Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 2830 (Hints)
Hints and tips by Big Dave
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As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, a number of the more difficult clues have been selected and hints provided for them.
Don’t forget that you can give your assessment of the puzzle. Five stars if you thought it was great, one if you hated it, four, three or two if it was somewhere in between.
Most of the terms used in these hints are explained in the Glossary and examples are available by clicking on the entry under “See also”. Where the hint describes a construct as “usual” this means that more help can be found in The Usual Suspects, which gives a number of the elements commonly used in the wordplay. Another useful page is Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, which features words with meanings that are not always immediately obvious.
A full review of this puzzle will be published after the closing date for submissions.
Some hints follow:
1a First-class traveller in vehicle coming back (6)
Put a three-letter commercial traveller inside a commercial vehicle, then reverse the lot (coming back)
4a Device in kitchen occupying more space, we hear (6)
Sounds like (we hear) an adjective meaning occupying more space
We have one like this in our kitchen!
8a Finally looked at variety of maple or other tree (4,4)
I loved this one! – the final letter of [looke]D followed by AT from the clue and an anagram (variety) of MAPLE
11a Make a killing with capital I extracted from Scottish island (4)
Drop the initial letter (capital) from the Scottish island that produces the world’s best whisky
13a Following first eleven — almost time for play (7,5)
The ordinal number that comes after the first eleven followed by a four-letter word meaning almost and T(ime)
16a Doctor, the right kind, who knows best? (6,6)
One of the usual abbreviations for a doctor followed by THE from the clue R(ight) and a kind or type
22a Stop thinking about supporting contract (6)
A three-letter word meaning supporting followed by a verb meaning to contract, as in to contract a disease
25a King and I having views about succession (6)
The Latin abbreviation for a king and the I from the clue inside (having … about) a verb meaning views
1d Naively accepts birds of passage (8)
Two definitions
5d Finish in arena that’s producing tears (7)
A three-letter word meaning finish inside an arena gives a verb meaning producing tears or rips
6d Retaliation as result of change of heart (3,3,3)
Another great clue – the first word and third words have a different middle letter (change of heart)
14d Fruit easy to transport that’s sought by celebrity (9)
A four-letter citrus fruit followed by an adjective that describes something that is easy to transport
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17d Pressure good type to go into bank as better adviser (7)
P(ressure) and a the two-letter abbreviation for a good type of person inside a bank or row gives someone who advises betters or gamblers
18d Person having no reason to butt heads with cabinet (7)
A three-letter verb meaning to butt heads with someone followed by a cabinet or box
19d Show me up with superior ornament, in a way (6)
The reversal (show … up in a down clue) of ME followed by a superior or chief
21d Island that’s cold most of month (5)
C(old) followed by most of one of the months of the year
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Today it’s Happy Birthday to George Foreman (67) and Rod Stewart (71) | ||||
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1a misleading clues and amusement today.No particular favourite.
thanks to Virgillius and BD.
This crossword was definitely A1 or 1a.
I have only started solving the Sunday puzzle over a year ago and the quality of the clues is constant.
As per usual, too many favourites to mention.
Thanks to Virgilius and to BD for the hints.
IMHO best of the week or is it the first of a new week? In any case this was just my cup of tea with a good combination of cryptology and GK. Many thanks Mysteron and BD whose hints I enjoyed after a successful completion. Sun is trying to shine in West Sussex at last
My favourite puzzle of the week without a doubt. Thanks to BD whose help I needed for 18d – a real Homer moment.
Another great puzzle from our favorite, favourite setter depending on which side of the pond you come from. It’s interesting to note that in crossword land that everything is spelt correctly.
No realize, organize….etc but everything properly sorted out with an ‘s’.
Let’s hope that Kasper Shmeichel does well today in between 23a.
Thanks to Virgilius and BD for the hints.
I wonder if Kasper will be playing?
The “Magic of the FA Cup” … all the best players suddenly disappear only to re-appear for the next Premier League game!
The Crossword: Is there a “hidden” clue today? I always miss Virgilius’ hidden clues!
I think Ranieri will field his best team. They are playing against the ‘Lilywhites’ after all..
I was at the West Ham v Wolves game yesterday which was dire – as a football ‘nut’ I watched Match of the Day as well last night and my game only merited 35 seconds – it was bad!
