Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 2816
A full review by crypticsue
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty **/***– Enjoyment ****
This puzzle was published on Sunday, 4th October 2015
This Sunday puzzle was almost but not quite a ‘start with the Downs’ but everything got sorted out in just over 2* time and a pleasurable time was had both solving the crossword and preparing the review. I especially liked 29a and 8d.
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five best!
1a Power up favourite tool (6)
PUPPET – P (power) UP (from the clue) PET (favourite)
4a Cream I ordered with an apple pie is quintessentially this (8)
AMERICAN – As American as apple pie means quintessentially American – an anagram (ordered) of CREAM I followed by AN (from the clue).
10a Bring debts upon oneself, without interest (9)
INCURIOUS – INCUR IOUS (Bring debts upon oneself).
11a Noise, note, produced by little pig (5)
GRUNT – G (musical note) RUNT (littlest pig in a litter).
12a Starts off on board to attend to watch (7)
OBSERVE – the ‘starts’ of On and Board followed by SERVE (attend to).
13a Run a little bit in tough competition (3,4)
RAT RACE – R (run) A (from the clue) TRACE (little bit).
14a Going West, East, North or South to flee with partner (5)
ELOPE – “going west” indicates the need to reverse the abbreviation for East and POLE (North or South).
15a Bound to cover injuries as players matured (8)
BANDAGED – BAND (players) AGED (matured).
18a Crazy and miserable situation that Brazil is in (8)
NUTSHELL – NUTS (crazy) HELL (miserable situation)
20a Another snake mangled boa constrictor’s head and tail (5)
COBRA – An anagram (mangled) of BOA and C R (the head and tail of constrictor).
23a Hearing organ one of gospel quartet set aside (7)
EARMARK – EAR (hearing organ) MARK (one of the four (quartet) New Testament Gospels).
25a Spoilt brat ain’t educated? Not entirely (7)
TAINTED – Hidden in part of (not entirely) braT AINT EDucated
26a Was Dickens taken aback? (5)
LIVED – The capital D in Dickens is intended to mislead as all you need is a reversal of DEVIL as in ‘what the dickens’/’what the devil’!
27a Part of what one mentions is reparation (9)
ATONEMENT – Hidden in part of whAT ONE MENTions.
28a It’s included before end of term for joyful excitement (8)
HILARITY – IT (from the clue) is inserted just before the ‘end’ or last letter of HILARY (the spring term at Oxford and Dublin Universities).
29a Tight and painful, in a way? Said differently (6)
STINGY – Depending on how you say STINGY, it can be defined as either tight/mean or painful in a sharp, stinging way.
1d Captured soldier or sniper maltreated (8)
PRISONER – An anagram (maltreated) of OR SNIPER.
2d Informally photograph as accordingly famous artist (7)
PICASSO – PIC (informal term for a photograph) AS (from the clue) SO (accordingly).
3d Perfect English kings hiding nothing? Not so (9)
ERRORLESS – E (English) R R (two lots of Rex (king) O (nothing) R (another king) and LESS (not so).
5d Failure in interpreting poorly isn’t a mortal sin (14)
MISTRANSLATION – An anagram (poorly) of ISNT A MORTAL SIN.
6d Kind of punch, as opposed to port, on aeroplane (5)
RIGHT – A kind of boxing punch, easy once you remember that port is on the left side of an aeroplane.
7d Bravery shown by Conservative, like peers we have (7)
COURAGE – C (Conservative) OUR AGE (like peers we have).
8d Lower number upset that woman — name different kind of number (6)
NETHER – Both parts of the wordplay lead to the same solution. Reverse (upset in a Down clue) the number TEN and follow with HER (that woman) or alternatively, N (name) and ETHER (this ‘number’ being an anaesthetic).
9d Round-table discussions in morning might collapse quickly (5,9)
POWER BREAKFAST – POWER (might) BREAK FAST (collapse quickly).
16d Wren, for instance, seen in the Arctic, unusually (9)
ARCHITECT – Not a bird but the famous ARCHITECT, an anagram (unusually) of THE ARCTIC.
17d Bishop and I attempt to end gang activity (8)
BANDITRY – B (bishop) AND I (from the clue) with TRY (attempt) at the end.
19d Straighten out Frenchman’s article on musical compatriot (7)
UNRAVEL – UN (the French indefinite article) and RAVEL (the composer being a Frenchman, hence musical compatriot).
21d Bird pecked another bird (7)
BITTERN – BIT (pecked) TERN (another bird)
22d Riches produced by breaking the law (6)
WEALTH – An anagram (breaking) of THE LAW.
24d Female removed from ash, elder, or other tree (5)
ALDER – Remove SHE (female) from Ash eLDER.
This was yet another delight from the Sunday supremo – thanks to him and CS. Difficult to separate in the photo-finish were 8d and 16d.
Loved this Virgilius masterpiece and thanks to CS for her round-up. Favourite had to be 28a, no prizes for guessing that.
Thanks for the review, CS. I always enjoy the Virgilius puzzles and this was no exception.