Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29001
Hints and tips by Florence Nightingale
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BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ***
After the events at Twickenham on Saturday evening Miffypops is lying in a darkened room in a state of bewilderment. It is doubtful that he will ever fully recover.
These hints and tips have been created lovingly to help those of you who may need help to solve a couple of clues or to understand why an answer is what it is. Usually a clue consists of two parts. 1. A definition, which is usually at the beginning or end of a clue. 2. Wordplay which tells what to do to solve the clue. The hints and tips help with the wordplay of the clues. Definitions are underlined. Some hints are illustrated. These illustrations may or may not have a bearing on understanding the
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought.
7a Stuff and nonsense in little black book I found during storm (7)
RUBBISH: The abbreviations for Black and Book together with the letter I from the clue sit nicely inside a type of storm. Not a type of weather but a military onslaught similar to Storm Scotland on Saturday
9a Bit of energy in éclair: unusually, about zero! (7)
CALORIE: An anagram (unusually) of ÉCLAIR sits around the letter that resembles zero
10a Snare elk — name for male (5)
NOOSE: Find another term for an Elk. Charge the letter N (name) for the letter M (male)
11a Grass, admitting swindle, comes to regret about being a teller of tales (9)
RACONTEUR: Place the name of a grass or informer around a word meaning to cheat or swindle. Add the reverse (about) of a word meaning to regret
12a To enjoy what’s available, use a certain something as best you can (4,3,4,2,2)
MAKE THE MOST OF IT: A wordy double definition. The first being the most accessible. Without the clue the answer is attainable from the enumeration and a few checkers
13a Kit Carson, say, in theatre role upon retirement (7)
TRAPPER: The shortened name used for a type of theatre in which a resident company presents several different plays over a season is followed by what one of those members might play clued here as a role. What you now have needs to be reversed (upon retirement) You should now have one of several occupations enjoyed by a man from another country who died in 1868.
16a Figure on horseback to move forward (5,2)
SHAPE UP: The word figure here might refer to one’s bodily form. On horseback means exactly that. In the saddle. The resulting words mean to develop or progress in a particular way
19a Renowned painter ordered vindaloo and rice (8,2,5)
23a What a soldier may be seen wearing in much admired film (9)
GREATCOAT: Split 5,4 we have a word meaning much admired, very good or excellent followed by a film. A film of paint perhaps
24a Fellow associated with northern group of witches (5)
COVEN: Begin with an informal and dated term for a man. Add the abbreviation for Northern
25a Finally consuming last of cheese, if nothing else (2,5)
AT LEAST: Find a term meaning finally (2,4) Insert (consuming) the final letter of the word cheese
26a Long-serving animal expert near ground (7)
VETERAN: An anagram (ground) of NEAR follows the shortened term for an animal doctor
1d Broadcast shows monarch’s head in carriage (8)
TRANSMIT: Insert the first letter (head) of the word monarch into a verb which means to carry people or things from one place to another
2d Avoid team on stage (8)
SIDESTEP: A term for a team is followed by a stage. Not the stage we perform on but one of a series of stages taken in order to achieve something
3d Demand protection (6)
CHARGE: A double definition. The first being obvious. The second less so.
4d Earth perhaps flat? Thinking, originally (6)
PLANET: A completely flat surface or area is followed by the original or first letter of the word thinking
5d The cost of a round? (5,3)
GREEN FEE: The cost of a round? A round of golf.
6d Feel sorry about Garbo, briefly (6)
REGRET: Our usual Crosswordland two-lettered term for about is followed by the first four letters of Mrs Garbo’s first name. Mrs Garbo came completely from the last century, so she is nearly 100 years younger than Mr Carson at 13 across.
8d Bear, Rupert, initially appearing in annual? (5)
BROOK: An annual such as The Beano Annual contains the initial letter of Rupert. The definition means tolerate or allow (something, typically dissent or opposition)
9d Monster ride, mostly round perimeter of parks (7)
CYCLOPS: Take the first four letters (mostly) of a word meaning to ride (a bike) Add the round letter and the outer (perimeter) letters of the word parks
14d British love meat, visiting Alabama, more than anything else (5,3)
ABOVE ALL: The single-letter abbreviation for British and the letter that looks like the number love represents in tennis are followed by the meat of very young cattle. All of this sits inside (visiting) The abbreviation for Alabama. Apparently, a place in another country
15d Old soldier, or cadet in need of training (7)
REDCOAT: Anagram (in need of training) of OR CADET
17d Recommend Edinburgh lawyer? (8)
ADVOCATE: A double definition the second being what a lawyer is called in Scotland
18d Nag, pinto, prepared for moving (8)
POIGNANT: Anagram (prepared) of NAG PINTO
19d Record crowd causing standstill (3,3)
LOG JAM: To record or enter into a permanent record followed by a verb meaning to crowd on to (a road or area) so as to block it.