The FA Cup attracts the ‘once a year mob’ who are very strange people – I had a guy next to me wearing a West Ham hoodie who eff’ed and blind’ed throughout the first half having a right go at the home players – he went down to the bar at half-time – to have even more drink – came back late for the second half and managed to fall asleep amongst a 35,000 crowd!!
We searched for a Nina but to no avail.
Greetings from Boston – torrential rain today.
Mr & Mrs T
Typically 1a Sunday crossword. Took me a while to see 19d & 22a, my last ones in, very nice. I liked the long across ones too, and many more such as the other tree (8a), the MP (12a), The King and I (25a) and Type I (2d).
Many thanks Virgillius and BD
Very enjoyable and more than a little tricky – my Wordsearch program was more than useful today!
Definitely 1A. I had the same hold-up as Dutch on 19D and 22A, and also 18D. No particular favorites. It was altogether lovely. Thanks to the always consistent Virgilius and to BD for the review.
After euphoria of yesterday down to earth with a bump. Came out of cupboard after crash landing of NTSPP only to slide futher down the hill into the slough of total despond. A ginormous amount of scribbling and electronic help needed plus BD (thank you ) for the last 2. Thank you to. Virgilius for a truly 1a crossword.
A very pleasant and fairly straightforward puzzle from Virgilius today.
Thanks to BD and Virgilius **/****
I always look forward to Sunday’s puzzles and this was no exception.
I had 22a dead wrong, thanks to BD for setting me right.
Fave was 9d, but that doesn’t diminish any of the others, all 1a.
Thanks to Virgilius and to BD for the hints.
Great puzzle as usual from Virgilius. Over a little to soon last night. Thanls to he and to BD.
Maybe it was the lateness of the hour, or the glass of something last night, but for 22a I strangely parsed the second 3 letters as meaning a divorce contract! Odd because I am not Jewish, but maybe that semi-obscurity could be used in the future!
Belated New Year’s wishes to all from a warm and sunny Caribbean
Really enjoyed this puzzle. Clever misdirections and lots of light bulb moments. Thanks to the setter and BD for the blog. Looking forward to walking our dogs along the beach and enjoying the mountains which are coated in snow. Well, someone has to live here!
After a successful run all week, 19d stumped me, thanks for the hint.
-30c here this morning, brilliant clear blue sky and bright white snow.
Can I assume you’re not in the same bit of Cornwall as me, then?
Haha :)
Ha ha,
Probably the same latitude but 96 degrees West. Can still see the surf at Polzeath everyday via Ann’s Cottage!
Just returned home having watched Wasps narrowly defeat Worcester in the Aviva Premiership in Coventry.
I’ll have a go at Virgilius later on.
As always, great fun. A clever and amusing puzzle (like my favourite – 8a); not particularly difficult (2*) but this setter regularly makes Sunday evenings a pleasure (4*). Many thanks to Virgilius, and of course to Big Dave.
3*/5*. This was unquestionably 1a. It’s much too hard to choose a favourite.
Many thanks to Virgilius and to BD.
Agreed, 1a … 1d must be favourite, just because.
Thanks aplenty to Virgilius and BD.
Thanks to Virgilius and to Big Dave for the hints. Another super puzzle from Virgilius as usual, how does he do it? Favourite was 23a. Last in was 25a. Was 2*/4* for me.
Happy to admit that this beat me today, though I was very pushed for time, though some super clues.
No complaints.
Thanks to the setter and to Big Dave for the tips….
Started late last night and had the old grey matter thoroughly tested, started to run out of time so needed some help from BD on three clues. Chose to be mislead with 21a as I like my cricket then realised it was easier than I was making it, still liked the clue with it’s misdirection! A question if you please? As a newbie, how do you know who sets any particular puzzle? I know it’s going to be an obvious answer but… My respects to Big D in the meantime and of course Virgilius.
There is an obvious answer – if you are asking a question please check the FAQ first!
Ahh! Nestled at the end, missed that one BG, have taken the opportunity to gen up for future reference.
Excellent puzzle, for me the best Sunday crossword for a very long time
I completed this last evening just before the call to dinner. With the help of a bottle of Beaujolais I completely forgot to comment.
As usual for a Sunday a cracker from Virgilius; lord help us if he ever has an off day!
I liked 16a best and overall a 3/4* rating.
Thanks to Virgililius and to BD for his hints.
Totally agree with the Whisky
Welcome to the blog Stephen