DT 27669 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 27669

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 27669

Hints and tips by 2Kiwis

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ****

Kia ora from Aotearoa.
Things are really hotting up towards Christmas for us. We have two Bridge Club functions, a great nephew’s christening. a book launch and friends coming to stay, all within this next week.  A busy time but enough still available to appreciate and enjoy  this offering from Jay.

Please leave a comment telling us what you think of today’s puzzle.


1a     Henry I has only fish (7)
HALIBUT: A nickname for Henry, I (one) from the clue and a word meaning only.

5a     Bed in untidy heap? One might say ‘Rest in peace’ (7)
EPITAPH : A slang word for bed inserted into an anagram (untidy) of HEAP.

9a     Distress increases, then energy taxes cut by 80 per cent (5)
UPSET : The answer is a verb and is made up of a three letter word meaning increases, then (E)nergy and one letter (20%) of (T)axes.

10a     Remember to pick up after unloading rifle (9)
RECOLLECT : Start with the first and last letters of rifle (after unloading) and then a word meaning to pick up.

11a     Chef’s unusual blunder — cook ultimately dismissed (6,4)
CORDON BLEU : An anagram (unusual) of BLUNDER COOk with the last letter removed.

12a     Travel document for five with savings account (4)
VISA : Roman numeral five and acronym for a savings account. We knew it this time!

14a     Complete cost of transport for public highway (12)
THOROUGHFARE : A word for complete then what you might pay to travel.

18a     Business group needing a long-term CEO to be sacked (12)
CONGLOMERATE : An anagram (to be sacked) of A LONG TERM CEO.

21a     Lot of money made from failure (4)
BOMB : Double definition.

22a     Prejudiced, and keen on verbal onslaught about the French (10)
INTOLERANT : A four letter word meaning keen on, then a French definite article and a word for a verbal onslaught or tirade.

25a     A dentist worried about love potions (9)
ANTIDOTES : An anagram (worried) of A DENTIST with love (the tennis score) included.

26a     Definitive book showing business leader in ill-humour (5)
BIBLE : A word for ill-humour has (B)usiness leader inserted.

27a     Neglected and treated with contempt outside university (7)
DISUSED : A slang word meaning to treat with disrespect is around (U)niversity.

28a     Quantity of beer to give you such a belly? (3-4)
SIX-PACK : Double definition. The second meaning is the epitome of abdominal excellence for a body-builder.


1d     Gut feeling about a cut of meat (6)
HAUNCH : A moment of intuition perhaps with A from the clue included.

2d     Glitter of attraction bringing in Scot in need of company (6)
LUSTRE : Take the abbreviation for company away from the word Scot then insert the remaining two letters into a word for attraction.

3d    Flower for display in corner (10)
BUTTONHOLE : Double definition, the first could be on your lapel.

4d     Beat most of the nick (5)
THROB : The first two letters (most of) the, then a word for nick or steal.

5d     Treasury — ‘Former inspector reported’ (9)
EXCHEQUER : Abbreviation for former partner and a homophone (reported) for an inspector.

6d     No head for accounts problems (4)
ILLS : Remove the first letter (head) from a word for accounts that need paying.

7d     Native of Crimea struggling with a name (8)
AMERICAN : Anagram (struggling) of CRIMEA, then A from the clue and (N)ame.

8d     What comes from geezer, you might say, is trouble (3,5)
HOT WATER : In our part of the world it would not be a homophone for geezer that supplies the answer but we know that folk in the Northern Hemisphere do treat these as homophones.

13d     Person going on about mad bloke on telly? (10)
CHATTERBOX : A single letter abbreviation meaning about, the mad bloke, perhaps from Alice in Wonderland, and a common word for the telly.

15d     Thought strange — at home with date off (9)
RUMINATED : String together a synonym for strange, the two letter word for at home and an anagram (off) of DATE.

16d     One won’t strike, except daughter gives the case for a weapon (8)
SCABBARD : A strike breaker then a word meaning except or exclude and (D)aughter.

17d     Gives new life to friends after endless panic (8)
ANIMATES : Take panic and remove the first and last letters (endless) and add a word for friends.

19d     Part of Africa that sees doctor embraced by earth mother (6)
GAMBIA : An abbreviation for a doctor goes inside the Greek goddess or personification of Earth.

20d     Lightning flash? (6)
STREAK : Double definition. The nearest we are going to get to a cricket clue today.

23d     Safe haven from love unaltered (5)
OASIS : The tennis love again, and then 2,2 meaning unaltered.

24d     When collecting theologian makes a contribution (4)
ADDS : Two letter word for when has a Doctor of Divinity inserted.

Favourite today is 28a.

