in porter’s room (5)
LODGE — D(aughter) ensconced in a private theatre box
11a Arm needed to be treated for wound (9)
MEANDERED — anagram (to be treated) of the first two words in the clue
12a Get her informant drunk — when will he pay for it? (3,7,5)
THE MORNING AFTER — anagram (drunk) of the first three words in the clue
13a Victoria, for example, punishable by death (7)
CAPITAL — double definition; the first being the name of a city located in either Canada’s westernmost province or an archipelago in the Indian Ocean
16a Coach‘s sports shoe (7)
TRAINER — double definition; an athlete’s instructor or their footwear
19a Snakebite: a possible answer to this question in pub! (5,4,6)
WHAT’S YOUR POISON — cryptic definition of an informal request to make a selection from the drinks menu in a pub
23a Put out last, music programme on TV and radio at the same time? (9)
SIMULCAST — anagram (put out) of LAST MUSIC
24a Regional intonation: trace once whiskey imbibed! (5)
TWANG — the letter represented by the code word Whiskey in the NATO phonetic alphabet is embedded in a trace or hint
25a Thrilled, left the stage carrying foremost of cups (7)
EXCITED — the initial letter (foremost) of Cups surrounded by the past tense of a stage direction
26a Do neat changes across page in jotter (4-3)
NOTE-PAD — anagram (changes) of DO NEAT enveloping (across) P(age); with apologies for intruding on Mr K’s turf
1d Wild cat, lithe and muscular (8)
ATHLETIC — anagram (wild) of the second and third words in the clue
2d Up to tree rocks taper off (5,3)
PETER OUT — anagram (rocks) of the first three words in the clue
3d Instruct male in type of wrestling close to Greco-Roman (6)
SUMMON — M(ale) inserted in a Japanese style of wrestling and followed by the final letter (close to) of Greco-RomaN
4d Large cask on brewer’s cart, last of many to be ditched in wasteland (6)
TUNDRA — a large cask precedes (on in a down clue) a brewer’s cart from which the final letter of manY has been removed (ditched)
5d Greek tucked into a tuna I cooked, covered in breadcrumbs (2,6)
AU GRATIN — GR(eek) inside an anagram (cooked) of A TUNA I
6d Effective restraint in German plane (6)
GLIDER — a figurative restraint (used in the expression “put a lid on it!”) inside an abbreviation for German
8d Move most of allocated funds (5)
BUDGE — the funds allocated to a project with the final letter removed
9d Opposed to increases in a toll, initially (7)
AGAINST — a word meaning increases is book-ended by the A from the clue and the initial letter of Toll
14d Dispensary quick to bandage injury (8)
PHARMACY — quick or lively wrapped around injury or damage
15d Writer upset, taken in by fat cat (7)
LEOPARD — reverse (upset) a nineteenth century American writer and slather him in pig fat
17d One who’s lost faith in a petty officer, say (8)
APOSTATE — line up the A from the clue, the abbreviation for Petty Officer, and a word meaning to say or aver
18d Study, taking in facts about European rat (8)
RENEGADE — start by placing a term meaning to study a subject at university round the reversal (about) of a colloquial term for facts or relevant information; then append the abbreviation for European
19d Western county in former kingdom (6)
WESSEX — W(estern) followed by a county in southeastern England
20d Pay tribute to late US comic (6)
SALUTE — anagram (comic) of LATE US
21d Ordinary seaman can in the course of fund-raising event (6)
RATING — a can from the pantry shelf contained in a university fund-raising event
22d Impish youngster having nearly all of shellfish (5)
SCAMP — a decapod crustacean with its tail removed
I rather liked the two long “theme” clues and will go with 12a as my favourite with 19a a close runner-up.
Quickie Pun (Top Row): POOLE + QUEUE = POOL CUE
Quickie Pun (Bottom Row) : DINER + MIGHT = DYNAMITE
A fairly straightforward Monday puzzle, but with a few googlies thrown in. Or should that be bowled?
I didn’t know the box in 10a, and I didn’t think that the term in 23a was actually a word. I couldn’t parse 6d, so thanks for that.
All completed in *** time, COTD being 15d.
Many thanks to Campbell and Falcon.
Coincidence: The TV was on and just as I was looking at the 23a clue, there was someone discussing a 23a. Ii
Best Monday puzzle for a while I thought, very similar to last Friday’s Zandio, light and good fun.
