Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 26900 (Hints)
Big Dave’s Crossword Club
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As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, an assortment of clues, including some of the more difficult ones, have been selected and hints provided for them.
Don’t forget that you can give your assessment of the puzzle. Five stars if you thought it was great, one if you hated it, four, three or two if it was somewhere in between.
Could new readers please read the Welcome post before asking questions about the site.
Most of the terms used in these hints are explained in the Glossary and examples are available by clicking on the entry under “See also”.
A full review of this puzzle will be published after the closing date for submissions.
1a Material from forecaster easily deluded one (10)
This thin crinkly material is a charade of a forecaster and someone who is easily deluded
11a King Edward on horseback apparently to take flight (9)
Put K(ing) and ED(ward) inside a word which, when preceded by “in the”, means on horseback to get a verb meaning to take flight or run away
13a Sort of bowler hat of staff by London suburb (7)
This bowler is a cricketer – combine the initial letter (hat – that’s a new one for me!} of Staff with a London suburb
18a Leading politician from France taking on consumption with little hesitation (5-7)
To get this leading politician start with an adjective meaning from France and put it around (taking) ON and the disease known as consumption and end with a little hesitation
27a Kind of daily independent chart (10)
This adjective meaning kind or considerate comes from a charade of a daily cleaner (4), I(ndependent) and a chart
1d Special cat in prominent story (6)
Combine SP(ecial) with a cat or whip to get a prominent story
4d Dish with crust covering small part (9)
This dish is created by putting a crust around S(mall) and following it with a part in a play
15d He does painting etc, 20th-century art style, Art Nouveau, and alternative (9)
This tradesman who does painting etc. is derived from a 20th-century art style, an anagram (nouveau) of ART and an alternative
19d Beetle sacred to some, namely Egyptian etc (6)
The definition is a beetle that was sacred to the Egyptians – to find it you need to know the two-letter abbreviation of the Latin for namely and then add the type of person of which an Egyptian is an example
22d Moor yacht — that was his hobby (5)
This moor is also the surname of the former Prime Minister whose hobby was yachting
I’ll be at the Café and Local Market in the Village Hall this morning. This month’s theme is “Midsummer Murders” (sic) – Mrs BD is a suspect! The script has been written by former Telegraph Crossword editor Val Gilbert.
The Crossword Club opens at 10:00am. Feel free to leave comments.
Please don’t put whole or partial answers or alternative clues in your comment, else they may be censored!
The Quick crossword pun: {wrasse} + {Putin} = {Rasputin}
I had 10a the wrong way round which held me up for quite a long time. Is there a reading in this type of clue to suggest which is the answer other than just the linking letters. E.g is it always the first definition? Not the first time I’ve struggled with this.
The clue is the word ‘this’ positioned next to the definition.
In which case I think I’ve got it the wrong way round ,are we looking for an outcast or ‘to drive back’ which is what I have, I agree with wozza, I always get these the wrong way round
Without ‘this’ it would have been a 50-50 choice as to what was the definition (and therefore unfair), but “this outcast” is a clear indication as to the definition.
Thanks gazza
I realised 3d was an anagram, so I could work out which way to put 10a,but I will remember Gazza’s explanation.
me too . . .this was my first answer and then I wondered why there was no
L in the anagram 3 down , especially as FILLING ******* fitted until I got 14 across , I then went round in circles and it stopped me completing until I looked in on this site . . . thank you all
Can be either, that’s part of the cryptology.
I think.
I accept above, as well, that is when there is specific ie this, direction.
I enjoyed today’s. A few easy ones, a few stinkers and the rest pretty average. I got stuck in the top left hand corner and with 18 across, so it’s a 3* for difficulty and 4* for enjoyment. And I finished it without Big Dave hints
I liked this one,and thought it was one of the better Saturday puzzles for a while.
Thanks to setter, and to BD.
Really enjoyed this puzzle, quite testing in parts but nicely clued.
Thanks to BD and the setter.
I’m glad I do the puzzle on line as I would have needed a large erazer to get rid of ‘broadsheet’ for 21a. I was convinced it was right. Am I in a minority ?
