Prize Puzzle – June 2012 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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Prize Puzzle – June 2012

Monthly Prize Puzzle No 1 (June 2012) by Zaphod

In association with Hamlyn Books,
the publishers of Telegraph Crossword Books

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

Why not have a go at our new Monthly Prize Puzzle? The winner will be able to choose any two of The Telegraph All New Cryptic Crosswords Books or The Telegraph All New Toughie Crossword Books published by Hamlyn.

A review will follow after the closing date (16th June 2012).

MPP - 01

The puzzle is available by clicking on the above grid.

I’ve left this post open for comments, but if you don’t want your comment to be deleted then avoid asking for or giving help with the clues.

40 comments on “Prize Puzzle – June 2012

  1. Whoever Zaphod is he/she/they set a fine puzzle! Particularly liked 8a :lol:

    Thanks for the fun Zaphod, and you never know, I might even win something!

    1. You mean you’ve done it already?! I’m still trying to get to grips with it.

      1. Took me longer to work out the ‘competition entry’ than it did to solve the puzzle!

  2. It is a fine puzzle, hopefully the first of many such in this new monthly spot. Thanks to the deadly duo and the sponsors and BD too.

  3. Would love to have a go but the site uses Java which is not compatible with any Apple device.

        1. Well I managed six answers which is probably all I am going to get. I think this is probably a competition for you experts only. Most of the clues are totally beyond a mere mortal. Ah well at least I tried.

  4. Finding this a real struggle 3/4 completed some with no degree of confidence and now completely bogged down bottom left corner.

    Will be interesting to see what the difficulty rating is in the review.

    Still fun though, will revisit over the next few hours.

    Thanks to the setters and to the sponsors.

  5. Would it be possible to have hints provided for the harder clues as per Saturday’s & Sunday’s puzzles? I know that would mean even more work for BD but this particular solver wannabee would be extremely grateful.

  6. Really fun puzzle for the miserable weather! Thanks to all concerned for brightening up the day.

  7. How is the prize winner chosen?

    First correct answer? Last correct answer? Or, just random?

  8. Well I’ve finished the blighter (I think) but can I work out the names? Can I bu**ery!

    1. apparently if you can spot one (just keep looking round the edge) , the interweb will help you!

    2. Surprised myself by finishing this one & also got the names – even though I’ve never heard of them!

      Thanks to the deadly duo !!!

  9. A fun puzzle, thanks all involved. I, too, never heard of the people. Fingers crossed for a prize.

    1. We are obviously all too busy solving crosswords to concern ourselves with such matters.

  10. Just curious, why on a web based puzzle is there such a long lead time, can understand on a postal based one.

    Basically I just want to be put out of my misery, still stuck bottom left and can’t make head nor tails of any of the names :(

    1. I would imagine (a) to give people a longer time to keep cogitating on the crossword and then work out the names and (b) because of the Bank Holidays. Today’s DT puzzle has a closing date of 14 June for the same reason.

      Some of the bottom left took me a while to get – I actually put the puzzle down and went back to it some hours letter before the pennies dropped.

      1. Been there, solved Gazza’s lovely puzzle, looked again, had some tea, looked again, had a beer, looked again.

        Sadly no clanking coinage!

  11. I thoroughly enjoyed my Saturday afternoon tackling this most excellent puzzle. The peripheral names meant nothing to me but ,as crypticsue suggests, the interweb eventually reveals its secrets when stimulated enough. Thanks Zaphod and all others concerned. :D

  12. Unless two of the names are Welsh & the others Lithuanian then I’ve got something wrong. Roll on the 16th!

  13. Tinkle tinkle, the sound of penny dropping! got there in the end but it’s taken a couple of days with lots of returning and assistance from Google for the connection of the names, jolly good fun, many thanks to all involved.

  14. Thanks to the Sponsors 7 to Big Dave. have managed to complete the bottom half, and have two answers in the top, now I’m stuck, I’ll need a bit more perservation ! Found it quite enjoyable.

    1. Welcome to the blog Raju.

      Please don’t give away the answers to a prize puzzle (you were wrong anyway).

      You were asked to send the link between the names, not the names, and to use the contact form on the same page as the puzzle.

  15. I surrender! 2 A’s and 3 D’s incomplete, and going absolutely nowhere. I look forward to the review/solution for release from my frustration. But, thanks to all involved – long may this new tradition last.

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