DT 26901 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 26901

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 26901

Hints and tips by Libellule

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty ** Enjoyment ***

Pretty standard stuff from Rufus this morning. I do have a question mark placed on 10a and 12a. Both clues seem to mean basically the same thing or am I missing something?

Highlight the space between the curly brackets to see the answer.

1. Southern way out unsuitable for voyage (11)
{UNSEAWORTHY} – An anagram (out) of SOUTHERN WAY.

9. Dashing young men, ardent and inflamed (9)
{BLOODSHOT} – A word for red and inflamed is a charade of a group of dandies or rakes, and HOT (ardent).

10. Levels the score and quits (5)
{EVENS} – A word that can be used to describe equal amounts or terms. If this is meant to be a double definition, then I don’t think it works.

11. He writes of gold going to hammer-thrower (6)
{AUTHOR} – AU (gold) and the Norse god of thunder.

12. Expel from university and convey to prison (4,4)
{SEND DOWN} – A phrase that means to suspend or dismiss from a university could also be used to describe sending someone to prison. Ditto 10a.

13. Expire, though previously fit as a fiddle (6)
{EXHALE} – A word that means to breathe out consists of EX (previously) and another word that means free from illness.

15. Sit on the fence with dispute that’s between neighbours perhaps (8)
{HEDGEROW} – A word that means to evade decision or action is followed by another word for a quarrel to get a row of closely planted shrubs or trees forming a fence or boundary.

18. He’s unlikely to be found missing (8)
{MARKSMAN} – A person skilled in shooting.

19. He’s in charge but often has a leader (6)
{EDITOR} – He is in charge of a newspaper.

21. Politeness makes Rosy cute (8)
{COURTESY} – An anagram (makes) of ROSY CUTE.

23. Several kinds of birds (6)
{DIVERS} – A small family of large water birds is also a word that means various or sundry.

26. Increase the strain (5)
{BREED} – A word that means to produce offspring.

27. End with a shout and a squeak (5,4)
{CLOSE CALL} – A word that means to shut or stop plus another word that describes saying something in a loud voice could be an escape by a narrow margin.

28. Hearty listener chose to step out (11)
{STETHOSCOPE} – An anagram (out) of CHOSE TO STEP is a medical listening device.


1. Heading away, speechless with anger and resentment (7)
{UMBRAGE} – Remove the first letter (heading away) for a word that means lacking the power of speech, and then add a word for fury to get a another word that means to be hurt or offended.

2. Make a speech in the gutter (5)
{SPOUT} – To talk in a noisy, excited manner or a tube or pipe, chute that allows the passage or pouring of liquids.

3. Wild lion scared no one, certainly not him (9)
{ANDROCLES} – An anagram (wild) of LION SCARED minus I (no one).

4. Some ricochets in the line of darts (4)
{OCHE} – The line behind which a player must stand to throw is hidden in the word ricochets.

5. Limited the movement of stock (8)
{TETHERED} – How animals might be restricted in their movement.

6. Give way to profit (5)
{YIELD} – Double definition. To give up or concede, or a profit obtained from an investment.

7. Deserved present a moment ago (4,3)
{JUST NOW} – A word for properly due or merited plus the period of time found between the past and the future, could describe what has very recently taken place.

8. Tom cared about being a politician (8)
{DEMOCRAT} – An anagram of (about) TOM CARED.

14. Hard task master? (8)
{HERCULES} – The hero son of Zeus and Alcmene, who won immortality by performing 12 labours.

16. Rows in the gallery? Goodness! (9)
{GODLINESS} – The definition is goodness, as in pious. Place a word for horizontal marks (for example) inside a word for a theatre gallery.

17. Killing of many people over defined area (8)
{MASSACRE} – A word that describes a great body of people, plus a unit of area that covers 4,840 square yards produces a word that is used to describe the wanton killing of large numbers.

18. Taxi runs into horse — ghastly! (7)
{MACABRE} – Place CAB inside the word for an adult female horse for an adjective that means gruesome.

