Toughie No 2325 by Beam
Hints and tips by Bufo
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BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ****
I made little headway with the down clues but really got going on the across ones. After that it was a steady solve. I enjoyed this puzzle which was a typical Beam one with all his usual features. Continue reading “Toughie 2325”
Daily Telegraph Cryptic 29196
Hints and tips by pommers
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BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ****
Hola from a mostly dried out Vega Baja. If you’re wondering where I´ve been for the last few weeks I refer you to my last blog on 5th September where I said that the weather forecast for the next few days was looking a bit dodgy. Well, dodgy didn’t begin to cover it! On 12-13th September the Vega Baja and many other parts of the Communitat Valenciana experienced what turned out to be, and by quite some margin, the heaviest rainfall ever recorded. On the Vega Baja most of the irrigation canals overflowed, the Rio Segura broke its banks big time in Orihuela and at Algorfa the river´s retaining wall simply collapsed under the unprecedented weight of water, sending a sort of tidal wave into Almoradí. Widespread flooding was the result with the damage estimated in the billions of Euros. In El Saladar the water in the street rose to a depth of 1.2m and inside our house it was 73cm deep. As it´s a bungalow that means everywhere was flooded including the bedrooms. I missed it all as I was in the UK visiting the aged parent but I got back to Spain on the evening of 16th September to find that the village had been evacuated on the morning of the 13th and pommette was dossing at a friend´s apartment in a dry bit of Almoradì, with the three cats banged up in another friend’s conservatory. At least she´d got our new car and the cats out in time and a very helpful Guardia Civil chap had lifted her brand new mobility scooter onto a kitchen worktop so that it survived as well! It was Weds 18th before the water had receded enough to get back into the village and the contents of our house are pretty much a write-off. We spent the next three weeks staying in a borrowed holiday apartment while we started the drying out and clean-up operations. We’re back home now but I reckon it will be Xmas before we’re anything like straight. If you like horror movies look here – or key “floods Spain 2019” into YouTube.
Anyway, enough of my woes and on to today´s puzzle. I´m not sure of the setter but it´s not RayT as he’s in the Toughie slot today. I thought it a fairly benign but quite enjoyable puzzle, just right for my return to blogging duties.
Continue reading “DT 29196”
Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3026
A full review by crypticsue
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This puzzle was published on 20th October 2019
BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ****
As a blogger, you’d like to think that the setter would be reading your thoughts and possibly acting on some of them.… Continue reading