DT 27654 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 27654

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 27654

A full review by crypticsue

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty *Enjoyment ***

This puzzle was published on Saturday, 22nd  November 2014

Lovely, straightforward start to my Saturday solving. The fact that there are six anagrams and, as Caravaggio commented “… this puzzle evoked memories of Saturday’s past”, I think this week it is thank you to Cephas rather than one of  the Saturday  Mysterons.


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1a           I hand Pimms out, one in schooner perhaps (10)
MIDSHIPMAN – An anagram (out) of I HAND PIMMS, schooner here being a type of ship rather than a glass.

6a           Hunk‘s small short dog (4)
SLAB – S (small) and LAB (a ‘short’ or abbreviated Labrador dog)

9a           English novelist — he sends a message (7)
EMAILER –   E (English) followed by the American novelist – Norman MAILER.

10a         Deep Purple get a man rocking (7)
MAGENTA –   An anagram (rocking) of GET A MAN.

12a         Business is booming at first having experienced shock (13)
THUNDERSTRUCK – THUNDERS (is booming) goes before (at first)   TRUCK (business dealings).

14a         Sea monster covered up bloomer (6)
ORCHID –   ORC (a mythical sea monster) HID (covered up).

15a         Blossomed following getting depressed (8)
FLOWERED – F (following) and LOWERED (getting depressed).

17a         Illegal passenger‘s expressions of pain and disgust going into hold (8)
STOWAWAY –   Expressions of pain OW and disgust AW inserted into STAY (hold).

19a         Some Caerphilly cheese as dessert item (6)
LYCHEE is hidden in some of CarephilLY CHEEse.

22a         Labour politician mostly turned to tackle electoral fraud (6-7)
BALLOT-RIGGING   – Most of [Ed]BALLs (Labour politician), a reversal (turned) of TO and RIGGING (tackle).

24a         Rich person takes year in popular holiday area (7)
MONEYED – ONE (a person) and Y (year) are taken into MED (the Mediterranean being a popular holiday area).

25a         Abraham’s son is married, embraced by Jacob’s wife contrarily (7)
ISHMAEL – IS (from the clue) and M (married) the latter ‘embraced by’ a reversal (contrarily)of LEAH (Jacob’s wife).

26a         In Kent area, see fruit (4)
SLOE –   LO (see) inserted into SE (the area of England where Kent can be found).

27a         Laughing uncontrollably this month is irritating (2,8)
IN STITCHES –   INST (this month) and ITCHES (is irritating).


1d           People taking in island air (4)
MIEN – I (island) ‘taken in by’ MEN (people).

2d           Uncompromising doctor with cold drinks wine (7)
DRASTIC – DR (doctor) and C (cold) with ASTI inserted (drinks wine).

3d           Can holy ritual somehow be producing visions? (13)
HALLUCINATORY –   An anagram (somehow)of CAN HOLY RITUAL.

4d           Stick in front of plane certainly for take-off (6)
PARODY –   P (the ‘front’ of plane) ROD (stick) and AY (certainly, of course).

5d           Officers laid arms all over the place (8)
ADMIRALS –   An anagram (all over the place) of LAID ARMS.

7d           French tongue — clipped or showing listlessness? (7)
LANGUOR –   LANGUe (the French word for language (tongue) with its last letter removed (clipped) and OR (from the clue).   One of those  rare occasions where the solver doesn’t have to think ‘now does the U come before the O, or vice-versa?’.

8d           Bald, racked characters reincarnated in TV comedy (10)
BLACKADDER –   Splendid wordplay, except I am not sure how many bald racked characters there were in the various series.   An anagram (characters reincarnated) of BALD RACKED.

11d         I don’t believe you, on top of all the rage, escape punishment (3,4,4,2)
GET AWAY WITH IT – GET AWAY (another way of saying I don’t believe you) and WITH IT (all the rage).

13d         Composing bogus poems is a sign one’s scared (5,5)
GOOSE BUMPS – An anagram (composing) of BOGUS POEMS.

16d         Verbally abused an unpleasant woman (8)
HARRIDAN –   A homophone (verbally)of HARRIED (abused, harassed) followed by AN (from the clue).

18d         Soldiers secure old holiday resort (7)
ORLANDO –   OR (ordinary ranks, soldiers) LAND (secure) and O (old).

20d         Wizard boarding school’s not right having hard bunk (7)
HOGWASH – Remove RT (not right)from HOGWARTS (Harry Potter’s boarding school) and then follow the remaining letters with H for hard.

21d         A spirit favouring youth (6)
AGEIST –   A and GEIST (spirit).

23d         A former railway charity (4)
ALMS –   A(from the clue) and the initials of the London Midland and Scottish Railway.