20. Settle the will (7)
{RESOLVE} – Double definition, to find a solution to something and firmness of purpose.

22. The main comings and goings (5)
{TIDES} – Main = Sea.

24. Time to find poetic inspiration perhaps (5)
{ERATO} – The Greek Muse of lyric poetry and mime is constructed from a period of time plus TO.

25. Reluctant to leave the Heart of Midlothian (4)
{LOTH} – A word that means not disposed or inclined to can be found hidden in the centre (heart) of Midlothian.

The Quick crossword pun: {con} + {fuchsias} = {Confucius}

83 comments on “DT 26901

  1. Took me two sittings for this one, I thought it was a bit trickier than ** esp for a Monday. Not my fav Monday puzzle. Needed Libellule hints for some so thx for that

      1. Let’s call it quits and then we’ve settled up. Does that make sense Brian?

        1. Hmm, v poor clue IMHO. Didn’t enjoy today’s puzzle at all, found it bitty and unsatisfying.

      2. Hmmm,

        Not sure about this. Whenever I have used that phrase I would say “We’re ****” (i.e no “s” on the end).

  2. Not the easiest Monday morning start but nevertheless very entertaining. Thanks setter and Libellule.

      1. Now that I am amongst the 4* community (see last week) I am making this 4*
        I thought that 18a was poor.
        I am disappointed with Rufus because he was the king as far as I was concerned

  3. Really enjoyed this puzzle, enough to make me think but such fun when the answer pops into mind. Favourites are 15 and 23A, and 1D — a lovely word to roll round the mouth and seldom seen — so thanks to Rufus and Libellule.
    Happy Monday, everyone!!!

  4. Quite enjoyed today’s puzzle, i agree a little harder than ** so give
    it ***/***.Struggled with the SW corner as had ‘mainstay’for 18a until i solved 14d! I think 10a is ok as a double definition -as Mike In Amble points out,Quits also means were now ‘settled up’ as well as meaning the same score in a game etc.12a is ok as the same two words are used for two completely different events ie the judge sending someone from the dock to prison and a student being expelled from univercity- therefore providing a double definition-pity about the football!

  5. Enjoyed this one but it didn’t feel like a normal Monday Rufus, all solved in fairly short order, even had time to solve the other Rufus puzzle.

    Thanks Libellule for the review and to Rufus for the.puzzle.

  6. 10a might be a bit Iffy but I would definitely agree with Beaver that 12a has two totally different meanings

  7. Slightly tougher than the usual Rufus for me too. Don’t know why although I was distracted by my computer not wanting to stay on and so had half an eye on that and half on the paper. Thanks to Rufus and Libellule too.

      1. The Quiptic is nice, Rufus in the Graun about the same for me as the back page, the FT takes some work (or was my brain worn out) and Indy is OK too. Even the Times if you can get hold of it is very user-friendly too. Addicted to cryptic crosswords – who? me? – why would you think that? :D I blame that Gnome, two years ago I just did the two DT puzzles and now ….!

            1. Yes I have a job and I go in early to start crosswording before my official start time (and to be sure of a parking space but that is a whole other sad story) and I have a lunch hour and I read fast and I solve fast and I am, as Pommers says, above all a woman!

              1. Crossword addict – you and me both! So far today I have done the DT, the Grauniad quiptic and cryptic, the on-line DT prize puzzle and Toughie No. 19. I started at Toughie No1 about 3 weeks ago and am progressing through them but the problem is that this blog didn’t start until Toughie 86 so I’m all on my own! Thought Elgar’s first. No 13 (apposite?) was a bit ferocious (2 days solving)! I may well be on here asking for help as I go through them :grin: Sure someone will help out!

                1. I am thinking about setting up a group called Cruciverbalists Anonymous – you and Crypticsue would obviously be founder members. :D

                  1. My name is Franco – I’m a Crossword Addict!

                    I’ve tried to quit, but …………..

