ST 3010 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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ST 3010

Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3010

A full review by crypticsue

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

This puzzle was published on 30th June 2019

BD Rating – Difficulty **Enjoyment ***

A typical Dada Sunday offering

Please leave a comment telling us what you thought.


7a    Sport where a pass gets collected by flankers in line (8)
LACROSSE – A CROSS (a pass) gets ‘collected’ by the outside letters (flankers) in LinE

9a    Peak figure attending hospital (6)
HEIGHT – EIGHT (figure) attending or going after H (Hospital)

10a    Tool found in ditch is electronic (6)
CHISEL – Lurking in ditCH IS ELectronic

11a    Steep charge by staff (8)
MACERATE – RATE (charge) goes by or after MACE (staff)

12a    Ring having been stolen, minor case holding down source of juvenile amusement (7,7)
WHOOPEE CUSHION – HOOP inserted into (stolen by) WEE (minor) followed by CUSHION (case holding down)

15a    Snaring device, component backfiring (4)
TRAP – A reversal (backfiring) of PART (component)

17a    Characteristic skill returns with technological subject (5)
TRAIT – A reversal (returns) of ART (skill) followed by IT (technological subject)

19a    Issue proverbial healer rejected (4)
EMIT – A reversal (rejected) of TIME (time being the proverbial healer)

20a    Money band wasted, say, providing basic source of income (5,3,6)
BREAD AND BUTTER – BREAD (slang term for money), an anagram (wasted) of BAND, followed by UTTER (say)

23a    Loathing test, said to be complicated (8)
DISTASTE – An anagram (to be complicated) of TEST SAID

25a    Seat lost deliberately, it’s said (6)
THRONE – An homophone (it’s said) of THROWN (lost deliberately)

27a    Jersey perhaps on the small side? (6)
HEIFER – A cryptic definition of a young cow

28a    Sculpture of sea god in US city (3,5)
SAN DIEGO – An anagram (sculpture) of SEA GOD IN


1d    Knock party (4)
BASH – Double definition

2d    Picture disbandment of forces (6)
FRESCO – Anagram (disbandment) of FORCES

3d    European getting rid of an infectious organism (4)
GERM – Get rid of the AN at the end of GERMan (European)

4d    Shells emptied of peas, I regret (6)
SHUCKS – Some North American empty pea pods or an informal exclamation of disappointment

5d    It’s a headache as I dash into myself! (8)
MIGRAINE – I (from the clue) GRAIN (dash – the smallest British weight) into ME (myself)

6d    Broadcast I see, on with random sound (5,5)
WHITE NOISE – An anagram (broadcast) of I SEE ON WITH

8d    Striking boxer, dispatched hooks (7)
SALIENT – SENT (dispatched) ‘hooks’ ALI (Crosswordland’s favourite boxer)

13d    Unsentimental way to serve an egg? (4-6)
HARD-BOILED – double definition

14d    Feature split by a trading group (5)
CHAIN – CHIN (feature) split by A (from the clue)

16d    Ornament someone installing equipment lifted in middle of shipyard (8)
PRETTIFY – A reversal (lifted) of FITTER (someone installing equipment) inserted into the PY in the middle of shiPYard

18d    Badly bitten, a native of Lhasa, say? (7)
TIBETAN – An anagram (badly) of BITTEN A

21d    Outsiders on estates in desperate want (6)
DESIRE – ES (the outside letters of EstateS) inserted into DIRE (desperate)

22d    Vegetable container in rubbish dump (6)
TURNIP – URN (container) in TIP (rubbish dump)

24d    Encountered in debate, a sticking point (4)
EAST – Found lurking (encountered) in debatE A STicking

26d    Man neither starting nor finishing close (4)
NIGH – kNIGHt (man) without the letters that start and finish it

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