20d To that extent, carrier is off course (6)
ASTRAY: Begin with a two-letter adverb used in comparisons to refer to the extent or degree of something. Add a carrier. One that a waiter might use to bring you a nice tray of refreshing drinks
21d District Attorney: I vet awkward case (6)
DATIVE: Start with the abbreviation for District Attorney. Add an anagram (awkward) of I VET
22d New First Lady? Republican? Surely not! (5)
NEVER: The abbreviation for New is followed by the first lady in the bible and the abbreviation of Republican
Quickie Pun 1: Morning+Wrings=Mourning Rings
Quickie Pun2: Cannes+Borough=Canberra
A bit prosaic but quite straightforward. Nothing to write home about. 10a and 3d evaded parsing by me. NE corner held out the longest mainly due to my having wrong third word for 12a. Thank you Mysteron and the Lady with the Lamp.
Did you use the word in the clue? I did.
Yes indeed. I obviously wasn’t thinking clearly.
I’m with Miffypops, if Farrell ever plays again, it will be a travesty for Ford.
Onto to the lesser stuff, benign puzzle for a Monday with just 3d eluding me for full understanding. Thought perhaps 16a was a little weak and contrived but that’s nit-picking.
Nice start to the week.
Thx to all.
I thought Farrell was lucky not to get a card for his ‘no hands’ shoulder take-out.
I think you are both being very harsh. Farrell is a world class player, although he did have a very poor game indeed against Scotland and his kicking in the game against Wales was also poor. I have no doubt that he will be back, and hopefully will have learnt from his experiences.
If you look at the attempted “tackle” in real time, the frightening speed of the impact did not allow time for him to get his arm round the Scottish player unlike the previous time a few matches ago where he was lucky not to get sent off because he did have time to make a proper tackle.
Although I was very disappointed with the result on Saturday, you won’t ever see a more exciting game than that. Full marks to the Scots for their incredible revival in the second half and also very well done to the Welsh for a terrific Six Nations’ performance. I’m hoping that the British Isles can shock the Southern Hemisphere and get two or even three semi-finalists in the World Cup.
Must agree with you on 16a,had the answer but couldn’t see why,loved the rest of the puzzle though.
I had my dunce’s cap on today. I tried to order “renowned painter” in 19a. I was really scratching my head for another name for “vindaloo and rice”. How dim. I managed to get 15d from the checking letters, then realised that it was simply an anagram. 13a I had to google. Thank you setter, and thank you Miffypops. Hope you emerge from the darkened room soon. I think Saturday’s result scrambled my brain.
Another cracking puzle to start the week, no favourites but 19a was a gimmie. 13a was last one in.
Congratulations to Wales, I hope Miffypops recovers. Being one quarter Maori looking forward to world cup.
Thanks to Florence Nightingale and setter.
This one went quickly making me wonder if it was me on form or a relatively easy puzzle . I suspect the latter . No outstanding favourites today .
Florence , try rubbing the lamp and a 🧞♀️ may appear .
Cymru am byth ( at the moment ! )
19a my runaway favourite in this straightforward but very enjoyable Monday puzzle.
Thanks very much to our setter and Flo. Oh to have been a neutral watching the Calcutta Cup.
Slightly queried the definition at 16a but no real problems encountered with this one.
Top three here were 11a plus 17&22d.
Thanks to our setter and to MP for the blog.
As others have already said, a pretty straightforward Monday puzzle. I too was a bit perplexed by 3d, but after a trawl through the dictionary, I have come up with “I shall render him into your protection (or ******)”
The sun is over the yardarm, perhaps Sister could offer MP a can of warm Mackeson to aid his recovery. This used to be a staple in some wards. I once saw a very young nurse drop the can before opening it. Her screams brought staff in from all surrounding wards.
Thanks to all.
Not Mackeson, Guinness – food in a glass!
Gremlins again. Fourth time lucky. Apart from a few problems in rhe NW, this was a relaxing and wnjoyable puzzle. Favourite clues were 1d, 7a, 13a, but I felt the double meaning idea in 3d was over-stretched. Thanks to the lad with the lamp and the setter.
Just realised that your comment is intentional. Very clever and amusing
2*/3*. Nice light entertainment for a Monday morning, which was just as well given the mental exercise needed for today’s excellent but tough Rookie puzzle.
Not sure why “little” is needed in 7d and 12a felt a bit “same-sidey” to me.
My long favourite was 19a and my short favourite and last one in was 3d.