Today’s Quick Crossword pun : QUAYS + MEEK + HATE = KISS ME KATE

80 comments on “DT 27669

  1. Thanks for the explanation to 23d. I hope today’s blog is a model of erudition. It could be if I refrain from commenting. Good puzzle from Jay and a nice well illustrated review from the very busy 2ks. Ta and Ta Ta to all.

  2. Nice gentle puzzle today. Only had to google for confirmation of the mother in 19d. Particularly liked 3d an13d. Thanks Setter and 2Ks.

  3. Good fun once I had sorted out 1a and 5a – both of which took me a while longer than they should have. The rest seemed to fall into place after that, and I opt for 1a as my favourite today. 1-2*/4* for me.
    Many thanks to Jay and the 2Kiwis.

  4. Lovely puzzle today with many favourites – including 4d “most of the”, 6d (no head for accounts), 13d (mad bloke on telly) 26a (which with two B’s had me wondering whether one came from “book”).

    Last in was 11a, chef’s unusual blunder – again a lovely clue.

    Many thanks Jay and thank you 2K for review and what might be a picture of Rotarua, where I’ve visited a number of times during my years at University of Auckland.

    1. Yes. According to Google Images the picture is of Pohutu Geyser and you are correct, it is at Rotorua.

  5. 2*/4* for a very enjoyable puzzle today.

    I’m risking the wrath of Kath by having joint favourites: 14a & 13d.

    Many thanks to Jay and to the 2Kiwis.

  6. Delicious, delightful dose of Jay – sadly, all over too soon. I laughed all the way from 1a to the Quickie pun and have a ridiculous number of potential favourites. Maybe I’ll give it to 1a since that’s where today’s fun began. 1*/4* for me.

    Many thanks to Jay for a great start to the day and to those truly professional 2Ks – wonderful clarity in both hints and pics. Loved that you strove to appeal to both sexes with the chosen images and what a lovely 3d – must point it out to the newly engaged daughter! http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_rose.gif

    1. Exciting times….I was browsing wedding venues last night for no good (yet) reason. I hope you’re getting plenty of notice! What they call late availability on a Saturday means the whole of 2015http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/icon_surprised.gif

  7. Very enjoyable puzzle from Jay. Agree **/****
    Thanks to 2 kiwis for explaining why 3d and 10a fitted the clues.

  8. My brain must work in an eccentric manner. When others find a puzzle difficult, I often find it easy. This one I found quite tough, but I enjoyed it. 3*/3*. Thanks to setter and 2 Kiwis – now I know the etymology of the orange juice (kia ora).

    1. Ditto for me! Found this quite difficult and much to my shame, struggled over 11a, a French word!!!! Lots of lovely clues but 13a was my favourite. 3*/3*. Many thanks to Jay and the 2Kiwis for the review. At least I got the quickie pun!

  9. Overall ** but some effort required in parts, so enjoyable.

    My fav was 23d.

    Thx to 2kiwis for the nice pics!

  10. Nice enjoyable plod today. No real problems but checking letters required here and there. With all the good clues in the puzzle, its very tricky picking a favourite so I’ll go with the quickie pun again – very clever indeed.

    England seem to be trying to make a game of it today

  11. **/****
    Like a brandy laced hot chocolate after skiing. Brilliant.

    Just enough difficulty so that it wasn’t a write in combined with humour aplenty.

    I thought 20d was a bit weak/non cryptic…or am I missing something?

    Bronze and silver go to 18a, great word, and 1a, dear God that picture is of one large fish. The gold medal today goes to 15d. Just because.

    Many thanks to Jay for a fantastic puzzle and to the 2Kiwis for your usual well written blog. Sounds like you are going to have a fun week. :-)

    We seem to be missing the worst of the weather today. That is likely to come back and bite us.

  12. A very enjoyable puzzle thank you Jay with lots of favourite clues ! Thanks 2BusyKiwis for your review and hints, perhaps a quiet week afterwards in preparation for Christmas.

  13. Glad this was favourably received, as I thought it was excellent and agree with the **/****,.to borrow from Hanni, i thought it was’ like a brandy laced with coffee before skiing’ ! Thanks to the 2K ‘S for the pics-reminded me of Erica Roe in her prime circa 1982,fine athlete .Oh and liked the surface reading of 5A.

      1. It’s better before skiing-you don’t feel the pain when you fall off, and if you get lost,it’s saved the Saint Bernard a trip !

        1. This may come as a shock to you Jane, but I am a big advocate for both! ;-)

          Was watching the news this morning re the severe weather. Have you had to batten down the hatches yet?

