Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28618
A full review by crypticsue
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This puzzle was published on 23rd December 2017
BD Rating – Difficulty */** – Enjoyment ***
Quite a few seasonal references, as we’ve come to expect on the Saturday before Christmas. Lots of double definitions, anagrams and ‘putting something after something later in the clue’.
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five stars at the bottom of the post.
1a Problem, queen possibly admits, is gossip (4-4)
CHIT-CHAT – CAT (queen possibly) ‘admits’ HITCH (problem)
5a Artist designed channel (6)
STRAIT – An anagram (designed) of ARTIST
9a Orange tongue (8)
MANDARIN – A type of orange or the most widely spoken form of Chinese (tongue here referring to language)
10a Savage beating rather ugly then, after lunch all kicking off (6)
BRUTAL – The letters ‘kicking off’ Beating Rather Ugly Then After Lunch
12a Tinseltown broadcaster with excellent backing in country (6)
LATVIA – LA (Los Angeles, Tinseltown) TV (broadcaster) with a reversal (backing) of AI (excellent)
13a Very cold energy to give away? (8)
FREEZING- Split 4,4, this solution might well be energy to give away
15a Go back over caterer’s cooking (7)
RETRACE – An anagram (cooking) of CATERER
16a Greek character confined to maze, taurine (4)
ZETA – Lurking (confined to) in maZE TAurine
20a Worker flush, perhaps? (4)
HAND – The reference to ‘flush, perhaps?’ referring to playing cards
21a Given guidance, American English grasped by the masses (7)
USHERED – US (American) E (English), the latter ‘grasped by’ HERD (the amasses)
25a A hang-up at Christmas? (8)
STOCKING – A seasonal cryptic definition
26a Musketeer almost takes me in (2,4)
AT HOME – Almost all of ATHOs the Musketeer followed by ME (from the clue)
28a Number in round, unknown figure (6)
NINETY – A reversal (round) of TEN (number) and IN (from the clue) followed by Y (mathematical unknown)
29a Scoundrel heading for bar before match? (8)
BLIGHTER – B (the ‘heading’ for Bar) goes before LIGHTER (match?)
30a Attempt to impress that man with old supposition (6)
THEORY – Insert (impress) HE (that man) and O (old) into TRY (attempt)
31a By the sound of it wet, beloved animal (8)
REINDEER – Homophones (by the sound of it) of RAIN (wet) and DEAR (beloved)
1d Pretty modest about me getting first in linguistics (6)
COMELY- COY (modest) ‘about’ ME (from the clue) and L (the ‘first’ in Linguistics)
2d Native visited restaurant after pub (6)
INNATE – ATE (visited restaurant) goes after INN (pub)
3d Wine bottles in — one’s blown (8)
CLARINET – CLARET (wine) ‘bottles’ IN (from the clue)
4d Eager opera singer on the rise (4)
AVID – A reversal (on the rise in a Down clue) of DIVA (opera singer)
6d Country that’s a let-down? (6)
TURKEY – A country or a play or film that is a complete failure
7d Got date and ain’t bothered! (8)
ATTAINED – An anagram (bothered) of DATE and AINT
8d Breaking metal chains say, right message (8)
TELEGRAM – An anagram (breaking) of METAL ‘chains’ or holds in EG (say) and R (right)
11d Firework, a beauty (7)
CRACKER – Another double definition
14d It’s wrapped up here (7)
PRESENT – And another – the first one being a cryptic definition
17a Horse, old joke (8)
CHESTNUT – And yet another – could have been a triple definition if the clue had mentioned ‘old friends’ of the crossword solver
18d Oz girl leads state (8)
ANNOUNCE – Misleading surface reading: I wonder how many solvers briefly ‘visited’ Australia while solving this one? – ANN (girl) leads OUNCE (oz being the abbreviation for ounce)
19d Figure pathogen out (8)
HEPTAGON – An anagram (out) of PATHOGEN
22d One slipping on ice takes off, ending on floor (6)
SKATER – An anagram (off) of SKATES and the ‘ending’ on flooR
23d Type that is for attack (6)
SORTIE – SORT (type) IE (that is)
24d Fear slip after tottering initially (6)
TERROR – ERROR (slip) goes after T (Tottering initially)
27d Fruit that takes time, we hear? (4)
SLOE – A homophone (we hear) of SLOW (takes time)
I’m pretty sure I know who set this one but I’m not saying just in case I’m wrong. I’d like to wish Cephas, the Saturday Mysterons and Mister Ron, a very Happy New Year. I’m looking forward to blogging more of your Prize Puzzles in 2018
22A raised a laugh.
I thought this was a stinker
Thank you so much. Without you as a beginner, I would never make progress.
Thank you too – we don’t get many comments on a weekend puzzle review, but comments like yours make it all worth while.
I was wondering that lately a lot of puzzles have references to Christmas, but when I look at the date on the comments above, that explains it.