I like the two long alcohol related clues but podium places go to 11a (nice bit of misdirection in the surface read) plus 3&15d.
Many thanks to the setter and to Falcon for the entertainment.
I don’t often pick an anagram as a favourite, but for 12a I will make an exception. A very neat clue with a terrific surface. Overall this was Campbell being quite friendly, with very few hold-ups. Thanks to him and to Falcon.
Another great start to the cross wording week. I liked both long clues and the terrific misdirection at 11a had me searching for all kinds of injuries. My COTD for today is 4d.
Many thanks to the setter and to Falcon for the hints, which I will now look at.
1*/4*. This was a light delight for a Monday morning. My joint favourites were the two long answers: 12a & 19a.
Many thanks to Campbell and to Falcon.
This was a reasonably challenging puzzle, particularly in the NW. It was quite enjoyable, with some superb misdirection, as in 11a, my favourite clue. I also liked the humour in 12a and the well constructed 18d. What I wasn’t so sure of was the extended synonym in 3d. Overall 2*/3.5* for me with thanks to Falcon for the review and to Campbell for another pleasing Monday puzzle.
A straightforward solve for a Monday, I did find it quite enjoyable **/*** with my fav clues 19a, 18d and 11a for the misdirection.
Thanks to Falcon and Campbell.
*/*** today. Like others, I needed the hints to understand 6d and I did refer to Mr.G to check that I hadn’t invented the answer to 23a. I’d never heard of the word. No real difficulty other than that. 11a was clever but my favourite is 12a. Thanks to all.
Quite friendly and most enjoyable, with the marvellous convolution of 11a, my COTD, leading the pack of clever and amusing (long) answers–12 and 19a–and wittily enhanced by the likes of 3 and 15d. One of our best Monday cryptics in some time, I thought, so thanks to Campbell for the pleasure and to Falcon, whose review I’ll read now. 1.5* / 4.5*
Overall good fun for a beautiful sunny morning. South succumbed with no problem but North progressed a little more slowly with 11a wound leading me down wrong track for some time. I’m another opting for 12a and 19a as joint Favs. Thank you Campbell and Falcon. Quickie top pun didn’t occur to me but bottom one was easily detectable.
Fully agree with SL & RC that this was the best Monday offering for some time. All over in ** time but still a very satisfying solve & full of lovely clues the best of which for me were the boozy ones at 12&19a but agree with others that the clever misdirection at 11a makes it COTD. Like MalcolmR the box in 10a was also a new one to me but otherwise no difficulties or parsing issues.
Looks like Rookie Corner is a no go area today if the combined skills of Gazza, CS, RD & Senf gave up on it & am currently a few shy in the Graun Quiptic which is supposed to be easy. Still the sun is shining here in Harpenden so a game of golf beckons I think.
Thanks to Campbell & to Pommers.
Ps The NTSSP is well worth a look for something a bit different.
I have almost finished the Guardian Cryptic and hope to do the Quiptic, which seems to have ceased being the ‘easy Monday gimme’ that it once was. Still, I persist, those Guardian challenges being several cuts above our DT dailies; they seem almost to be daily Toughies compared to the DT Cryptics. But the variety of it all is what spices our lives, isn’t it? Enjoy your golf!
Another very enjoyable puzzle. Hadn’t heard of 23a but easily doable. COTD 12a. Thanks to all. Have put my washing out as we are told a bit of sun may appear which hasn’t been seen for a week but its not looking hopeful.
We are basking in full sunshine, hope it’s still here tomorrow for my washing! It could not be more different from the weekend. Let’s hope you heat up too.
A very pleasant and enjoyable start to the work week completed at a fast gallop – **/****.
Candidates for favourite – 19a, 4d, and 17d – and the winner is 19a.
Thanks to Campbell and Falcon.
Not so easy for me as for others here but agree with them about the enjoyment. 11a,12a, and 19a are my favourites among many good clues. Like MalcolmR I needed the hint for 6d. Thanks to Falcon and the setter.
‘We all are men, in our own natures frail, and capable of our flesh; few are angels.’
I spent yesterday with a half of a buttock on the naughty step, so today, to recompense, I shall behave like a seraphim descended from paradise.