                    ….currently working my way through Arachne’s back catalogue! Help!

                    1. Might join you when I’ve caught up on the Toughies – it’s a hard life :grin: Then there’s Paul, Brendan and Araucaria to go through after that – hope I live long enough!

                  2. i may be joining them, first I only did the backpager. Now I sometimes print off the Graun on a Monday, and now I usually look at the Toughies. Help !!

                    1. I’m at exactly the same stage as you, Heno – I think we all probably need to get out more!! :smile:

                    2. Hi kath, problem is that when I go out I usually have a couple of crosswords tucked in the back pocket :grin:

                2. Hi Folks – apologies for not being around much. Trying to sort out a huge bunch of debtors at the community where our apartment is. The committee somehow found out that I “understood finance” so I got co-opted! :lol:

                  Pommers definitely needs to be part of Cruciverbalists Anonymous. Since I gave him his own laptop I can’t get him off the blessed thing. Only problem is he is getting quite good at them now so there’ll be no stopping him!

  8. Thanks to Rufus for a very enjoyable if untaxing start to the week and to Libellule for the review.

  9. Thanks to Rufus for a bit of fun over lunch and to Libellule for the review.

    Now to try the Grauniad and watch a bit of the tennis.

  10. I also though it was a little bit tricky for a Monday Rufus. I did quite well last night, and now have 4 downs and 3 acrosses left to occupy me during today, until I have to seek help from Libuelle.

  11. Bloomin Ada. I do this all the time. I looked at 24D saw it ended in the letter O and then wrote down the answer which happened to be cargo. This of course was me looking at the clue for 22D. If I wasn’t so irritated by the delay this has caused I’d be amused at what I think is a good cryptic clue.

    1. …. should have gone to Specsavers!! :smile: I do that kind of stuff all the time too!

        1. My usual trick is to solve a clue and then write the answer in the wrong light :grin:

          1. I do that too – if it’s the same number of letters I often don’t notice what I’ve done until everything gets a bit tricky!

  12. This was one of those that seemed quite difficult when I was doing it but now I can’t see why. I was slow to get the 1a anagram, even slower to get 14d and couldn’t do 3d until I had every other letter in and then didn’t have many choices – have to confess that I’ve never heard of him – a gap in general knowledge! Held things up in bottom left corner by starting off with “absentee” for 18a. I still think this was a bit more difficult than is usual for a Monday – probably closer to 3* for me.
    I liked 9, 13 and 27a and 8 and 18d.
    With thanks to Libellule and Rufus.

    1. Kath – “even slower to get 14d” – that was my last one in! I did spend rather a long time trying to make “TORTURER” fit, mind you :-)

  13. Thanks to Ruffers and Libers for the crozzy and the hints. A pleasing start to the week.

  14. Rufus always seems to include a couple of clues that draw criticism for being “too easy”, “don’t work for me”, or “barely cryptic”.
    I think he’s just being jolly considerate to his fans as we embark on a new crossword week and step back onto the Monday treadmill of life.
    Thanks to him and Libers – not sure about that one, Nubers !!

    1. Hi Diggers, if you contract Libellule, a la Jonners, shouldn’t you double up the B? Libbers, Aggers, Pommers etc?

  15. I found this crossword a little tough although managed it after a couple of sittings. 3d held me up, not in my on-line dictionary. Last one in was 23a although thought of the answer sometime earlier. Favourite clue was 15d – thought the surface reading was very good. ***/*** from me. Thanks to Ruffers and Libbers (do you think it will catch on)? Duffers

    1. Hello Duffers and welcome to the Jonners club :grin: Glad you doubled up the middle consonants! See reply to Digby above.



