Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 2770
A full review by gnomethang
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty *– Enjoyment ***
This puzzle was published on Sunday, 16th November 2014
A relatively fast solve with just a couple to hold me up at the end.
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five stars at the bottom of the post.
1a Unreported swim, oddly, that’s used to evaluate speed of performer in pool? (5,3,6)
WORDS PER MINUTE – An anagram (oddly) of UNREPORTED SWIM. Nice misdirection with pool being the typing pool!
9a Turn back European, very amorous type (7)
REVOLVE – Reverse (back) E for European, V for Very and then a lover/amorous type.
10a Left part of Europe for part of Africa (7)
LIBERIA – L for Left then IBERIA – the bit of Europe that contains Spain, Portugal and the Basque territories.
11a Popular new place for rest of travellers (3)
INN – Nice and simple!. IN (popular/hip) and then N for New.
12a Think about and study model (11)
CONTEMPLATE – A charade of CON (study/crib) followed by a TEMPLATE or model.
14a English novelist using ecofriendly energy (6)
GREENE – GREEN for eco-friendly and E for Energy.
15a Totally destroy author of fiction, initially (5,3)
WRITE OFF – WRITE for author then of from the clue followed by the initial letter of F(iction).
17a Crewman grumpy about daughter that’s in silly fashion (8)
ABSURDLY – Start with AB, the abbreviation of Able Bodied (seaman) then place D for daughter inside SURLY/grumpy – AB SUR(D)LY
19a Drink wine with monarch (6)
PORTER – The wine is PORT and the monarch is Elizabeth Regina (ER).
22a Scholars working religiously revised anthologies (11)
THEOLOGIANS – An anagram, indicated by revised, of ANTHOLOGIES.
23a Fruit not given by uncaring person (3)
FIG – q.v. “I couldn’t give a fig”
24a Competitor who’s not an outsider? (7)
ENTRANT – The cryptic definition being that someone who has entered (a room for example) is not outside but inside.
26a Unrealistic notion from that fellow in cold period (7)
CHIMERA – Place HIM (that fellow) inside C for Cold and an ERA or period of time.
27a Line of pupils rushes in simulated distress (9,5)
CROCODILE TEARS – A charade of a CROCODILE (a line of schoolchildren) and TEARS or rushes.
1d Groups that investigate dreadfully irate rows about family doctor (7,7)
WORKING PARTIES – Place an anagram (dreadfully) of IRATE ROWS around the outside of KIN (family) and a GP (doctor).
2d Regret about flat income (7)
REVENUE – RUE (regret) around the outside of EVEN or flat.
3d Restraint nobody else can impose (4-7)
SELF-CONTROL – A straightforward cryptic definition.
4d It might direct Romeo and Juliet, for example, to go off together? (6)
EXEUNT – I tried to over complicate this. It is simply a cryptic definition of the stage direction for two actors (e.g. paying Romeo and Juliet) to leave the stage together.
5d Unusually blue pair of rooks nested in my bush (8)
MULBERRY – Place an unusual anagram of BLUE and RR – Two Rooks in chess notation – inside MY from the clue.
6d Mark carefully around university — that’s the point (3)
NUB – N.B. is the abbreviation for the Latin phrase Nota Bene or note well. Place this around U for University.
7d Destructive formation ran amok amidst commotion (7)
TORNADO – An anagram (amok) of RAN inside a TODO or commotion
8d Revolutionary red flag was sort that’s clearly made in Irish city (9,5)
WATERFORD GLASS A nice anagram (revolutionary) of RED FLAG WAS SORT.
13d Good person taking nation’s part, in a way (6,5)
PATRON SAINT – This is would be an all in one clue except you might argue that the first two words are the definition (although the whole clue specifically defines a Patron Saint. Make an anagram (in a way) of NATIONS PART.
16d Land in part of garden that’s ruined (8)
BLIGHTED – LIGHT (land or descend) inside a flower BED.
18d Officer covered by transparent screen (7)
SHELTER – Place LT (the abbreviation for Lieutenant/officer) inside SHEER for transparent.
20d Turned over big cheese in fabric (7)
TAFFETA – Reverse (turn over) FAT (big) then add FETA, the Greek cheese.
21d Husband’s left part of church, getting cross out (6)
CANCEL – Remove H for Husband from the C(h)ANCEL of a church.
25d Don’t go straight, taking part in larceny (3)
ARC – A hidden word to finish being part of the last word
Thanks to Mr Greer for the entertainment, I’ll see you all next Thursday for another Sunday review.