This was a terrific puzzle which was testing but ‘doable’ for my creaking brain. Some really clever wordplay and no knowledge of obscure Danish religious icons from the 12th century needed.
Thanks to Campbell and Falcon (and in case she didn’t see it yesterday) many thanks to Daisy for her lovely wine production tale which made me smile while I was sitting in a bleak car park yesterday afternoon.
Nothing lovely about it ,T, it was a gruelling experience for me and Not to Be Repeated. I think there is one bottle left – the George’s ‘laid it down’ with great ceremony. I reckon in a few months time it could be used for paint stripping.
A nice gentle start to the week. Favourite clue today was 11a. Thanks to Falcon & today’s setter.
Looks as though 11,12&19a are definitely the winning clues today and I wouldn’t disagree with that. I did also smile at the wild cat and the allocated funds.
Thanks to Campbell for the Monday fun and to Falcon for the review – enjoy your Indian summer whilst it lasts.
This puzzle was more difficult than the usual Monday’s with some excellent clues and most enjoyable-a **/**** for me.
Favourite was 23a for its surface and a new word for me.
Liked 12 and 19a, most apposite for a Monday!
Struggled with the Quickie today, liked the pun and as usual failed to notice the second one.
Thanks to Falcon for the blog pics and to our setter for a cheery start to the week,
I think 23a is an Americanism that must be working its way across the Atlantic as it’s a new word for so many. Robert hasn’t remarked on it, let’s see what BusyLizzie says. I’ve certainly heard of it.
Several US dictionaries show this word as being either a US term or originating in the US in the late forties. US dictionaries also give a wider range of meanings to the word than do British dictionaries. It can mean any simultaneous broadcast — not just on radio and TV — such as on different television networks (“the President’s speech was simulcast on all the major networks”), or on radio and live-streamed on the internet, or in multiple languages (“simulcast in English and French”). It can also mean the live broadcast via closed-circuit television of a concert or sporting event (I suppose such as a pay-per-view event in theatres or for off-track betting).
“the President’s speech was simulcast on all the major networks”, God forbid!
I know, don’t bother say anything, I just can’t resist.
Yes, I have heard of it, but was still slow to put two and two together.
My earliest recollection of hearing ‘simulcast’ used goes back to the time when PBS (ETV) broadcast / telecast an opera or concert on radio and TV at the same time. Those of us with high-tech FM speakers were able to enhance the sound-quality in delightful ways at home: turn the volume off on the TV set and turn it way up on radio. No longer, alas.
A very nice puzzle to start the week. We needed Falcons guidance with 6d as we couldn’t parse it precisely and strangely enough George was on form with the alcohol related clues. I am now going to repot my lemon tree as it comes in for the winter. I am absolutely basking in the sunshine, as is Thompson – we must savour every scrap of sun that comes our way. Thanks to Falcon and the setter.
19a was my favourite today, in a nice gentle start to the week.
I guess you are a Welsh pianist. :grin:
Hi, yes! Play for a local male voice choir, and other choirs and soloists – but not since March…
Rather at the other extreme from yesterday’s in solving time and complexity although both enjoyable in their own way. No real sticking points or aid needed save for transposing 3 and 4 down which was only spotted when inserting 12a for which the hair of the dog was needed. 6d last one in. I parsed it after the event as it was what it had to be. Thankfully answered before having to run through lists of German war planes. 11 12and 19a and 4 17 and 20d favourites with 11a outstanding winner. I included 20D for the surface and the failure by me to spot the anagram. I was looking for a name!
…Them Fokkers were Messerschmitts…
Certainly were!
Ah, the old ones are the best! :grin:
All over a bit too quickly, but lots of fun. 12a and19a were the winners for me today. I hadn’t heard of 23a before, but twigged it was a lurker, and I had plenty of checking letters by that stage. I liked the misdirection in 11a. 13a was my only head scratching moment. I’ve been cooking all morning, and was convinced that 13a had something to do with a cake. Thank you setter and Falcon.
I think you’ll find that 23ac is an anagram (as the blog describes), not a lurker.
A good start to the week. Concur with everyone about 11ac.
Thanks Campbell and Falcon for the blog.
You are right. I should have said anagram. I made the same mistake a few weeks ago.
It happens😎 – I’ve found it’s always useful to use the 5 minutes to re-read my comments before publishing. I often find mistakes!