Other than that, a very pleasing puzzle.
Thanks to B Dave and the Setter.
Ahoy Shipmate !!
No, didn’t fall into that trap, just 10a.
Am I missing something……? Did we do the same puzzle?
I think Nubian meant 27a.
Your right Dave, too busy concentrating on the letters to worry about the numbers. Prize crossys are a minefield to comment on
Fair game, I believe.
I got “it” the wrong way around initially, but agree with Gazza’s view.
Thanks BD & Setter.
A bit wild & windy, but centre court beckons (Henfield, that is)
Second time this week for 11a. A tad more difficult than the usual Saturday morning fare methinks. Thanks to the Setter & to BD. Roll on the NTSPP!
Morning all, I thought this was quite difficult today, a three to four star for me, I didn’t think 11a worked as King Edward is in not on horseback?? I also didn’t think 22d worked either! However I liked 14a, 26a and 24a, I probably enjoyed half of it and needed the hints above for one or two, I wouldn’t have finished without my electronic friends and it is one of the crosswords, where I think, ‘thank goodness that is out of the way’ !!
Thanks for hints Dave, hope you’re enjoying yourself :-)
11a King Edward is, as I said in the hint “in the ******” – i.e. on horseback.
22d is a bit weak to put it mildly.
Yes I see that Dave but do you think it really works?
It’s only the same as “on board” meaning put between S and S. Pedantically, you don’t usually say in ****** so you could argue the case – but why not just enjoy solving it.
just trying to understand :-)
As usual 100% in agreement. Got 11a but only from the checking letters.
How’s wet Wales? Are you in the camper watching the rain?
It’s not rained here today yet Brian, that’s a bonus, hopefully the rain will hold off this week as we are hoping to go off in the camper to Barmouth for a few days, no fun with two wet dogs and a grumpy man in a campervan :-)
It was quite nice last Saturday watching the wild sea at Mumbles, in the comfort of the camper eating apple tart and custard, Oh the high life :-)
I enjoyed todays. Very good. But then I like anagrams. Thanks to BD and setter.
Very nice crossword today. I’m another one who got 10a the wrong way round to begin with but I was very aware that it could be wrong and so was watching for a reason to swap it round – 3d did it!
1a took me ages and so did understanding my answer for 18a.
I liked 14 and 27a and 17d.
With thanks to the setter and BD – and, in advance, to anyone who can sort me out with 23a – I have alternate letters and STILL can’t do it. I’m fairly sure the letters that I have are OK.
23a An investigator in charge to limit tax (4-3)
The definition is to limit tax (the way the government limits what a Local Authority can levy). Insert A and an abbreviation for an investigator inside a slang American word for a criminal charge.
Thanks gazza – I didn’t think of the abbreviation for an investigator – didn’t even know that it was an officially recognised abbreviation.
It took me a while to understand why I had the answer to 23a too and then I had a similar problem with 9d even though the word ‘crazily’ was staring me in the face and frantically waving at me at the same time… Doh!
I thought 18a a brilliant clue – attaching a preposition to a medical abbreviation, all inside a European nationality. Then, a bit more.
They don’t come much better.
Did we do the same puzzle?
Aaah – got it now….
Nearly finished. Much quicker this week. I must be improving following my relative success with the two 4* puzzles in the week. Thanks to Dave and the setter (do we know who he is for setting a very enjoyable Xword).
Can somebody help me to understand 26a without going to the naughty step. Is ‘champ’ ET?
I’ll try but bet someone will beat me to it with a much better explanation!
The definition is one of the four bridge players. You want a three letter word for “champ” but stop thinking of someone who is really good at something and think again – having got that you want a letter in the middle which is one of the opponents of the answer – clear as mud!!
Thanks Kath buy why is champ what it is?
I think that ‘**’ is the answers opponent which leaves ‘**’ for champ
I think the opponent is the third letter and the first, second and last letters = a different kind of champ. Maybe I’m wrong – if so I’m sure someone will explain it better than I have!
Can anyone help?
Kath is right – Champ is a verb – to consume food. Insert one of the bridge players (abbreviated) to get another.
