We have lift off! – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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We have lift off!

The resources allocated to the site have been significantly increased and it is “so far so good”. Let’s hope it stays that way as it has been another very frustrating day.

Welcome to the new server.  There are still a few teething problems, but they should be ironed out over the next few days.

Because of the problems I have postponed this week’s Rookie puzzle until further notice.

19 comments on “We have lift off!

  1. You don’t know what you’ve got till its gone. Welcome back! And thank you so much for this wonderful site.

  2. Hurrah! Welcome back :yahoo:.

    What a long move it was – a huge well done and a gazillion thank yous to BD. :rose:

  3. Welcome back from the dark side BD, it’s all working fine from here in the UAE.

  4. I’m a newbie to all this, yet this is a great place to learn and play. Thank you!
    Chrisso :wacko:

  5. BD – to be on the safe side I think you should organise a head count to make sure nobody got left behind.

  6. Good morning to all.
    Although I do not post on the blog, I am an avid follower (lurker), and a very poor crossword solver, but getting better!

    BD, Being inquisitive, and as the administrator of my own VPS, I’m interested to know the resources you put in to this system. Can you divulge some stats?

    thanks, Tony

    1. Welcome to the blog Tony

      Most of the work involved badgering the support team.

      I personally downloaded the website backup from the previous server and then uploaded it using FTP. The support team then restored the backup and then I had to redirect the DNS to point to the new server. Once it started it was obvious that it was underresourced so I had to add an extra cpu core and 1gb ram (or should I say authorise the payment for these items).

      There are still a few problems to be sorted out, but at the moment everything looks fine.

      The main problem has been the phenomenal success of the blog, with 15,000 – 20,000 page views each and every day, representing about 6,000 visitors.

  7. Hello BD, this is the first time I have been able to access the blog since last Friday. Glad to see all is now well and back to a level of normality. Your toil is much appreciated.

  8. Phew. Imagine my shock and horror when trying to access the site these past few days only to be told that the server was not found. Now I know why. Thank you so much Dave for all the efforts that you put in on all our behalfs. I hope everyone read and digested your explanation to Tonyv above – you should set questions on it at the next S&B gathering.

  9. Everyone already knows what I think about BD and this site – oh dear – that sounds like a insult but I’m sure you all know what I mean.
    Isn’t it a pity that all the problems are caused by such amazing success.
    Well done and thanks, BD. :rose: and :good:

  10. Does anyone know why when I try and post it keeps switching around between co.uk and .com? I change it to .co.uk from .com manually so I can read the blog but only occasionally can I actually post? Could this be why I can’t post all the time. I’ve reset my dns cache etc. I’ve tried on my tab and phone too, it will work for a bit and then I encounter the same thing.

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