Toughie No 1175 by Elkamere
A Cassoulet of Cooks?
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ****
The presence of 9a in this enjoyable puzzle makes me think that there must be some sort of theme, but the only possibility that I can see is the number of cooks mentioned in the clues, including the brilliant Peter. I’m sure that I’ll be put right if I’ve missed anything else.
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five stars at the bottom of the post.
Across Clues
1a Bill crossed a nasty little thoroughfare (6,4)
{ACCESS ROAD} – the abbreviation for a bill or invoice is followed by an anagram (nasty) of CROSSED A.
6a Fine grass cut for 19 (4)
{FLAW} – F(ine) followed by a patch of grass without its final letter.
9a On potty, almost constant source of amusement (7,3)
{RUNNING GAG} – an adjective meaning on or in operation precedes a synonym for potty or slightly mad without its final A.
10a F1 driver‘s track (4)
{HUNT} – double definition – an old Formula One world champion (known as ‘**** the Shunt’ for his many crashes) and a verb to track or chase.
12a Marketplace typical of these shores? (4)
{SOUK} – split this Middle Eastern marketplace as (2,2) and it’s very typical of where we (or at least most of us) live.
13a For this cheese might I recommend a fork? (9)
{LIMBURGER} – split as (4,5) this soft smelly cheese could, very cryptically, be someone pressing you to use a fork or branch. Not one of Elkamere’s finest clues?
15a Cook’s other half hiding in corner (8)
{DOMINATE} – when I saw not only this clue but also 23a I thought that we might have a mini-theme relating to the comedy partnership but my attempts to fit Moore into the answer failed. Start with a verb to cook or prepare a meal and add one’s other half containing (hiding) IN.
16a Room designer may get one over on boss (6)
{STUDIO} – append the Roman numeral for one and the cricketing abbreviation for over to a boss or knob.
18a Fell on second base occupied by first to bat (6)
{MOBBED} – the abbreviation for a short period of time is followed by a base or foundation containing the first letter of bat.
20a Show bank book (8)
{PROVERBS} – a charade of a verb to show or demonstrate and the identity of the bank which, due to mismanagement, is now mostly owned by us, the British taxpayers.
23a Dud and Pete’s singular skill (9)
{ADEPTNESS} – an anagram (dud) of AND PETE’S followed by S(ingular).
24a Sort of key (4)
{TYPE} – double definition, the second a verb meaning to make use of a keyboard.
26a I’m somewhat upright (4)
{PRIG} – this is a semi-all-in-one with the answer hidden (somewhat) in the clue.
27a Cook comes back in to secure large building (5,5)
{TOWER BLOCK} – reverse (comes back) a verb to cook or contrive between TO and a verb to secure or fasten.
28a Before foxtrot, this is exemplified by can-can? (4)
{ECHO} – how well do you know the Nato Phonetic alphabet?
29a With feeling thrilled, one books into cathedral city (10)
{SENTIENTLY} – start with a slang term for thrilled or in a state of ecstasy and I (one), then add the abbreviation for some Biblical books inside a cathedral city in Cambridgeshire.
Down Clues
1d Area with line, oblique (4)
{AWRY} – string together three abbreviations – those for a) area, b) with and c) train line.
2d Do students become fitter? (7)
{CONFORM} – a charade of a verb to do or swindle and a class of students.
3d Kids’ pets possibly finding hostility in schools? (5,7)
{STICK INSECTS} – an informal word for hostility or criticism is followed by IN (from the clue) and religious schools or factions.
4d Raised weapon worried police (8)
{REGULATE} – reverse (raised) a type of pistol and add a verb meaning worried or gnawed at.
5d Unfortunately, crossing room is scary (6)
{ALARMS} – an interjection meaning unfortunately or ‘woe is me!’ contains (crossing) the abbreviation for room.
7d Was thrusting about nothing (7)
{LOUNGED} – this is an all-in-one describing someone who lacked drive and was the opposite of energetic. A verb meaning thrusted contains the letter resembling zero.
8d He was often satirical as he wrote works describing upper class (10)
{WATERHOUSE} – An all-in-one clue describing a prolific novelist, playwright and newspaper columnist. His surname is an anagram (works) of AS HE WROTE containing (describing) the letter used to mean upper class.