Thanks both. CS Aren’t you responsible for putting the cake there?
Probably but Mr CS ate the last of the lemon drizzle yesterday and I don’t feel like baking today.
Fair do’s
champ is a way of chewing :D And that’s as far as I am going as there is no cake in the tin.
Just came in from the garden to add a PS – ie that it’s a verb you’re after – but other’s have already said so! :smile:
Me & our kid always got told off by our mam if we champed our food.
You really are having a good week collywobs :-D
One of those oh this is tricky, no it isn’t Saturday puzzles. Thanks to the Mysteron and BD too.
Enjoyed this – last one in (but also the best clue for me) was 18a. I ‘m sure the answer I have for 16d is correct, but how do the first 3 of the answer relate to the clue??
It’s a word used to mean the start of a horserace.
Aaaagh! Thanks.
Forty years ago first tried the Telegraph crossword. Have to say this site has helped a great deal. The number of times I have been stuck in Blackmore Park and I could have knocked a nearby door.
This Saturday crossword was pleasant. Enjoyed and got stuck on 18 across.
En route to Glasgow via Edinburgh, hastily re-arranging the last bit due to train service suspensions. Chuffed! At least the dogs are alseep at the moment . Enjoyable offering but agree 22d abit weak. Thanks setter and BD
Agreed with CS on teh Hard, Oh no it isn’t. Looked like a bit of a pickle but I finished it off faster than expected. Thanks to the setter and to BD.
I think it is because it is a funny mixture of clues. Still it did help me decide what we were having with our salad for lunch (she said cryptically :) )
Thanks to the setter and to BD, not the best Saturday crossword but fairly enjoyable.
I have a philosopher for 17d but only because of the letters, please can someone explain how the clue works. Thanks
I bet you weren’t alone in just writing in the philosopher because of the letters. I know I did. However, I then looked at the clue and if you split your answer 2, 6 – the first bit is the very as in very much and the second bit is a way of referring to decrepit cars.
Thank you – not an expression I regularly use, could only think of bangers, husband may have known it but didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of thinking that he had put the last one in!
It can be used for old planes too – my late father-in-law was in the RAF in the war and always referred to planes and his cars in this way.
Yippee! First time I ever finished without looking at this blog. I’m sure this is a one-off though!.Thanks for BD’s help when I’ve needed it before (and most likely wilI in the future). I initially put in the wrong and wrongly spelt philosopher for 17d, the one who said “I drink, therefore I am” (at least that’s what I think he said).
Well done, that’s brilliant. I am sure it won’t be a one off either.
Thankyou CS, I forgot to thank you for your hints on previous puzzles. Sadly my chances of solving future ones unaided are as likley as a sunny weekend day here in Sunderland!
I really enjoyed todays. Like others i got 10 round the wrong way which held me up for quite while. I’d give it a 4.
I don;t understand 18 even with the explanation above..but that assumes I have got it right!
Favourite clues 4,8,15,17
41.66 % (as near as dammit) of the whole clue is ******. [deleted as not part of the clue BD]
My sincere apologies for sinning, BD but I was unaware that I was sinning. :)
No problem.
Please read the bit about alternative clues at the bottom of the main post. If I start letting them through this site will look like AnswerBank and be littered with hints that say “think of …..” that have nothing to do with the clue itself.
Many thanks, BD, now fully understood.
Finally polished this off, many thanks to BD as usual and the setter.
Couldn’t decide if fifth or seventh word of clue was the anagram indicator which sent me off at a tangent for a while :-)
BRB confirmed my thinking on 5d.
Husband thinks I am warped for doing the cryptic but I don’t care and it is a great feeling to complete it!
Definitely not warped, Dawn! At least if you are then there are lots of us similarly warped. My husband thinks that I’m a bit potty to get so much enjoyment from doing cryptics – I put it down to his inability to understand them, let alone be able to do them! :smile:
My wife thinks I’m strange too! I know how you feel about the feeling you get when you finish it but don’t you feel, as I do, slightly at a loss as well? Or maybe I’m more addicted than others (not that I find these puzzles easy either).
