December 31, 2017 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

ST 2932 (Hints)


Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 2932 (Hints)

Hints and tips by Senf

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A very good Sunday morning and a Very Happy New Year to all (setters, fellow bloggers, regular commenters, and lurkers alike) from Winnipeg – forget Alberta Clippers and Colorado Lows, for over a week, most of Canada has been ‘enjoying’ the effects of a Polar Vortex, which has even reached down to parts of Texas and other southern US states, bringing in very cold weather from Siberia; yesterday when I peeped out from under the covers the temperature was -34ºC (-44ºC with wind chill) and the maximum temperature for the day (ha-ha) was -29ºC (-39ºC with wind chill).… Continue reading