Many thanks to the setter and to MP – good music selection for 14d! Alabama could also be a trigger for this one:
I saw Lynyrd Skynrd at Knebworth in 1976 and again at Birmingham Odeon the following year. One Knebworth attendee described it like this
‘ A band we’d never heard of launched, without fanfare, into a song that was evidently called Freebird and, as it gradually metamorphosed from gentle uplifting ballad to all-out guitar firefight, the vast audience’s response went from indifference to adulation. Thirty-one years on and I’ve never witnessed a crowd react to a support band in the same way that Knebworth did to Lynyrd Skynyrd. Somewhere between the first chorus and the second verse the band went from unknown names to full-fledged stars.
Exactly as he writes it is how I remember it. It was of its time and that time is gone. Like so many bands Lynyrd Skynyrd never moved on. They belong in the memories of the past with the likes of Queen and The Eagles.
I once shared a lift with Lynyrd Skynyrd.
They were very nice, polite boys, despite their frankly outrageous trousers.
Super blog MP, you probably feel like I did leaving the Den yesterday afternoon, it’s never the despair that kills you, it’s the hope.
No problems with the crossword, I thought the painter anagram was very clever, as was the man himself.
Thanks to Mr.Ron too
A **/*** for me too a’ loosener’ to start the week after the six nations.
Farrell is our best place kicker but his touch kicking lacks consistency and accuracy-enough moans.
My favourite has to be 19a ,what a brilliant anagram.
Remember my grandad’s great coat-it formed my top blanket as a child-what a tale it could tell he went to war in 1914 and came home in 1918-Charmed Charlie was his nickname-a proud Welshman to boot -a leather dresser and dog breeder-lots of Crufts prises !
A gentle start to the week. No particular favourite for me. Alas, poor Miffypops. It’s taking me a while to get over that result as well. A cynical friend of mine reckons it was a betting coup. Plausible conspiracy theory – good odds at half time for those in the know!!
*/**. Gentle start to the week. Favourite was 10a. I like punchy clues. Thanks to MP and the setter.
Most enjoyable, agreed, though, that 3d was a stretch.
Fave was 19a, very clever anagram.
I needed all the checkers to get 11a, dim or what?
Thanks to the Monday setter and to our Florrie for the hints and picks.
Good Monday fare with nothing particularly demanding. 16a was last in and is therefore my top clue.
Thanks to the setter, and to our Flo for the review and tears.
Agree a nice restful start to the week **/*** 😃 Had a little trouble with 9d and 16a 😳 Goodness knows why, quite liked 24a & 10a 😉 At least the golf cheered us all up 🏌️♂️ and those lovely Canaries 🤗
A nice warm up for the rest of week. A good one for us beginners. 8d gave me some trouble. I didn’t know that an alternative word for a stream could also men withstand etc…Live and learn. My favourite, 13a.
Thanks to the setter and ‘Flonight’.
PS. Wishing MP a speedy recovery🏉
Late on parade today so probably nothing to add to what has already been said. (Perhaps) 16a apart a very pleasant if not overly taxing solve. No particular favourites, just a nice consistent puzzle 2*/3*
Many thanks to the setter and to MP for his customary entertaining but explanatory review.
Thanks to the setter and to Miffypops for the review and hints. A nice start to the week. 23a made me laugh. I took ages on 13a, but finally remembered what Kit Carson was. Last in was 1d. Favourite was 19a, one of the best anagrams I’ve seen for a while. Was 2*/3* for me.
All nice and straightforward apart from 5d that is, which I didn’t know. Something FEE, evidently, but it was new to me, and doesn’t appear to be in Chambers either. The mighty Google though has heard of it. :-)
Light & frothy for a Monday evening, bottom half was R & R, but top half followed in time it took to imbibe the coffee. Still pleasant, thus 1.5*/3* my enigmatic favourite was 19a for many reasons.
Grateful thanks to MrRon & Florence,
Early solve but late to the blog. As others have said gentle start. Took a while for the penny to drop re 5d. I didn’t realise that people actually paid to have a good walk spoiled.
I too have found memories of Freebird and Sweet Home Alabama but wasn’t allowed to go to Knebworth.
Regards 16a: I think one needs to “shape up” before being able to “move forward”…
Perverse as usual, this took me longer than yesterday’s Dada. I just couldn’t get on wavelength. 3d second definition would never have occurred to me, nor the case in 21d. Thanks to mystery setter and of course to Miffypops.
Thank you Dave
Last two in for me were 20d – not on w/l and 3d which I don’t get
Welcome to the blog Gareth
From Chambers:
Verb – 1.To exact or demand from, to ask as the price
Noun – 5.Care or custody
3d. Surely we have all been drunk in charge of a minor? The minor is in our charge or under our protection.
I thought this was very good, especially for a Monday offering. The clues were mostly fine, I found a few a bit tricky, and I enjoyed it a lot. Favourite of a good bunch: 10a. 3* / 4*
liked 19A (renowned painter ordered vindaloo and rice).