Toughie No 798 by Elgar
When Nina met the Prince of Darkness…..
A Review from Crypticsue and Tilsit
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BD Rating – Difficulty ***** – Enjoyment *****
Greetings from oop North and dahn Sarf. Crypticsue and I are delighted, in the best tradition of Richard and Judy, to host today’s epic from our arch-tormentor, Elgar.
It has to be said that this was one of his toughest challenges and both of your hosts found this a ferocious struggle. However perseverance paid off and this was a most rewarding solve with a nice amusing surprise. The puzzle contains a Nina (a hidden message) but there is a bonus clue to help you identify it. This is discussed at the end of the review so as not to spoil things for you.
Continue reading “Toughie 798”
Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 26905
Hints and tips by Gazza
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BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ***
This is a fairly gentle puzzle by Giovanni with none of his usual religious references. I’d never heard of the composer at 6d but the name wasn’t difficult to get from the checking letters. Let us know how you got on and your view of the puzzle.
If you need to see an answer just drag your cursor through the space between the brackets under the clue that’s causing you problems.
Continue reading “DT 26905”
Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 26900
A full review by gnomethang
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BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ****
Morning All! My apologies for the delayed review of last Saturday’s prize puzzle. A scheduled office meeting was extendeed into a local hostelry and then to a curry house. The keener eyed among you will have noticed that I am a bit light in the ‘Downs’ department. These will be up shortly.
Anyhoo, we had a great puzzle last Saturday in my opinion; a good degree of difficulty and some fine clues.
Continue reading “DT 26900”