      1. Hi Pommers, this is Henners, I once installed Jonners phones when I was on the tools.

        1. If everyone starts changing their handles there’ll be lot of moderating to do!

        1. I think you’ve been out in the sun for too long….now come inside and I’ll get the nice nurse to sponge you down…

  16. Re 10A. I think it does work as a double. IE ‘ Levels the score ‘ = Evens out

    ‘ Quits ‘ as in ” We are quits “

  17. We could have pommers, Libbers, Gazzers, gnommers, Buffers, Prollers, Diggers, Fallers, Jonners and posssibly ‘crypters’ – but what the hell do you do with ‘Big Dave’ – answers on a postcard please :grin: Biggers?

  18. Thanks to Rufus & Libellule for the review & hints. Found this easy, but then got completely stumped in the lower half. Needed the hints for 18a, 14d, 26a & 23a, none of which I would have got in a month of Sundays. Favourites were 1 & 3 downs. Like Summer in Central London, but not quite as hot :-)

  19. 3* for me today. if grumpyandrew is here i am seriously grumpy andy. Journey back from Glasgow was a mare, yes i have 3 dogs and yes out of courtesy i put muzzles and harnesses on them. They have done the journey before many times unlike the iidiot guard who told me you can only take two, ok, which one do i leave behind. Thanks to L &R

    1. Oh dear – poor you – sorry you’ve had difficult journeys with your dogs.
      Several years ago I rang the local bus company to ask if I could take our dog on the bus. The answer was yes, as long as there isn’t already a dog on the bus!! At the time it really made me laugh although I suppose there is probably some sense in it – one badly behaved dog (probably with a lout as an owner – why else would a dog be badly behaved?) could cause chaos!

  20. There seems to be a lot of moaners today but I found it most enjoyable. Favourite by a mile was 3d – brilliant.

    1. I liked that one too. i seem to remember the answer from Primary School, must have made an impression on me.

      1. Androcles and the thorn in the lion’s foot has been with me as long as I can remember. Must have made an impression on me too!

        1. The wonderful cartoonist Noel Lees drew one with two lions sitting there, surrounded by human bones, and one of the lions is saying “If he was so upset by my suffering from a thorn in the paw, he wouldn’t have wanted me to go hungry, would he?”.

  21. It would have been Johnners 100th birthday yesterday, if he was still alive! Sad loss!

            1. Colemanballs….”…..and there goes Juantorena down the back straight, opening his legs and showing his class.”

              Where’s my hat? :wink:

          1. Actually my favourite is the one about Glenn Turner (New Zealand) who took one rather nasty delivery in the ‘box’. He collapsed in a heap and there was a few minutes delay before he got his act back together. Eventually he did and took guard again when Johnners famously said -Glenn Turner’s back at the crease, just one ball left :lol:

  22. What’s all the stuff about “cookies” at the top of the page? Only just noticed it – I suppose it could have been there for ages!

    1. As far as I know cookies are files saved on your computer by the website to help with further access. In this case it remembers your email and and handle for when you next post. Probably not got that quite right but it’s something along those lines. Should ask pommette really as she’s the Technical Director around here!

      1. Right – I didn’t enable cookies, closed Mozilla and reopened it and my name and email address were still retained!
        So not sure what this is about. Need BD to answer that one

      2. pommette, sorry to intrude but….. I have the same problem as Kath when using Google Chrome and also Mozilla Firefox. No problem when using IE.

        I haven’t changed any settings recently!

        I have cookies enabled as I never have to re-enter Name & Email details before posting a comment!

        Must be a WordPress thing! Could be worse – might be run by RBS!

  23. There’s nowt so odd as folk… or maybe it’s just me…

    I really enjoyed this crossword, and found it quite straightforward but rather pleasing, just what we have come to expect on a Monday.

    All of the other “classical” references went in quickly, but I struggled horribly with 14D, in part because I really wanted to put “TORTURER”!

    Thanks to Rufus and Libellule, and so to bed :-)

  24. Didn’t finish this one as was too busy making preparations to fly down to Nice next Tuesday.

    Some parts of the west side were all Greek to me!

    Don’t normally have trouble with puzzles from Rufus.

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