I do the same but some still get through.
My banana fingers on a smart phone key board don’t help, alas.
Straightforward but fun – ideal Monday fare. Standards on Monday are rising all the time.
11a COTD but 12a very close runner-up. 23a is in BRB so fair & it is what is says on the tin just not my sort of word.
Just into ** time but every minute enjoyable.
Getting time to light the log burner methinks.
Thanks to Campbell for the fun & Falcon for the review.
The top half was ok (apart from 7d which I still don’t understand (what restraint?) but the bottom half I found distinctly tricky. Never heard of 23a before and the phrase in 19a completely threw me such that I had to look at the answer which I hate doing.
Overall not my cup of tea today.
Thx for the much needed hints.
Hi Brian. There’s no 7dn. You are presumably referring to 6dn … the restraint is a 3-letter word which for example is used in a phrase for telling someone to stop ranting, i.e. “put a *** on it”. Hope that helps.
If I was ranting about something my parents always used to tell me to ‘put a sock in it’. I remember wondering what it meant, and how!
Put a sock in it, Kath is from the days of the old wind-up gramophones when a sock was put into the sound trumpet to mute the sound.
Oh – thanks – why has nobody ever told me that before? Now I understand.
Well there are other explanations such as literally stuffing a sock into a loud person’s mouth but I don’t favour such explanations.
I was told by an aged uncle whose family owned a wind up gramophone that his mother would put a sock in the sound trumpet to make it quieter. After all, there was no other volume control.
I love when I learn something new! Thanks.
I didn’t know that either.
Also a lid is itself a restraint – to stop something getting out of a container you use a lid.
Yes, of course I understand that, but I was trying to find a way to help Brian without revealing.
My first thought was to go with the lid on a container (a pill bottle being a prime example). However, the BRB specifically shows lid meaning “an effective restraint (fig)” and so I decided to go that route instead.
You are not alone in not having heard of 23a before. However it is an anagram which reduced the options once you have the checkers in. I googled to make sure. I think most people will have heard of “What’s your poison?” Not sure if it’s international but does not seem to have caused consternation amongst our allies from across the seas.
I would say that it is a once common but now seriously dated expression in North America.
That was fun.
Like various other people I needed the hint to understand 6d, didn’t know the theatre box and hadn’t heard of 23a.
Clues that stood out for me today included all the boozy ones – the two long ones, 12 and 19a – and 24a.
Thanks to Campbell and to Falcon.
Having read the comments it looks as if Rookie corner is a no-go area for me but might have a look.
I agree with earlier comments – a pleasant puzzle with lots of great misdirection. My only doubt was with 3d. I was trying to find some name for the Turkish wrestling that involves dousing oneself in olive oil and reaching down the leather pants of your opponent ! and Hamman Turkish baths came to mind too. but common sense prevailed. Loved the puzzle Loved the Blog Thanks to Campbell and Falcon
Good heavens, John, the mind boggles over that Turkish wrestling!
Some interesting videos on YT under Turkish Oil Wrestling if you like big burley blokes trying to grab hold of each other
I wonder if Stone Waller has ever supplied the lubricant essential to the sport
Each to his own!
This wonderful blog has become mother’s milk to me–and to many of us, I suspect. Now, back to The Thursday Murder Club, whose plot has just thickened in a most surprising way.
Absolutely! I’ve now had to order the Thursday Murder Club and Google Turkish wrestling. Oh and yes, the crossword … didn’t find it as easy as most but got there in the end unaided. Tad too anagrammy I felt, but some of them were excellent. Many thanks too all.
I say!
I now have serious reservations about you, John Bee! Ain’t nobody going to smother me in olive oil and dive into my trousers!
Unless she’s a pretty lady! 🤣🤣🤣
Nice start to the week 😃***/*** I can’t believe that I needed a hint for 3d 😬 and both 10a & 23a we’re new to me 😳 Favourites: 11 & 19a Thanks to Falcon and to Campbell
I thought this was quite a friendly Monday, until I came to the last few, they took as long to solve as the whole puzzle. Natch, 3d was the last in, I used e-help for that and needed Falcon’s assurance that it was correct.
For some reason I thought there was a drink called a snakebite involving cider, of all things, I was determined that 19a was “cider with Rosie”, despite the last word being only five letters and none of the checking letters fit couldn’t throw me off.