18a took me ages to understand mainly because I thought that the “France” bit in the clue only accounted for the first letter of the answer when what you need is the six letter adjective meaning from, or of, France. Inside that you want the “on” from the clue, a two letter abbreviation for “consumption” – not the eating kind but the disease that used to kill people – then the usual two letter hesitation at the end. Hopefully you end up with a high up politician!
This went in the wrong place – was meant to be in reply to Roger!
Finished at last and as usual lots of help from here.
Thanks all
Well I too had 10a the wrong way round so I made little progress in that corner until I resorted to looking at the hints. Also, despite having grown up in the suburb in 13a AND having thought about a cricket connection it still didn’t click until I read the hint (D’oh!).
I also had a synonym for “chop” (3) as the last part of 23a so got held up there too until I read the hints.
Oh – And I too tried to squeeze “banger” into 17d (sigh). Heard of that use for planes, but would not have thought of it for cars…
Still can’t do these things on my own yet, but I’m enjoying trying!
Thanks to all involved in today’s entertainment!
So I finally finished with 20d, but I can’t work it out properly. My reasoning seems a bit tenuous. Anyone care to enlighten me?
20d A bishop perhaps for every one (6)
Split as (1,5) this describes what a bishop is in the game of chess.
Thanks BD, for everyone still has me confused.
By the way I thought that 18a was a superb clue today, though I only got it from fitting in the missing letters.
As BD said read ,(1,5) it’s what a Bishop in on a chess board. Otherwise it means one each – i.e. ‘for everyone’. OK, I’ll go to the naughty corner now!
Those of you of a sensitive disposition should avert your eyes now!
Pommette has spent the last 2 hours sat in our kitchen watching Spain stuff the French (hooray!) and eating her dinner wearing nothig but a pair of knickers :grin: At least she had the decency to wear a T-shirt earlier on when we did this crossword in the bar.
I thought it was very good. A few easy clues to give an ‘in’ but then some tricky ones to leave a sting in the tail. Liked it!
Many thanks to the mysteron and BD.
Is this really the sort of information you should be sharing with the general public, especially those of us who are so cold that we are thinking of reverting back to our winter jim jams and duvet.
Probably not :grin:
PS Liked 13a, HAT, for a first letter indicator, is a new one on me too but I like it!
Oh! I’ve gone on to page two!
Good day today – Spain stuffed France, Lewis second on grid so bring on tomorrow! Then Wimbledon on Monday – must be Summer!
Late post today – have been up to the Midlands and back – car lights on and rain – like November! Anyway, started this VERY early and polished it off after a round of poached eggs on toast. Nothing really to write home about – 22d was rather clever.
Yes he was but not very affable.
Good puzzle today. Top left was a problem needed Big Dave. Thx
Enjoyed this but took me too long. Frequently nearly resorted to hints but just got the offending answers before I succumbed. Favourites 18 and 27a and 3 and 15d. Thought 19a a bit of a gift as could get it without the cryptic part of the clue. Thanks setter BD and all.
Hi Dave, left a comment yesterday but seems to have disappeared into the ether! Any ideas?
The comments are now paginated – you need to look here on page 2!
Thanks BD – obvious really. I need a beer, clearly!
18a was rather too clever for those who thought they knew a bit of *****! [Please think before posting comments on prize crosswords. BD]
Thanks to the setter & to Big Dave for the hints. Quite enjoyed this one, there were some tricky clues, some of which I got, but couldn’t parse, so thanks to BD for the explanations. Started with 6a, finished with 1d,Favourites were 1,11,13a & 15d.Late blogging due to re-running TV aerial cable prior to repairs on the flat roof. Just finished before a squall hit this morning, blue sky now, hope it lasts.
This would be a **/*** and *** for me. I needed help on a few – thanks BD and others. Last one in was 20d – with the help above. Not sure why, but I made 27a difficult by thinking two five letter words. Favourite was 3d, although it took a lot of “staring” at it to unscramble the anagram. Oh well, looking forward to a nice gentle Rufus tomorrow and a great game in Kiev today.