Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29168
A full review by crypticsue
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This puzzle was published on 28th September 2019
BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ***
Another nice Saturday puzzle – I think I’ve guessed the setter correctly (there’s a lot of anagrams ;) ). My favourites were 24a for the singing opportunities and 3d for the d’oh moment when the definition became clear.
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought.
1a Get back in touch with antique car that’s broken down (10)
REACQUAINT – An anagram (that’s broken down) of ANTIQUE CAR
6a Nadir perhaps — making regular appearances in Mansfield (4)
ASIL – The regular letters of mAnSfIeLd – I remembered this particular Nadir but it does seem a bit unfair to younger or overseas solvers
10a Brown arboreal creatures making comeback round India (5)
SEPIA – A reversal (making comeback) of APES (arboreal creatures) ‘around’ I (India in the NATO Phonetic Alphabet)
11a Because of attraction to opposite sex, Edward VIII perhaps abdicating (9)
FORSAKING – FOR (because of) SA (sex appeal) KING (Edward VIII perhaps)
12a Hermit — a person having doubts spending penny (7)
ASCETIC – A (from the clue) SCEpTIC (person having doubts) ‘spending’ or losing the P for penny
13a It’s wicked consuming last of plonk, as much as one can drink (7)
SKINFUL – SINFUL (wicked) ‘consuming’ the K that is the last letter of plonk
14a Banisters are cracked, leading to problems (12)
BRAINTEASERS – An anagram (cracked) of BANISTERS ARE
18a Burn-out male’s battling can be overcome (12)
SURMOUNTABLE – An anagram (battling) of BURN OUT MALES
21a Stop old comedian being upright (7)
ENDWISE – END (stop) WISE (Ernie the ‘old’ comedian)
23a Get excited about space — so English (7)
ENTHUSE – EN (space) THUS (so) E (English)
24a Getting cold in rough sea, hobby surfers from the 1960s (5,4)
BEACH BOYS – C (cold) inserted into an anagram (rough) of SEA HOBBY – anyone else spend the next hour or so after solving singing songs from these 1960s surfers?
25a Be despondent, backing second coming in — here? (5)
EPSOM – A reversal (backing) of MOPE (be despondent) into which is inserted (coming in) S (second)
26a Quits late in the day (4)
EVEN – Double definition – one a verb, the other described by the BRB as ‘obsolete, poetic or dialect’
27a Trader cheers in the Pequod perhaps (10)
WHOLESALER – OLE (a Spanish cheer) inserted into WHALER (the Pequod perhaps)
1d Rogue artist reaching Southern California (6)
RASCAL – RA (Royal Academician, artist) S (southern) CAL (California)
2d View quietly adopted by a religious group (6)
ASPECT – P (piano, musical instruction to play quietly) ‘adopted’ by A (from the clue) SECT (religious group)
3d Provide billet for crew in 1945? (7,2,5)
QUARTER TO EIGHT – QUARTER (provide billet) TO (for) EIGHT (rowing crew)
4d Love of fiance developed, taking time (9)
AFFECTION – An anagram (developed) of OF FIANCE ‘taking’ T (time)
5d Standards of behaviour and not way to address a lady? (5)
NORMS – NOR (not) MS (way to address a lady)
7d Smell almost not as much — effect of runny nose? (8)
SNIFFLES – SNIFF (smell) and almost all of LESs (not as much)
8d Brief speech? (8)
LEGALESE – A cryptic definition of the sort of language a brief (lawyer) might use
9d Characters shifted landlords from Paris? (7,7)
CAPITAL LETTERS – Use the shift key and you’ll get something that might describe landlords in the capital of France
15d Crossing Republic of South Africa, journey around (9)
TRAVERSAL – TRAVEL (journey) goes ‘around’ RSA (Republic of South Africa)
16d Meet with fool going to national stadium endlessly (8)
ASSEMBLE – ASS (fool) going to wEMBLEy (the national stadium without the letters at either end)
17d Educated person argued at random (8)
GRADUATE – An anagram (random) of ARGUED AT
19d Item of seafood picked up with not so much hesitation (6)
MUSSEL – A reversal (picked up in a Down clue) of LESS UM (not so much hesitation)
20d Brazilian footballer seen in Hackney Marshes (6)
NEYMAR – A footballer I’d actually heard of (although I will admit to not knowing he was Brazilian!) seen in HackNEY MARshes
22d Manage to upset husband for a very long time (5)
EPOCH – A reversal (to upset) of COPE (manage) followed by H (husband)
Thank you. I hadn’t heard of the footballer.
I need to make notes when I do these puzzles, so by the time I read your hints I remember what it is I was stuck on! I know there are definitely some above which you’ve now explained to me; I’m just not sure which ones they are …
Ah so SA was sex appeal. I’m not familiar with this acronym, must make a note to try to getting my ageing memory to remember it. I know I’ll tell Mrs B, she never forgets anything esp if its something I have done wrong!