Pushing the boat out 2! – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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Pushing the boat out 2!

An update from Guardian setter Boatman

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I’m now taking bookings for the first of my Crossword Masterclasses for aspiring setters, which will take place in Brighton on Saturday 8 June 2013.

We’ll have the use of a quiet, airy room in the charming Friends’ Meeting House in the historic centre of Brighton, where lunch will be provided by one of our characterful local cafes and there’ll be exquisite coffee, fruit and other goodies available all day.

The idea is that the class will provide a route into the world of professional setting, combining essential information about compiling techniques, requirements for publication and the use of software with discussion of issues such as quality and fairness, developing a style and managing the creative process.

I’m looking forward to a stimulating day, with a group of people representing a range of experience from relative newcomers to those who are nearly ready to have their work published. There’ll be an opportunity for students to present their own work in progress for constructive criticism and individual advice, and the whole day will cost £150, including lunch, drinks and snacks.

Whether you’re just starting out as a compiler, considering submitting work for publication or simply wish to develop a talent for your own satisfaction, I hope you’ll join us, and learn a lot about compiling from me and from the other participants.

For more details and to book your place, please follow this link:

Cryptics by Boatman

Date Saturday 8 June 2013
Time 09:30 to 16:00
Venue Brighton Friends’ Meeting House
Ship Street
Brighton  BN1 1AF
Accessibility Our room is at the top of a flight of stairs. If you think you may have difficulty negotiating them, please contact me to discuss the options.
Transport By bus to North Street
10 minute walk from Brighton Railway Station:
Parking one minute away in the Lanes (Bartholomew Square) car park
Cheaper parking by park & ride from Withdean:

Don’t worry if you can’t get down to Brighton, or if you’re busy on the day – I’ll be arranging a date in London later in the year, and I’ll set up more classes further afield, wherever I know there’s a group of aspiring setters who’d like to come to them. If that describes you, please drop me a line, then let your friends know and put them in touch with me, so that I know in which parts of the country to look.

Click here to see the earlier post.