          1. Umm……. think I’m beginning to understand why Brighton & Hove council have called off the Christmas Day swim – all these brandy-swiggers! http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif

            No sign of the 60ft. waves thus far – bit breezy but nothing to frighten MP’s horses! Let’s hope it stays that way – I’m off to the bird group’s Christmas party tonight. Which reminds me, did you see the letter in today’s DT re: the quest to find a bird to represent GB? Now there’s a good subject for the blog, although I suspect they had a real bird in mind! http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

            1. I’ve never understood these Christmas Day/Boxing Day dips. I do understand seeing good friends and drinking brandy.

              Oh God please no more birds. On first pass I thought 3d might be Pigeon Hole! But I did enjoy the letters page today. In Beer Veritas and O Christmas Tree made me smile. Nativity plays are an endless source of amusement.

              I hope you enjoy tonight’s party. http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_smile.gif

              I’m going to wrap presents.

            2. I think pommers started the horses off. I am all for hot chocolate and brandy without the hot chocolate. Make mine a double. Ta

                1. It could have been Gazza. I have never seen the horses exercised as much as yesterday though.

  14. Lovely puzzle today, finished without resort to hints from the 2Kiwis. I think Erica Roe was a tad larger than the cricketing lady, but then she was participating in a rugby match I believe, where player tend to be bigger. Thank you to the Wednesday setter and to the 2Kiwis.http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wink.gif

    1. She was mentioned somewhere recently something about doing a nude calendar which seem to be all the rage. Yeuk!!

  15. Yes – that was really enjoyable. Thank you Jay for that and the 2 Kiwis for being there in case of need. Fav was probably 23d with 1a runner-up (is that acceptable in your book Kath?). ***/****. http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_smile.gif

  16. **/****. Very enjoyable. 28a reminded me of a birthday card I received which had a portly chap with his doctor. Portly chap “I used to have a 28a”. Doctor “I see it’s in with all the other shopping”. This from a friend! Thanks to the setter and an excellent review from the 2Ks.

  17. This one didn’t put up any kind of a fight, but enjoyable nonetheless. Liked 2D and 23D. Thanks Jay and the 2Kiwis.

  18. I agree with 2* difficulty and 4* for enjoyment.
    Jay’s crosswords always leave me with a big smile, and the Quickie pun was good too, although I think you’d have to say it with a French accent.
    I could see where I was meant to be going with 5a but always get epitaph, epithet, epigram in a muddle – must try harder.
    3d and 11a were my last answers – having got almost alternate letters in for 11a all I could think of was ‘corned beef’ which it clearly wasn’t – oh dear.
    I liked 14a and 3d. My one and only favourite was 13d which I loved.
    Great crossword – great hints – great piccies so thanks to all.

  19. Hi. I am a novice who wants to share his elation as today’s DT is the first time I’ve completed it without using any hints! In accordance with tradition, my favourites are 15d and 17d.

    1. Welcome Topdog and very well done – it’s a great feeling isn’t it.

      If Kath tells you off for having two favourites today, I for one will be quite cross with her as your achievement definitely deserves a reward http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

    2. You can have as many favourites today as you want Topdog. Welcome to the blog and well done. I hope we see you here again.

    3. It’s magic reading a comment from someone like you who is obviously starting down the road to a long and happy time – join the box of mad frogs on this blog and life will never be the same again. http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

      1. Who are you calling a mad frog? And I thought we just celebrated 100 years of entente cordiale.http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wink.gif

        1. There is an old English expression – Mad as a box of frogs which is no reflection on our Gallic entente cordiale, in fact I am very fond of a drop of French cordial served in a nice crystal glass. http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

    4. Welcome from us too Topdog. Congratulations on the completion. Looking forward to reading your comments on further progress. http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_smile.gif

    5. Welcome and congratulations from me too, Topdog. I wouldn’t dream of telling you off for having two favourites today – a) whatever they say about me I’m really not that mean and b) incurring the wrath of crypticsue is something I’d rather avoid. You can even pick another one if you like (and as long as having multiple favourites doesn’t become a habit)

    6. Well done, Top Dog! Not so long ago l was in your shoes. Keep at it – it gets easier the more often you try. You’ll be ripping into the Toughies before you know it.

  20. Looked up to see where Aotearoa was in New Zealand. Only to find out you learn something new everyday. Did a bit of skiing on holiday in Whakapapa this year. My grown up daughter was a bit shocked and amused when she heard a New Zealander pronounce it.
    Had to look up and check Gaia, otherwise straightforward today.

    1. It is also interesting that the second part of Whakapapa, ie PAPA despite what it sounds like, is in Maori creation mythology, the earth mother, the equivalent of Gaia from 19d. As you say the Maori pronunciation of WH as F often causes an eyebrow or two to be raised with people new to the language. http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_smile.gif

      1. Strange coincidence with Papa and Gaia, that’s two things i’ve learned today. Thanks for that.http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

  21. Made rather a hash of top corner putting corned beef into 11a , much food for thought before I unscrambled it all . ***/** today .

  22. I just loved this crossword puzzle, thank you so much Jay.
    I did need the hints to unscramble 2d, so thanks for that 2Kiwis.
    I didn’t know the earth mother but a quick google solved that, and now I’ve learnt something new.
    I cannot choose a fave today, I would incur the wrath of Kath by having many multiples. So, just thanks all round for a great puzzle.