11d Copper tank — in it’ll be a liquid useful to farmer (12)
{CULTIVATABLE} – start with the chemical symbol for copper then insert a large tank into an anagram (liquid) of IT’LL BE A.
14d Notice juice in big lump in throat (5,5)
{ADAM’S APPLE} – an abbreviated notice is followed by a word meaning juice or vital fluid contained in an adjective meaning big or extensive.
17d Growing oddly curved nose (8)
{CRESCENT} – the odd letters of curved followed by a nose or bouquet.
19d Part of the problem is his acne? (7)
{BLEMISH} – hidden.
21d Bond left after reprimand (7)
{RAPPORT} – left on a ship after an informal verb to reprimand or censure.
22d Miles away or on the spot? (6)
{REMOTE} – a 2-letter preposition meaning on or concerning and a spot or small particle.
25d Nothing to talk about? Fine by me (4)
{OKAY} – the letter that resembles zero followed by the reversal (about) of an informal verb to talk at length.
12a, 23a and 8d were all in the running for the COD Stakes today but the winner by a short head was the wonderfully concise 20a. Do let us know your selections.
I always enjoy this setters puzzles and today was no exception, my four favourites are exactly the same as Gazza’s so thanks to him and thanks to Elkamere.
I had the D at the start of 15a so spent a while trying to get DUD into it! Hey ho, but DUD was used as an anagram indicator in my favourite clue, 23a.
Thanks to Elkamere and Gazza.
4*/4* for me. I had to cheat on 13a; I couldn’t see the wordplay at all.
Many thanks to Elkamere, and to Gazza for the review.
13a – I googled!
No problems except that I was unable to work out the word play for 13a, many thanks to Elkamere and to Gazza.
Sorry not to share the general enthusiasm for this puzzle, much as I normally enjoy Mr Meyer’s challenges.
13a was unacceptable and 12a not much better.
I thought 12a was wonderful – it was one of the few that I did manage to get.
Oops, I meant to add that one to my comment Kath, I cannot see a problem with the clue at all. Very rare that 4 letter words light my candle but today they did.
It’s Shamus tomorrow.
The only way that I can put this is “well and truly defeated”.
I did little more than half before giving in and running for help.
I did nothing to help myself for deciding that the first word of 9a had to be “sitting” as in “on potty”. It went from bad to worse after that.
You win some, you lose some.
Having done so badly I think I’m probably not allowed to pick any particular clues, let alone a favourite.
I’ll learn, eventually, so thanks to Elkamere for the very tricky crossword and to gazza for filling in my many gaps and teaching how it all works.
Elkamere/Anax is definitely someone you need to work at in order to get on his wavelength. The more of his puzzles you do the better you’ll get on.
You’ve cheered me up – thank you.
This puzzle took us a long time. We had used up our allotted crossword time when one of us had to go for a golfing appointment, On returning home, the last third then fell into place relatively smoothly. A bit of googling required, the Bank and the cheese in particular. Quite a challenge and satisfying to eventually complete.
Thanks Elkamere and Gazza.
Feeling ever so relieved that I wasn’t alone in finding the cheese clue slightly odd. I really thought I was missing something obvious. 20a lovely clue. Thank you Gazza and Elkamere
Dead and buried. Only 14 clues solved. I respect Elkamere’s mastery but I did not have any fun at all, I am sorry to say. Thanks you, Gazza, for the review but I have to admit to being so frustrated with my poor effort that I bypassed the hints I went straight to the answers. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
You bypassed the hints that I sweated blood over ???
Aw, I’m sorry! I am going to break a solemn personal vow and actually use an emoticon to show you how remorseful I am.
For me, this was yet another thoroughly enjoyable puzzle ****. Four-letter clues are usually my downfall, but on this occasion, 12a was definitely my fave. 20a was a close runner-up.
I inadvertently saw the answer to 13a in the Comments bar, but couldn’t parse it. I didn’t see the hidden answer in 26a and had ‘prim’ (oh dear!), and I needed the explanation of my answer to 22d. Otherwise all was well.
Many thanks to Elkamere for an excellent crossword. Many thanks to Gazza for the excellent review.
Good one. Got it done but thought clue to 7 and 15 a bit iffy . Only got them when others done , at end Also I dont think limburger well.known enough for a cryptc.