Nevertheless, I loved it, my problems were self-inflicted. Fave was 7a.
Thanks to Campbell and to Falcon for his help. Loads of fun for a Monday.
A snakebite is an alcoholic drink from the United Kingdom. Traditionally, it is made with equal parts of lager and cider. If a dash of blackcurrant cordial is added, it is known as a “snakebite & black” or a “diesel”.
I toyed with a cider drink too
He drinks a Lager drink, he drinks a Cider drink
He sings the songs that remind him of the good times
He sings the songs that remind him of the better times
I get knocked down, but I get up again
You’re never gonna keep me down Chumbawamba – Tubthumping
Blimey, fancy that! The old broad still has a few marbles, though that must have come from the depths of the brain.
We don’t have cider here – well, not like yours which is delicious. I don’t think ours is alcoholic, it tastes awful, just sweet, no flavour. Oh for a bit o’ scrumpy (spelling) from Zumerzet.
There is no decent cider in Australia, either. We are lucky in Shropshire with the Herefordshire orchards next door to us. However, I like my Henry Westons too much to adulterate it with lager. I will not be savouring snakebite ever.
You are correct Merusa. Snakebite is a British drink consisting of draught cider and lager in equal proportions. Thus it could well be the response when the host poses this question. It could also be the response to the same question posed by a doctor in A&E.
I guess the snakebite is from the hidden kick from the cider. I found it so easy to drink cider like lemonade, whereas lager or ale is sipped more carefully.
“Cider with Rosie”! What a fabulous book, Merusa. I can read it again and again. I did read Laurie Lee’s “As I Walked out one Summer Morning” but it didn’t have the same magic.
Oh, did you see the TV series? They really did the book justice. Was it David – not Jenkins, something like that, he was also in Only Fools and Horses.
This wasn’t the one I meant. Who was the boy in Cider with Rosie, must google.
The boy in Cider with Rosie was Laurie Lee. It was an autobiography.
I only read that one. Fab, you’re right.
A puzzle that I thoroughly enjoyed over all too quickly.
Good surface interpretation of clues with really good anagrams to complete the picture.
Many thanks to setter & Falcon for review
Found this somewhat tougher than the hoped for gentle Monday. 3d and 6d held me up, but really enjoyed 12a and 19a. Our family used to put a sock in it, not a lid on it. Thanks to Falcon and Campbell.
Yes, 6d held me up a bit too.
Thanks to Falcon for the BC Canadian capital … I always thought it was Vancouver.
I do find it interesting how people assign stars for the challenge posed. If I need any help then the crossword automatically becomes a 3* for difficulty and this includes looking up words in the dictionary. Failure to parse or relying on hints (even one) makes it a 4*. Having never heard of 23a this was, therefore, a 3* but thoroughly enjoyable.
As 9a most things have been said. I too had never heard of the theatrical box in 10a but I have now. Favourite was 19a, alcohol is in fact a poison but Europeans have a genetic tolerance to it due to the fact that boiled water tastes awful and our ancestors flavoured it with hops and alcohol which also made it last longer whereas in the east they flavoured it with tea. I got that from Professor Robert Winston many years ago. Thanks to Campbell and Falcon.
liked 11A “arm needed to be treated for wound (9)”
Late on parade today. Wonderful puzzle, right up my street. Especially the longer answers with the alcoholic content. Reference the hint for 15 down. Is this the first instance of the word slather being used on the blog? Thanks to Falcon for the blog and to Mr Campbell for the puzzle
I certainly don’t remember use of that word before… and it’s very apt in this case.
Found this a 1.5*/*** to start the week. For whatever reason took a while to get going. Took a break and then came back to it. Finished it no problem with 24a last in. Clues for favourite include 12a, 19a, 24a, 19d & 22d with winner being 19a.
Thanks to Campbell and Falcon for hints
What! No mention of 13a.
So close to being my second complete without aid. One to go only….That 23a! I didn’t know what it was and for some reason didn’t get the anagram. Bad on my part particularly as I had the checkers…..
Very enjoyable particularly 12a and 19a. Like others went the wrong way first up for 11a.
2nd complete will come soon I’m sure!
Fun puzzle. Like Huntsman and others, 11a is my COTD. Took me several visits and then still couldn’t get 3d without help from Falcon. Thanks all!