    1. Why are we all scared stiff of Kath? However it does concentrate ones thought so perhaps is it not a very bad thing. http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

      1. Oh no – to think of people being scared of me makes me http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cry.gif! I was the one, and I still am, who maintained and still does so, that favourite implies a superlative which, to me at least, means that there can’t more than one. No-one really agrees with me and most of the time I let them get on with it but, just occasionally, I wield the big stick.

      2. I am not at all scared of Kath, I think she’s great! It was just a way of saying that I so enjoyed this puzzle, choosing “a” fave was impossible as I loved them all. I don’t know if I am the only one who thought this one rather special.

        1. Kath is fantastic and one of the main reasons I commented here for the first time. She is a wonderful advocate for the blog and quite simply inspires and makes me aspire. I dare not have more than one favourite sometimes though. In fact today I implemented a medal system.

          Merusa, today’s puzzle was just delicious. It’s not just you. There are some that even hours later still make you smile. Today is one of those days. :-)

        2. Thanks to both of you and I agree that this was a lovely crossword – I’m still smiling at it, particularly 13d. http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yes.gif

    2. P.S. There must be something seriously wrong with my brain, I cannot do the quickie. I herewith declare I will no longer even attempt one again and just get the answer from the blog, I will no longer torture myself with thinking how stoooooopid I must be.

      1. Can’t comment on today’s quickie because I haven’t done it yet. But in general, I struggle more with the straight ones. By which I mean they do take less time, but have a much lower completion rate. I think it’s because there’s just more to get hold of with the cryptics. And once you have an answer, you can be pretty confident it’s right. So much of the quickie depends on checkers, and so it’s easier to get derailed. Besides, cryptics are just so much more fun :).

  23. Thanks to 2kiwis for the help on SW corner. I had misused for 27a and was looking for an ending in arm for 16d. Could not finish this one at all. Oh well. Mustn’t grumble. Very enjoyable nonetheless. Tomorrow is another day. The grass is always greener on the other side. Every cloud has a silver lining. Anymore clichés anyone? See you all mañana. And thanks to Jay

  24. Gentle and lovely, with few problems and much enjoyment. So many delightful clues from which to pick a favourite, but will choose 5a because I’m tired and so it rather resonates. Thanks to Jay and the 2Ks.

  25. Nice one Jay! Not terribly taxing admittedly but a great pleasure to complete.
    Like several of you I go with 1a as my favourite.
    Another good revue by the 2K’s by the way.
    Thank you.

  26. Good morning everyone. Must be getting more relaxed about trusting whatever mysterious spirits control internet things as it was as late as 5.15am before I was forced by curiosity to get up to view the blog today. Cheers.

    1. Thanks for clarifying things for me and thanks to Jay for a lovely romp, it really exercised my ageing brain cells and the glow when I had finished supplemented the central heating well. Fave rave 8d because according to OH that is where I spend most of my life, will I ever get things right? http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

  27. Great puzzle and a terrific review.Thanks for explaining 13d and 19d , Kiwis . I liked all the clues, so it is impossible to pick just one (or two).

  28. Lovely crossword with the exception of 2d which I hated even though I got the answer.
    Did however love 28a and 23d.
    One of those puzzles that lets you in, makes you think a while then gives in.http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif
    Thx to all concerned

    1. MP, just in case you’re interested, you might want to look at the Toughie. It’s a Beam puzzle.

      Sorry. I’m wrapping presents and a little bored. I might go and argue with Mendelssohn for awhile.

  29. Yes, 2*/4* by my reckoning. No particularly clever (as in fiendish) clues, but quite a few that made me laugh, so 13d gets my vote for favouritism. Thanks to Jay for a pleasant romp, and to the 2 Kiwis for the review. As for Kia Ora – they used to sell it in cinemas when l was a lad!

  30. 3* for me but pleasurable nevertheless. Thanks for the hints 2KW, greatly needed and thanks to Jay for another clever puzzle

  31. Thanks to Jay and to the 2 Kiwis. I agree with 2*/4 * rating. A very enjoyable puzzle. Nearly put corned beef in for 11a, luckily sanity prevailed. Favourite was 23d. Last in was 22a.

  32. Enjoyed this one. And the illustrations. The look on Botham’s face is priceless.
    Thanks to both Jay and the 2K’s.

  33. All this talk of corned beef is sending me to the fridge. I have only Parma ham. It’s a hard life. Thanks to the (unneeded) K-squared for a lovely revue.Thanks to Jay for letting me sail through this one. Enjoyed it. 1*/3*

  34. I knocked yesterday’s Quickie pun so this is just to say that I thought today’s was much cleverer. http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yes.gif

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